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Getting Just Cause 3? You’ll Probably Want The PS4 Version

It's a common refrain this generation: For multiplatform titles, the PlayStation 4 version is typically just a little better than the competing Xbox One iteration.

Digital Foundry has concluded that in fact, this week's anticipated Just Cause 3 is just another game that simply performs better on PS4.

Firstly, as previously confirmed, the PS4 version hits 1080p while the Xbox One version comes in at 900p, another common result this generation so far. That being said, both versions "look very similar" even though the game looks a bit "crisper" on Sony's platform. But in terms of performance, there are some marked differences in PS4's favor. While both versions target 30 frames per second, neither manages to hold onto that goal and the Xbox One version suffers most:

"It is indeed the Xbox One release that offers a noticeably lower level of in-game fluidity. In our tests, we've compared both cut-scenes and gameplay, and our lowest recorded drop occurs on Xbox One, where a massive explosion sends us plummeting to 20 fps, while PS4 plateaus to 24 fps in entirely different circumstances–with CPU power the likely culprit for bottlenecked performance there.

In between shoot-outs, both editions mostly hold at 30 fps, but once things kick off, it's clear that Microsoft's machine struggles to a more noticeable extent. It's clear that PlayStation 4 has the edge in sustaining target performance more consistently. What's particularly disappointing is that even in areas with little or nothing going on, Xbox One can still have issues–moving into a forest area and spinning around on the spot can cause the engine's performance to drop to the mid-20s, while PlayStation 4 retains the lion's share of its performance."

Yeah, you know, just another day in bright, sunny PS4 land. 😉 If you're interested, you can explore the fictional island of Medici in this bird's-eye view video , and if you need the day one patch details, you can find them here .

Just Cause 3 launches for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC today.

Related Game(s): Just Cause 3

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8 years ago

It's a big world with lots of booms to contain but there are always patches. I was shocked at how fast all the frame rate issues in Fallout 4 just vanished.

8 years ago

Loving me Fallout 4. Played one heck of a session last night. It's trading blows with Bloodborne for my GotY.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 12/1/2015 9:45:06 AM

8 years ago

I'm getting to the point where I have "sessions" of real life instead 🙂

8 years ago

Hey World,

Got your "Fallout4 Vault Dweller's Kit" yet??????

8 years ago

haha awesome, but I've put myself into debt now with all this awesomeness. I should probably cool it.

8 years ago

Then hows about these 7 FO4 bobble-heads(only $14.99 apiece ????

BTW, I know you said you liked Aliens:Isolation, so how about these 1/2 dozen Xenomorph eggs??

Last edited by BikerSaint on 12/1/2015 11:11:20 PM

8 years ago

This is just sad.

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