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Metal Gear Solid HD Collection For Vita Arrives This Summer

As you might expect, that Metal Gear Solid HD Collection was a must for all hardcore fans of the legendary franchise.

But you couldn't take that one with you. The good news is that Konami has confirmed that the excellent assembly of MGS classics will hit the PlayStation Vita this summer.

We don't have an exact date just yet, but that's okay; it's a great option for those who didn't nab this Collection for the PS3 last year. Heck, it's great even if you did. Featuring Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty and Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater redone in brilliant high-definition, the Vita version will add two important features: touchscreen and and cross-platform compatibility with the PS3 version; you may recall Konami's "transfarring" save option. So yeah, start playing on one and keep goin' on the other!

The only downside is that while the PS3 iteration included an updated version of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker , the Vita version of this Collection won't boast the great PSP game. We're not really sure why (seems like it would be a good fit; one portable to another) but we can live without. MGS2 and MGS3 are plenty, yes?

Related Game(s): Metal Gear Solid HD Collection

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12 years ago


I can't wait till I can get the vita

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
12 years ago

What if I already have the game? Do you get the PSV copy free?

12 years ago

I don't think so

12 years ago

In Soviet Russia, you pay twice for same game!

12 years ago

What, so with the transferring system it just copies the save over, i'd have to buy it again for PSV… Well that's the only appealing feature of this system gone.

Last edited by Vivi_Gamer on 3/10/2012 5:23:41 AM

12 years ago

why buy a incomplete collection.. I dont understand why they would take out peace walker.

12 years ago

Not confirmed but you can probably just buy Peace Walker PSP on your PS3 and then copy it over to your Vita via content manager. This worked for me with the Sega Genesis PSP Collection even though it wasn't one of the 275 compatible games.

Last edited by CrusaderForever on 3/10/2012 8:40:08 AM

12 years ago

Problem is, Peace Walker is still $30 on PSN. It's $20 at retail. Sony or Konami needs to drop the price significantly for the digital version.

12 years ago

Fingers crossed for updated controls!! >.<

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

That just might happen.

I read on a different site this morning that touch controls are being integrated to a degree, for instance: the player can peek from around a corner by using the touch screen, and weapons and items are selected using the touch screen.

Hopefully the MGS4/PW control layout will be implemented, it would be ridiculous (imo) to use the original control scheme.

Last edited by Fox hounder on 3/10/2012 2:02:58 AM

12 years ago

It's too bad they couldn't add MGS in as well, seeing as MGS3: Subsistence included the original MG1 and 2.

12 years ago

yea the hd collection features the 2 originals… its pretty cool the collection would have been complete of they allowed a voucher for mgs1 or just included it on the disc… that really wasnt fair but oh well at least th originals are there to make us a bit happier

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

Kinda sucks that there is no Peace Walker.

PW is easily my favorite game in the hd collection.

Last edited by Fox hounder on 3/10/2012 2:19:53 AM

12 years ago

That's pretty criminal, especially how it has already been a portable game. It would make more sense. Unless they're planning a Portable Ops and PW double pack?

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

"Unless they're planning a Portable Ops and PW double pack?"

That is a good idea, MPO needs 2 analog stick capability anyway.

12 years ago

i really think konami should be generous to those who have the ps3 version.. and implement a way to let us download a copy for free as long as we purchase the game BEFORE a set date

for example ..say the end of march is our last day to buy mgs hd if you have a copy by end of march your enrolled for a free download of the vita versions of mgs2&3..

it seems only fair i mean come on i have the games on my ps2 and psp, i have them on ps3 i even have the original black label mgs1 with vr missions AS WELL as the digital copy on psn..
how more loyal of a customer do you want mgs fans to be?
(*prays for konami to do this*)

11 years ago

Not so much improved but focused less upon. I'm tired of interesting, innovative games but that let themselves down by for the majority of the game making the player just running around shooting people broken up by the really interesting bits.

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