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Don’t Have A PlayStation 4 Yet? You Best Explain Yourself

It's not a challenge; merely a request.

Even though plenty of people have the PlayStation 4 by now, many others don't. I know several who haven't yet sprung for Sony's latest console and they have their reasons. The question is, what are your reasons?

The lack of exclusives that you want to play could be possible, as we're still waiting on a few heavy hitters for PS4. We do have Bloodborne , Until Dawn . The Order: 1886 , Everybody's Gone to the Rapture , and Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance (and they all launched in 2015). But even so, many are still waiting on Uncharted 4: A Thief's End , the next Gran Turismo and God of War installments, and the newly announced Detroit .

Some people say they've got everything they need with PC/Steam, while others say they're actually still trying to catch up on the previous generation. And in my experience, the fact that most big-budget multplatform titles do tend to perform better on PS4 isn't a big enough selling point for most. I mean, they admit that if they had PS4, they'd probably get that version over the Xbox One version (if it was confirmed that PS4's iteration ran at a higher resolution or frame rate), but it's not enough to prompt a purchase.

Of course, many said they were waiting for a price drop but you can't really use that as an excuse anymore. It has already happened . What, waiting for it to hit $300? Well, how about some Black Friday deals ?

If you don't yet own a PS4, how come?

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8 years ago

My one and only reason is im waiting for anyone i know would travel to the US so i can give them the money (i have the $350), because anything over $200 that you buy online where i live (Dominican Republic) you have to pay a special tax so the PS4 end up costing me around $530.

Last edited by Kokushi on 11/22/2015 10:28:18 PM

8 years ago

No tienes familia aquí que te lo pueda comprar y mandar el PS4 para ya? Eso te ahorraría el impuesto.

8 years ago

Yes but the PS4 would have to pass customs (they would charge me the tax), so its better is someone bring the console in a handbag.

Last edited by Kokushi on 11/22/2015 11:23:06 PM

8 years ago

Sorry but now I don't like your country.

8 years ago

No duty if you bring under $500 worth back with you over the border, dude. You just gotta get it yourself. No shipping.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 11/23/2015 3:23:39 PM

8 years ago

Kokushi's right; It needs to be carried over directly by someone. I'm also Dominican and that's how I help my cousins get their stuff over there. Shipping to and from DR is expensive.

8 years ago

But I specifically haven't because I don't have time. I'm on a backlog dating back to the PS1 and every system that came after it, so there's no reason for me to buy a system at full price now that will collect dust along with the games.

Sad but true. My life as an adult has slowly cut any free time away…


8 years ago

The Order is a gorgeous looking game but not worth the cost of a new console. I replay value once you platinum it. Bloodbourne, I honestly don't get it. I hate this game already. Lol. I'ma try and tough it out and maybe it will grab me if I can get the hang of it. But so far it's just annoying.

Detroit looks interesting but if it's like Heavy Rain, I might pass. I'm over the interactive movie thing. Stoked for Uncharted 4 and I'll probably grab GT Sport just to hold me over until GT7 is released.

8 years ago

I guarantee that if i were to keep bloodborne exactly the same but just replace your character with link or snake that not only would you play the shit out of it but it would be your goty.Not trying to diss you,just pointing how bias we sometimes can be.Like if I could be one of the characters of hexen in DA:Inquisition I would…..still not play it 🙂

8 years ago

If I know Jawknee it's the hamstrung gameplay that's bothering him, not the art or character.

8 years ago

"Not trying to diss you"

Uh huh….

It has everything to do with the gameplay and zero to do with the character. Now don't you have a basement to clean before mommy comes home?

Last edited by Jawknee on 11/23/2015 11:37:15 AM

8 years ago

The gameplay is extremely responsive for an ARPG. I understand that some find the game difficult, but the gameplay is fine tuned in that game and it has incredible level design.

If the setting and story don't pull you in thats fine, abandon the game. But if it is the gameplay, try and stick with it. Or try another weapon, or co op more.

8 years ago

It's the gameplay. The setting is fine. And that's what people keep telling me so I'ma try and stick it out. 🙂

8 years ago

"Now don't you have a basement to clean before mommy comes home?"

I live by myself and I don't have a basement,just cause someone doesn't like your precious brand.. ..well console cause (everything before the wii was fantastic) doesn't mean they are underage.There's no need to be hostile,I wasn't attacking you personally.

8 years ago

Cause I'm poor? I'm gonna get one this Christmas though along with MGSV.

8 years ago

I'm poor too but some things are just better than food.

8 years ago

@ World: Lol

8 years ago

The better question is.. why haven't you still bought ANOTHER PS4, eh? EH? 😀

8 years ago

Thats what I was thinking,maybe Ben should ask next who wants a second or third ps4.I love the damn system my complaints are very minor and in 2016 it will basically be mandatory to have one if you are interested in the big pile of exclusives coming.

8 years ago

It is a good question. I think next year I'll be ready for a second one.

