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So, Will Dark Souls III Manage To Outstrip The Great Bloodborne?

Before the hardcore From Software fans leap all over me, let me explain:

I'm well aware of the differences between the Dark Souls franchise and last year's PlayStation 4 exclusive Bloodborne . In fact, I often tried to prove these differences to those who didn't see them.

That being said, I think it's perfectly fair to compare the games in question. Not only were they created by the same studio and both have very similar atmospheres and styles, but both tend to appeal to the same audience. Those who love challenging action/RPGs are probably going to enjoy both types of games, though I know many who adored Dark Souls II but just couldn't get into Bloodborne (and vicey versey). The point is, I think we all know that people will be comparing the upcoming Dark Souls III to Bloodborne and asking: "Which is better?"

So, what do you think?

Related Game(s): Dark Souls III

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8 years ago

Well to be honest that looked a bit Bloodborne-ish. Maybe they're trying to go with a balance between the styles? Honestly, Dark Souls 2 seemed a bit bland by comparison to its predecessors and Bloodborne, but this looks promosing.

8 years ago

Obviously it's gonna be DSIII, From Software can only get better.

8 years ago

I reckon I can consider myself a hardcore fan of both games and after having played the beta for DSIII I can tell you the comparison isn't all that off the mark.

DS2 was only produced by Hidetaka Miyazaki, which although a great game, just didn't have his atmosphere or intricate level design to make it knock it out the park.

The DSIII Beta felt so much like a Miyazaki game. It actual got me really excited because it actually felt more like Demons Souls. Now it was only a small piece of the game so the final result could be completely different but it got me very excited.
You could tell that Miyazaki was just coming off (or working on DSIII at the same time?) as Bloodborne. The combat was faster but still staying very much a Souls game. But I could see the influence was there.

8 years ago

What I particularly didn’t like about Bloodborne (and I’m sure others loved it) were the additions of “guns” and the lack of weapons/armor. The atmosphere was definitely there but the variety in level design wasn’t. The new additions of chalice dungeons was a brilliant idea but I personally don’t think it was executed well and it didn’t feel rewarding enough.

I’m inclined to agree with you regarding what you stated about Dark Souls 2 but I enjoyed it so much that it truly did not bother me. In Dark Souls 2 they wanted to provide the player with more direction. Dark Souls 1 was not very linear and allowed players to tackle areas of the game in the order that they pleased.

I think Demon’s Souls was the best of them yet (including Bloodborne in that equation) and I really enjoyed when developer had shifts in difficulty when the levels were plagued with harder enemies throughout (remember those enemies that were all red?). Mixing some Bloodborne and Souls is a match made in heaven….errr.. or hell.

Last edited by MRSUCCESS on 2/10/2016 10:07:17 AM

8 years ago

MRSUCCESS I agree. Tbh, as much as I loved Bloodborne, it was my least favourite of the whole bunch. It was probably the best looking and it was tremendous fun, I really want to emphasis that I'm only making comparisons within the worlds of DS and BB, but the lack of weapons and armor was a bit of a downer.

DS2 was a great game, just not on par with previous Souls games but it was very accessible ( I hate using the term for DS games but it was ) and it made co-op play much more enticing and made grinding much more fun than previous games. I spent so much time getting the right build and then going head to head with other players in The Iron Keep. My pugilist was a bada$$ mofo. So for that reason I have to give it a one up on BB. But it is very close.

DS1 was a great game. Not quite Demon's Souls great (I so wish there would be a PS4 remaster of that game, I'd even accept a straight port). The level design was so clever and you knew you where in the wrong area because the enemies would wipe the floor with you. This was especially noticeable at the first bonfire. You go left into the graveyard area and you died, you went right towards the hill and with a little trial and error you could navigate your way to the next bonfire. The game directed you without you knowing what was happening until you eventually went full circle and by that time you'd leveled up enough to get through that previously un-passable area.

Also, in keeping with the actual topic, I'm more of a sword and shield guy. I rarely ever used the gun in BB, it just didn't feel right. I'm sure someone will disagree but it wasn't my cup of tea.

Last edited by frostface on 2/10/2016 11:28:20 AM

8 years ago

Demons Souls remaster is an instant buy for me. Best Souls game. Yea Bloodborne's lack of armor investment was disappointing. I loved upgrading my armor as much as my weapons in Souls games. That was Bloodborne's only real downfall.

8 years ago

Bloodborne was great but I am a Souls guy. So I expect Dark Souls 3 to be the better game.

8 years ago

As fun as DS2 was, I personally wouldn't say I adored it in comparison to Demons Souls and Dark Souls 1.

