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Prediction Time: When Will Final Fantasy XV Launch In 2016?

It's time for your predictions concerning one of the most anticipated release dates of 2016.

Square Enix promises they'll finally, at long last, announce the launch date for Final Fantasy XV on March 30 .

Previously, we had a hint that Persona 5 and FFXV might actually release around the same time , which would be at some point during the summer. Of course, that's only if you interpret the survey in a certain way; perhaps it's more likely that FFXV will drop during the holiday season…? Then again, maybe Square Enix would rather not battle the heavy hitters that always show up during the fourth quarter. For instance, we know Activision and Infinity Ward will give us a new Call of Duty in November. And even though we're not getting a new Assassin's Creed , the rumor is that Ubisoft will launch Watch Dogs 2 at the end of 2016.

Therefore, maybe it makes more sense for FFXV to hit store shelves when the competition isn't so steep. And off the top of my head, I can't think of a big game coming out in July or August that might steal the spotlight away from the game in question. So, what do you think? Any guesses on the exact date?

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8 years ago

I predict FFXV will be released by Q4 of 2016, around October.

8 years ago

October would be Q3, as the fiscals go from April to March.

8 years ago

I see your october and raise you december

8 years ago

theres a possibility that ff15, p5, and ff7 all release in 2017.

my theory is that the original ff7 released 01/1997 so jan 2017 will mark its 20th anniversary. once that dust settles, ff15 will make its appearance towards the end of Q1/beginning Q2 and then persona to follow. so in other words the first 6 months of 2017 will be dominated by 3 major se titles

or something along those lines. se would be dumb to pass up that 20 year mark

8 years ago

They will announce a late November release for FFXV, then in October, they'll announce a delay to February.

8 years ago

I predict that it won't release here this year but in an alternate dimension.

Here in our dimension Square will scrub all mention of it from history and the internets like Pharaoh Ahkenaten and just pretend they never said any such thing was coming.

8 years ago

I'm hoping May. Who knows, they might be ahead of schedule…

8 years ago

Square pulls the biggest surprise since the FF7 remake drop by announcing 15 on the same day as the announcement. So I'm calling March 30th

8 years ago

Man this game better be good. I was still in high school upon announcement, and I have now finished graduate school!

Last edited by kokoro on 2/17/2016 11:52:19 PM

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