8 years ago

I don't own one yet, and here's my reasons:

– One reason in the past to get a console is for the media capabilities. Blu-ray, Netflix, that stuff. But we got a dedicated blu-ray player now, and the new Chromecast is practically free and much better for streaming services. And it's under the tree this Xmas. So there goes that excuse.

– The games: Practically all games I am interested in are multiplats. The exclusives I feel I miss out on are so few and far between, and drown in the sea of great releases it's a very weak argument to purchase a second platform. I don't have time for all the great releases as it is.

– The online fee VS my gaming time: It sucks to pay to play online. End of story. And the less you game, the more it sucks. And I don't spend that much time gaming any more for family, work and focus reasons, and I am unsure how much of that gaming I'd do on the PS4 (see below). This really makes me hesitate.

– But the main reason, and by far the biggest challenge: Access to the living room TV. Kids and wife dominate the TV access schedule, and connecting a ps4 to my PC monitor feels just stupid. It's a livingroom machine.

So I eagerly follow the PS4 success and still count myself as a fan, but I have come to the point where I do wonder if I ever will get me one. But it's all to do with my free time, and little to do with the system itself.

8 years ago

Well, I was going to post my reasons, but this pretty much covers most of them.

A couple things Beam didn't cover.

– No BC. I've got several consoles hooked up ranging from NES to PS3, and it would've been nice if this had SOME form of BC to help out with room. Overall this is a smaller reason.

– Anything PS4 can do PC can do better. Yeah this old gem, but it's true. Most games are multi platform these days and it sure looks a whole lot better on a PC, plays a lot better, loads a lot faster, etc etc.

There are many reasons why I don't own it, but they would all be forgotten if the PS4 had several exclusive games that I wanted to play, but at this point it doesn't even have one that I want. I guess we'll see what happens down the line.

8 years ago

I can't speak to your Blu ray player but my PS4 so far streams everything better than any other device I've tried including a powerful PC on the same wi fi. I can run the BR player we have or the PS3 to hook into Netflix or Amazon or whichever and it's all half the speed PS4 does it in. So at least have some faith there if you ever get one. It's a killer media centre.

You've sure got some very good reasons (especially the big TV one) but even now the exclusives existing and coming are still deal makers. You both must concede that just because you aren't interested in them doesn't mean they wouldn't change your mind if you played them (youtube watching does nothing).

We got real VR coming while the PC version collects dust at Facebook.

I just can't ever buy the argument that playing with a mouse and keyboard belongs in this century if for no other reason than it's terrible for your hands.

Pay to play online is lame but you do get a very solid MP experience (yeah I've had to get into MP for various reasons) where I see some awful messes happening on PC that aren't possible on PS4. The PSplus benefits again far outweigh the tiny cost.

Having PS4 and Plus has opened me up way past what I'm interested in by many multiples into what is just plain great, new, and often better than what I'm interested in. Turns out trying new things I never knew about at rock bottom prices can be more fun than forcing myself to play through the game I told myself I really want. (Witcher 3, ugh)

My six cents.

8 years ago

Someone could persuade you in most of your reasons given the time. Quite frankly I know that I wouldn't be able to. But I'll say this it's a fantastic media center, far better than any other drive on the market including fire tv, roku, and it's competitor in the console market. But then when you weigh the idea that you have a PS3 sitting their the decision gets tough if that's all you cared about.

Your PC and mulitplats obviously provides you with the gaming experience you want. So the media center will always be a tough sell simply because as you've stated, you can already play the games you want.

PSPLUS is a crazy idea that I hated, said I wouldn't support, and yet here I am (just extended my 12 month plan for a second time, last night). It's a fantastic experience, with loads of great deals. Yeah you pay for it, but the content that you get free or even through the great sales, you always end up on top as a consumer. There's no denying I might spend $50 a year but end up with $70 worth of content that I paid nothing for, and the content is actually worth a dang.

Also to play the games I've seen you mention you don't even need PSplus. You only need it to play online. I know you know that but it's accessible to people even without Internet connections. Which makes it an option to others who might only play Fallout 4.

At $50 a year I'm not sure I could justify time as an excuse. I totally get it, I completely understand that as a consumer you want to get your dollar for time value. But there is 365 days in a year, or 8,760 hours. We have time my friend. But maybe it's best spent on other things. I don't know.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 11/23/2015 11:55:20 AM

8 years ago

The app alone make the Chromecast far, far superior. It can handle pretty much any source of any significance (youtube, twitch, HBO, national TV stations, LAN sources, you name it), and offer an interface on your smartphone where you control what's rolling on on your screen.
It's just a completely different league.

Sure, there's a few exclusives I'd love to play. But… We talk 2-3 titles over a five year period. So far it's been *one* single game I'd love to play on the PS4. It's just nothing to purchase a machine over. Not when I got a silly stack of games I've barely scratched the surface on. There's just no way to keep up.

VR, if they offer the best solution there, is a pull towards the PS4. But let's be frank here: If we look at the system requirements from the competitors compared to the spec on the PS4 I would be beyond shocked if the PS4 offer the technically best solution.

Controller VS m/k: What's best to play with depends on the game, and on the PC you got a choice. It's not like there's no controller support on the PC – there's plenty to choose from, plus both the Xbone and PS4 controller works more or less out of the box. And simply put, all the games where controller is a viable alternative supports it.