I believe that if DS2 was your first introduction to the Souls games, then that makes a lot of sense. Dragon Age 2 was my first introduction to the Dragon Age series and I loved it although I'm well aware the fanbase hates that game. But DS2 isn't a big departure from Souls games so most Soul fans liked it like myself.

I do think DS3 will be better. Bloodborne is great and I loved it, but it doesn't have the same replayability as a DS game due to the way classes are set up. Magic, Pyro, and distinct weapons went a long way into making versatile characters each playthrough. Bloodborne though has the cool trick weapons.


8 years ago

Hard to say. I love all these games, DS2 being the weakest entry in my opinion not just because of the level design but the PVP balance was off imo.

I think it has the potential to be the best and in reality it should be the strongest in the series if they use all of what they learned while making it.

I have to play it to know for sure, I will say I really loved Bloodborne, even though it lacked in certain areas and replay-ability.

8 years ago

Question for you DS fans, should I play DS 1 before DS 2? Does the sequel follow the same story or is it a completely new one? Oh and which game is the easiest for newbs, Demon's, DS1 or DS2?

8 years ago


To be honest, I didn't pay much attention to the story and most fans of the series may agree that story is not the series biggest highlight. Not to mention that it's somewhat difficult to follow.

What attracts most gamers to this franchise is the solid gameplay, the challenge and most importantly the dark, vile and inviting atmosphere that comes with the aforementioned.

Dark Souls 1 and 2 are related. There are hints of Demon Souls in Dark Souls but they truly don't have anything to do with each other apart from similar themes.

The easiest ones for newcomers? I would say Dark Souls 2 then Demon Souls and finally Dark Souls 1.

Other fans may feel the same. The more feedback Crabba gets the better.

Last edited by MRSUCCESS on 2/10/2016 3:04:14 PM

8 years ago

I would always say start with Demons Souls if you have a PS3 laying around. There's a nice progression with that game as it uses a hub system i.e between each level you have a main area you go back to called The Nexus, from here you select a stone (portal) which brings you into the game world. The further around the steps of the Nexus you go, the harder the areas get but it makes it easy to find where you left off if you need to put the game down for a while.
With the Dark Soul's games it can get tricky, more so with DS1. DS2 is a bit more straight forward and in comparison to DS1 it's a little easier. But if you only have a PS4, you only have one choice which is Dark Soul's 2. Unless we're counting Bloodborne but I'd still recommend DS2.

Last edited by frostface on 2/10/2016 4:54:20 PM

8 years ago

I'd recommend DS2 for a beginner or for someone who doesn't wanna play all 3 Souls games. But if your looking for the Souls experience, then go Demon's Souls, DS1 then DS2. They are all worth playing, but imo Demons and DS1 are the games that truly stand out. DS2 honestly feels like a well done spinoff that is very accessible as many have mentioned already.Â

Dark Souls 1 is the hardest out if all of them and the most surprising. Demons Souls had the best atmosphere to me. DS2 has the same mechanics as the other 2 games, but it feels strangely different at first because the game feels lighter and not as responsive. Bloodborne though has the best mechanics out all the Soul games though. Everything is responsive.

8 years ago

FM, I agree that DS1 is the hardest of the lot and that Demons Souls has the best atmosphere but I can't agree with Bloodborne having the best mechanics. It's good but give me any of the Soul's games over it.

8 years ago

Hhhmmm…when I say mechanics, I'm referring to control over my characters movements. I felt Bloodborne was very responsive. But I would definitely take DS over BB. Swords and shields just feels so right.

8 years ago

Thanks for all the feedback everyone, as it happens DS2 is the only one I have currently on PS3, so I might try to get into that one first then.

Normally I prefer to play a game series in order not to miss part of the story & stuff that might get referenced from earlier games etc, but it seems that's not that much of an issue here.

I also like that most seem to agree that DS2 is the "easier" of the three, since DS on easy mode is probably too hard for me anyway 🙂 But I'd like to give it a shot..

8 years ago

Crabba, I personally thought Dark Souls 1 was easier coming from Demon souls. Nothing made me rage like Flame Lurker or the Two bridge gargoyles I forget their names.

However when I replayed them, Demons souls is quite easy as you can cheese most bosses with magic and you can farm items easily.

But like most say play DS2 first, I recommend just leveling up and keep leveling. Lots of people cap themselves for PVP, but if you want to make sure you can complete the game it helps if you over level.

It wont save you if you completely stink at dodging though, the game is an Action RPG after all and you need to be able to move out of the way as some moves will one shot you.

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