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PSXE Poll Update: Move Won’t Gain Much Traction Next Gen

Some believe that motion sensing will become more advanced in the next generation. As a result, devices like PlayStation Move will become more popular.

But that's not what the majority of our readers think. While a great many do expect Move to do better when the PlayStation 4 arrives, most think Sony's motion-sensing system won't gain much traction. They say popularity will stay about the same.

Personally, I'm surprised at how many Move units Sony has sold. It's not a bad mechanic; it just lacks any top-notch AAA software. And it also seems as if Sony has stopped trying to produce that one killer app for the Move. Plenty of games these days are Move compatible but that's typically just an option, as the titles aren't clearly made for the peripheral. I can't decide if Sony should just try harder, or simply not bother. I've never cared about Move and I don't think I would in the future, no matter how advanced it got. But others may feel differently.

This week, we look to the future. Specifically, we wonder how Sony will fare in the PlayStation marketing realm in the next generation. Promoting their first-party titles has been an issue for the company in the past, and many say Sony needs to do a lot more. Do you think Sony will step up their marketing game when the PS4 hits? Or will we still have difficulty finding an Uncharted 4 commercial?

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10 years ago

If Move is going anywhere it needs some highly innovative apps/games that makes people say "I've got to have this in my living room" Nothing does that yet and no dev is really trying to do that.

I'm fairly convinced by now that Sony is utterly incapable of properly advertising the greatness of their software. It will just never happen. A lot of people liked Kevin Butler, but most were already Sony-heads and I never thought his commercials (though funny) ever got across how awesome the games actually were.

10 years ago

Kevin Butler was more fan service than anything. Humor always creates a sense of contentment with a brand so I'm sure he sold a few consoles but it's time for Sony to get serious. They have the product so they just need to let the people know by targeting all ages with different yet connected themes. That way the brand is recognized no matter whos eyes are on it.

10 years ago

I never understood the enthusiasm around Kevin Butler. It was a fanservice indeed – not sure how many new units those ads pushed at all.

10 years ago

dont forget those adds started the $300 price point so at some point im sure they helped push the system as it was advertising the new price. after a while they may have been just wasting money. leading to them doing something new.

10 years ago

I don't get why it's so hard for them, just show the games in an awesome way with the right beats and bam! They could even say they have blast processing if they want 😉

10 years ago

I sense that Sony will take a creative and surprising approach to marketing this upcoming generation. They will not out-advertise MS but they make outsmart them. The key is to get the people to not only want your product but to want to spread the word. Consumers need not be bombarded or overwhelmed with your pitch. Catch their attention and the world is yours. And so far people are paying attention. Let's see what this new advertising company will do for Sony.

10 years ago

i just don't know what they are doing or if they want to do anything but they aren't trying if they really wanted to do something. hmmm..

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

Move was always an afterthought. From the beginning, their entire philosophy was about "Adding" Move and not "Making something for" Move. Add to that the fact that not everyone has it, and you have a lot of developers who really don't feel the need to spend resources on the Move. The addition of the lightbar on the DualShock 4 may help, but it won't do much on its own. We need a developer to take the plunge, maybe to sell a discounted Move controller with their game, and none seem willing.

As for advertising, I loved the Kevin Butler ads. There's always a place for that style of marketing for things like this. That said, I miss their Long Live Play campaign.

Think about it. PS4 is about the games, about the gamers, at its very core. "Greatness Awaits?" What does that have to do with PS4? Long Live Play fits so perfectly here.

I'm disappointed with the marketing so far, but what makes me happy is the information about the console itself, sans any additional marketing, is selling the thing like crazy.

10 years ago

I bought Move to play Sorcery. Played nothing else with it.

Don't get me wrong, I loved it. If there ever were a sequel, I'll buy it. The game-play is amazing.

The only other games I might use Move for, are FPS games. There is a very slim chance I might buy the rifle accessory to play FPS games.

10 years ago

If there was a "money back guarantee" on Sony products my Move would be the first thing I returned.

10 years ago

ask me this the year it released and i would of said of course it will get more popular, its a brilliant device and theres so much potential for motion controls, especially in shooters.
biggest problem with shooters on consoles, sticks are about as accurate as blindfiring a LMG after drinking 6 pints of heather!
it has so much potential, it just needs the right software and dedication to make it half as good as it can be!

but alas, i failed to see $onys history.
they ALWAYS release brilliant products, to have them fall through the wind because of lackluster support.
sadly, move, is another notch on the typical $ony belt.
so,so, SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much potential, but will never be realized because $ony are too soft on developers.
heres a brilliant new device, up to you if you want to use it.
well, you know what?
developers dont want to use it, they have enough sh*t on their plate as it is!
until you create a game from the ground up, with its soul purpose to showcase what the move can do, until then its doomed to mediocrity of that god awful ape escape mini game compilation!
sorcery looked epic, brilliant, fan-flaming-tastic!
the first demo at E3.
then after so long of silence, it returns as a shadow of its former self.
move needs the budget and constraints of a big AAA production, and that, and lack of developer interest, has been its doom.
all the games on it are quick cash ins, nothing has the budget and ambition to bring the move justice.
and thats a crying shame!

10 years ago

move is still better than any other motion gaming. anyone remember the power glove?

10 years ago

I wanted one so bad.

10 years ago

Move coulda been cool with Ni No Kuni, just have you draw the runes in the air to do the spells.

Just sayin'

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