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Does Anyone Care That Far Cry Primal Doesn’t Have Multiplayer?

When I heard that the new Far Cry wouldn't feature any multiplayer , I just had to applaud.

And it's not because I don't care for multiplayer experiences; rather, it's because this is one series that, quite frankly, doesn't need it.

I know that most people think any shooter is better with multiplayer options, and I know a few people who had plenty of fun playing co-op in the last few Far Cry iterations. I liked some of those co-op missions myself. But these games have always thrived on the single-player experience; they've offered insane villains, exotic and immersive locales, and promoted the concept of individual freedom. It's an open-world, narrative-driven shooter that, in my opinion, doesn't get a significant boost from any multiplayer offering.

And if you look at the new Far Cry Primal , the game is obviously being created and structured with the single-player campaign in mind. It actually reminds me a little of what Guerrilla is doing with Horizon: Zero Dawn , though that's obviously a third-person game. When you put the emphasis on the solo experience, with a strong story and character(s) at its core, that's what attracts people to the game. Bottom line is, whenever I tell someone that the new Far Cry doesn't have multiplayer, the response is typically the same: "Didn't really need it, anyway. 'shrug'"

And in this particular case, you really don't need it. Hell, I miss in-depth FPS experiences like RAGE and the more shooters embrace multiplayer, the more we're getting away from such structures. And again, it's not like you're ripping out the soul of the franchise. It's hardly the same as removing multiplayer from something like Call of Duty or Battlefield , which would be ludicrous. Those IPs would probably be better without the single-player quests, as far as many are concerned.

Related Game(s): Far Cry Primal

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8 years ago

And who else would anyone play as besides the main character?

Not a lot of choices after Wooly, Snaggletooth, Wolfie, or Hootie.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 1/29/2016 12:57:03 AM

8 years ago

Actually not only for MP, I don't care also for single player 😀

8 years ago

Yep, it is not interesting enough for me. I have not even played Far Cry 4. Im looking for bargain bin price on the latest one.

8 years ago

I agree with JackieBoy. Don't care that they removed the MP. Especially considering I don't care about the game in its entirety. Wanna know how to ruin how good Far Cry 3 was? Keep doing it, over and over again.

I swear, Vaas was talking to Ubisoft and they killed him off to silence him.

8 years ago

I Dont care they removed the multiplayer. Frankly no multiplayer = day one buy for me.

8 years ago

I have Far Cry 3 and 4 and I must say 3 was the best. I am not interested in fighting humans and animals with pre-historic weapons.

Ubisoft games go down in price so fast that if I were to even consider it, I would wait for it for a sale.

8 years ago

Disappointing how fast Ubisoft is Assassin's Creeding this franchise. It used to be good.

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