The PSPlus is a bad joke, a pill that in a moment of honesty everyone must admit is bitter to swallow after a generation poking fun of the Xbox gamers.

If you play a LOT on the PS4 and have a tendency of not buying the popular games a couple of years after others bought them, the deal is ok. But for someone who may leave the PS4 as a pure streaming machine for a month or two at a time and purchase the games he want to play when they are available, it's *ridiculous* to have to pay a monthly fee to go coop with a buddy every once in a blue moon. I don't even really care about the price – it's the principle.

I'm not saying the Plus offer is a bad deal for everyone – but it sure is a barrier, no less, for a gamer like me.

Last edited by Beamboom on 11/23/2015 12:06:56 PM

8 years ago

For my PC games, I'll use a controller whenever I can. For some games with huge numbers of controls, I prefer the keyboard.

But for shooters, etc. I'm using a controller, everytime.

The one thing I don't understand about your comments, Beam, is that you would consider it a crime to play your console on your monitor… but what do you play your PC games on??

8 years ago

Using a controller for shooters? Ugh, no thank you lol. m/kb all the way. I'm a big fan of accuracy, and controllers will never provide anywhere near the same level of accuracy. Aim-assist is for the kiddos. Playing Borderlands The Pre-Sequel on fumblesticks after spending 600 hours with the first two games on PC just makes me sad.

8 years ago

If cost isn't an issue, pay for it a month at a time. Simple reasoning gets you past this obstacle of yours with PSplus. If you are afraid you won't use it all the time, it's simple dont. As a subscriber you have a choice to set up your subscription how you want.

I'm not sure everyone poked fun at Xbox owners necessarily. I know for me, I was always under the impression you paid to get access to play games with not much else to offer, not having been a gold member myself. So I couldnt understand why anyone would pay to play online when I didnt have to with the PS3. Now with PSPLUS I understand the benefits more.

It still sucks to pay for it, I'll admit it. But I've gotten past what I thought it was and realized what I get in return is a worthy investment. If I was told I could play games with out the subscription, knowing what PSPLUS offers to its members, I'd still pay the subscription fees.

Bio – who uses auto aim? I turn that crap off any chance I get. It's an option in about every fps I've played on console.

I get preference but I could never use a m/kb. It's totally subjective, but I'm much better with "fumble sticks".

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 11/23/2015 5:25:19 PM

8 years ago

mouse and keyboard is more accurate in FPS, terribly so, inhumanly so. So I think a controller offers a more human shooting experience and challenge. I'm not robocop and I don't wanna feel that way when playing as a human.

8 years ago

That's a really good question. It's mostly irrational and hugely psychological. It just feels… Wrong! A console belongs to a big screen, and the PC monitor is already connected to a gaming machine. It's no real reason to shift over to a second machine. I tried connecting the PS3 to the PC screen and it was just dull. I can't really put my finger on it. It's like some of the "magic" was gone.

And I use a controller often too. Borderlands, for me, is a controller game. It's what I used on the PS3, it's in my fingers, so I usually grab the controller when Borderlands is out for a spin.

Last edited by Beamboom on 11/24/2015 3:43:27 AM

8 years ago

You don't plug consoles into computer monitors because 720-1080 resolution looks like crap on a 4K monitor. That's why.


As for Borderlands, after spending 600 hours on the first two games on PC, playing the Pre-Sequel on 360 just felt wrong. It's definitely a more forgiving shooter, so you don't sacrifice as much as you would, say, playing Battlefield or CoD, but I just have a hard time enjoying shooters on console these days.

Which is weird since I used to be the very definition of a Halo Whore.

8 years ago

Aryan bastards!

8 years ago

The better question is why dont u own both consoles by now especially since the basic runs the same price at 350.00$

8 years ago

One was made by Microsoft.

8 years ago

I just need a bigger or several hard drives.

I told my friend in prison that when he gets out I'd pay for the system, Fallout 4, and the government inspector just so he can play the game and we can talk about it as we once did Skyrim.

The gov takes away your real life after you've paid your debt to society so why not have a virtual one?

8 years ago

There's nothing on the PS4 yet that makes me feel like I'm missing out, is all. My son wants Santa to bring him one for Christmas, but Santa might just get him a PS3 instead, so Santa can replay MGS4.

8 years ago

To folks who say they don't see anything that makes it worth the plunge I defer to Sherlock Holmes: "You see but you do not observe."

In other words, you'd have to have it to know you are missing out.

8 years ago

I hate to say it, but after paying my rent now-a-days, I only have $342 left each month from my government retirement funds to pay off my Tellie, net, & electric, leaving me with few pennies leftover.

But I've certainly been & will continue to snoop around on every site I can find to hopefully get a great big pre-Black Friday to Cyber Monday super-deal on a PS4.

And if so, I'll gladly eat a pack of Ramen noodles 3 times a day for the next few months.

8 years ago

Saint, if I know anything about you after these many years it's that you are resilient and patient. That will work for you.

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