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PSX Extreme Update

I know we’ve been pretty damn silent over the last couple of months. As you may be able to see, we’ve been kinda busy behind the scenes. We ended up quite literally recreating PSX Extreme almost from scratch, and moving 18 years of content over to a new and more modern platform. This proved to be a surprisingly difficult task, and a time consuming one at that. But you know what? I think it was worth it in the end. I mean, look at us. We’re back!  Sure, it took us nearly a year to get things moving again, but we’re back all the same! 😀

Now, for those of you that have been with us for a long time, you may be wondering where all of our guides, cheats, wallpapers, and themes went off to. Unfortunately, that stuff wasn’t very easy to transfer over, which meant we had to drop em! Perhaps not forever, as I know some of our older readers definitely do enjoy our countless number of guides, cheats, and wallpapers published over the years. But for now? We’re going to focus on streamlining the PSXE experience, and reporting on the latest in PlayStation news, reviews, and more. 


I really do hope that you guys enjoy our newly redesigned website, and will continue to use PSX Extreme as your source for all things PlayStation. If you have any questions, be sure to ask away in the comments below. Though, even if you don’t have any questions, we’d still love to hear from you guys! To be quite honest, PSX Extreme wouldn’t exist without you. This community is, and will forever be, something truly wonderful and awesome. Mad respect for you all. 😀

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5 years ago

Finally showed up for me, i have to say i like how smooth it looks and feels, great job!

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