It’s no doubt that Sony is looking to make the PS5 its next powerhouse in hopes to make fans want to switch at launch. With major games slated to release alongside its launch this holiday season, it’s no doubt that it will sell well. But, one thing Sony has been very adamant about has been its use of SSD to make sure games load faster.
If its latest corporate strategy meeting is to be believed, Sony has estimated this next generation is set to load games 100 times faster than its precursor. Of course, there are feasibly holes in that number, primarily surrounding what the game is and other things.
Thanks to how Sony is spoonfeeding information to the public, who knows when we can see perceived load time for ourselves or if we can even see it before launch. Nevertheless, we’ve seen what graphics the PS5 is capable of with the Unreal Engine 5 showcase, which ran off the console.
All in all, it’s only a matter of time and with the console mere months away, we’re sure to see quite a bit of new information from both Sony and third-party developers.
What do you think? Are you excited about the PS5? Are you going to get it at launch or wait a bit until something catches your eye? Tell us below!