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Ubisoft Used Far Cry 4’s Topography As A Guide For Primal

One wonders how often this might happen in the development world.

The recently released Far Cry Primal is undeniably different from its predecessor, Far Cry 4 , but they're similar in at least one way…

Check out the picture of each game's topography as first shown at GamePressure ; as you can see, the two maps aren't that much different. Later, a source close to Ubisoft supposedly confirmed to Kotaku that the designers used FC4's heightmaps "as a basis" for the new entry.

But before you flip out, we should remind you that Primal don't look like FC4; it's not like you'll be playing it and going, "damn, I've played on this map before." You're in 10,000 BC for one thing, and the gameplay is distinctly different, so don't worry about a recycled experience. It's just that they obviously used a preexisting tool, which probably isn't uncommon within other franchises.

Related Game(s): Far Cry Primal

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8 years ago

Ubisoft re-using assets!?!?1 WHAAAAA

8 years ago

Ubisoft focuses on making open world games with open worlds that are lifeless. Look at the Witcher, GTA, etc, awesome worlds. AC and Far Cry…not so much. AC might have beautiful back drops, but they never feel real. Watchdogs had the same problem and I believe the Division will suffer the same fate. Fun games though!!! Lol

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
8 years ago

Uh…Assassin's Creed is the opposite of lifeless. The exact opposite. No other open-world franchise in history has such realistic and dynamic depictions of a society during a certain time period. It's not just the backdrop, it's the people in them, and they act and react far more beleivably than in any other sandbox game I've ever seen.

8 years ago

I have a hard time getting hooked into Assassin's Creed, but I have to agree with Ben. AC' cities just scream "life" and their vast population is the best I have seen in any game.

8 years ago

Even Rockstar productions? IDK about that

8 years ago

Far Cry 3 felt exactly like a small, isolated, poverty stricken, pacific island nation would. And it damn sure wasn't "lifeless". It was you against nature, and nature definitely had you outnumbered.

I'm not at all a fan of Assassin's Creed, anymore, but of the complaints I have about the 4-5 I did play, "lifeless" isn't one of them.

Not every game world needs to be, or even can be, GTA V.

8 years ago

Yet another reason to wait for the game to drop to $19.99. Ubisoft games seem to drop in price so fast that of I were to buy Primal it would be around May-June.

8 years ago

That's how they pump these games out.

8 years ago

Anyone who's ever worked in software development knows you have to re-use assets, plain and simple. It's just not economical, or sensible, to develop everything from scratch every time. I see no reason why this should be painted in a negative light. They didn't just copy and paste a map, they used an existing asset as a basis for the creation of a new one. That's smart. Would anyone have noticed? More importantly, should anyone care that the world of Far Cry Primal is topographically similar to that of Far Cry 4? Really?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
8 years ago

You'd be surprised how little gamers actually know about development, and just how mad they can get at things that happen all the time (and they never cared about until they were told about it).

8 years ago

See, I think it would have been totally cool to actually advertise that it's the same landscape, as it was 12,000 years in the past. Make a few changes here or there that you blame on erosion or volcanic activity or earthquakes in the intervening years, but I don't see it as a drawback at all (even if I didn't see the benefit of reusing some development assets).

8 years ago

And so what?
If the game is good, then the game "IS GOOD"!

8 years ago

This isn't nearly as bad as Far Cry 4 completely recycling animations from Far Cry 3. You're not going to notice topography unless you're really looking for it or it's pointed out, but it's impossible not to notice that Ajay moves identically to Jason Brody, whether it's reloading a weapon, skinning an animal, climbing a tower, sliding, etc.

8 years ago

Even Rockstar productions? IDK about that

8 years ago

I have a hard time getting hooked into Assassin&#39s Creed, but I have to agree with Ben. AC&#39 cities just scream "life" and their vast population is the best I have seen in any game.

8 years ago

Yet another reason to wait for the game to drop to $19.99. Ubisoft games seem to drop in price so fast that of I were to buy Primal it would be around May-June.

8 years ago

That&#39s how they pump these games out.

8 years ago

Far Cry 3 felt exactly like a small, isolated, poverty stricken, pacific island nation would. And it damn sure wasn&#39t "lifeless". It was you against nature, and nature definitely had you outnumbered.

I&#39m not at all a fan of Assassin&#39s Creed, anymore, but of the complaints I have about the 4-5 I did play, "lifeless" isn&#39t one of them.

Not every game world needs to be, or even can be, GTA V.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
8 years ago

Uh…Assassin&#39s Creed is the opposite of lifeless. The exact opposite. No other open-world franchise in history has such realistic and dynamic depictions of a society during a certain time period. It&#39s not just the backdrop, it&#39s the people in them, and they act and react far more beleivably than in any other sandbox game I&#39ve ever seen.

8 years ago

See, I think it would have been totally cool to actually advertise that it&#39s the same landscape, as it was 12,000 years in the past. Make a few changes here or there that you blame on erosion or volcanic activity or earthquakes in the intervening years, but I don&#39t see it as a drawback at all (even if I didn&#39t see the benefit of reusing some development assets).

8 years ago

And so what?
If the game is good, then the game "IS GOOD"!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
8 years ago

You&#39d be surprised how little gamers actually know about development, and just how mad they can get at things that happen all the time (and they never cared about until they were told about it).

8 years ago

Anyone who&#39s ever worked in software development knows you have to re-use assets, plain and simple. It&#39s just not economical, or sensible, to develop everything from scratch every time. I see no reason why this should be painted in a negative light. They didn&#39t just copy and paste a map, they used an existing asset as a basis for the creation of a new one. That&#39s smart. Would anyone have noticed? More importantly, should anyone care that the world of Far Cry Primal is topographically similar to that of Far Cry 4? Really?

8 years ago

This isn&#39t nearly as bad as Far Cry 4 completely recycling animations from Far Cry 3. You&#39re not going to notice topography unless you&#39re really looking for it or it&#39s pointed out, but it&#39s impossible not to notice that Ajay moves identically to Jason Brody, whether it&#39s reloading a weapon, skinning an animal, climbing a tower, sliding, etc.

8 years ago

Ubisoft focuses on making open world games with open worlds that are lifeless. Look at the Witcher, GTA, etc, awesome worlds. AC and Far Cry…not so much. AC might have beautiful back drops, but they never feel real. Watchdogs had the same problem and I believe the Division will suffer the same fate. Fun games though!!! Lol

8 years ago

Ubisoft re-using assets!?!?1 WHAAAAA

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