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PS4 Trouncing Xbox One In GameSpot’s Allegiance Twitter Poll

Oh man, that's not even funny.

…okay, so it's a little funny.

GameSpot has posted up a huge Twitter battle that pits the PlayStation 4 against the freshly revealed Xbox One. Tweet your allegiance now! We did. 🙂

At the time of this story's posting, the PS4 held a ridiculously commanding 88% to 12% lead. That's a little shocking, despite the fact that Microsoft's unveiling yesterday didn't seem to go very well. You had to think that a bunch of Xbox fanatics out there automatically love everything Microsoft does. But clearly, the number of blind, biased fanatics aren't anywhere near as high as one might think.

Of course, we really need to see and hear a lot more for both systems before we can make accurate comparisons. On top of which, Microsoft is laboring in the wake of a poor opening performance and they've got plenty of time to remedy the situation. Still, if I was Sony, I'd look to capitalize somehow… I know! Announce Uncharted 4 as a PS4 launch title.

Game, set, match.

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11 years ago

In all of my years of being a gamer I've never seen something like this. It's so one-sided. I hope Sony ramps up their supplies. No need to lose potential "switchers" or early adopters to MS for not having systems ready.

11 years ago

Only example of I can think of that's remotely comparable is the old NES vs. Sega Master System days. If you're too young to remember, Nintendo did indeed have "competition" in the form of the SMS. It was an awesome little system but obviously, in terms of gamer preference, there was no competition to speak of. Nintendo had something like 90-95 percent market share.

If these poll numbers stay steady, MS is positively screwed (among gamers anyway. They clearly are more interested in NFL fans for some reason.)

11 years ago

Both Sega and Nintendo didn't have an expectation or base to support back then as MS and Sony has now. That era was part of the rebirth of home gaming consoles, something thought to be near extinct at the time. If I remember right the NES was looked at as so risky it launched in a test area in New York with a very limited allotment of units and a deal that had Nintendo buying back any unsold consoles. Well, it turned out to be a hit and the Nintendo got a nation wide release shortly after.
MS has gone from rising up a core gaming audience with Xbox, largely consisting of PS gamers at the time, to something else. The 360 carried on the momentum with largely the same base while drawing in more online-driven gamers, like younger siblings of older brothers. MS totally shifted their game plan about mid-cycle of 360. They gave up on Japan. The Xbox had so many original ip's as did early 360. So much effort to be the 'best gaming console.' They gave up on fostering talent with their incubator project and they ditched the minds behind the original Xbox. The 360 was the transition. But now their new plans have come full circle officially with Xbox One. They've dropped their original core as a primary target in favor for mainstream popular entertainment. I've never seen that. I've never seen a company just flat out betray their base. Sony has been consistent in their aim, same with Nintendo.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 5/23/2013 12:47:49 PM

11 years ago

Well, yeah. I just meant to say NES dominated the market at one point, the same way Sony is now dominating these polls. That's it:)

11 years ago

Cool. Thanks for reading my story about old times though 😉

11 years ago

im just hoping Sony doesn't get all ego-inflated over this, i know they haven't before but it wouldn't be good if they stop taking things seriously because they have such a commanding lead

11 years ago

I believe MS was the one that fell victim to their massive ego, not Sony.

Sony rectified their mistakes (the ones they made early on with the PS3). And they won the favor of gamers world wide. This poll proves it.

While MS, are presently paying for their overconfidence. Karma is a biatch.

11 years ago

im not saying Sony did fall to their ego or even that they will but that is the only foreseeable way for them to lose this lead

11 years ago

i feel like the people this gen that went with xbox did so because their friends did so. then as things went on they didnt want to admit the great xbox wasnt as great as it seemed. things might be different with this lack of gaming in this gaming console.

and that pic just makes me sad. its weird cuz its cute but depressing at the same time.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
11 years ago

Anyone get the feeling that people will still buy the Xbox One? I feel like many people will.

11 years ago

Indeed. The sheep will go where they feel they can be among the rest of the sheep.

However, even the most mindless of sheepheads will avoid the Xbone if the console is considered 'uncool' and is unable too shake off the negative vibes it currently "enjoys". And something similar to when people started avoiding MySpace in favor of Facebook, could take place.

Besides, people love a comeback.

Something tells me that its Sony's time to shine once again at the top.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

Of course people will. Microsoft just needs to keep promoting and everything will be fine…sadly, there will always be enough consumers to respond and make MS money.

11 years ago

As a note, the Mirosoft Entertainment and Services division did not turn a profit with any Xbox until 2008. The first seven years of the platform saw billions of dollars of investment and annual losses. So I wouldn't really say there will always be consumers and profit, especially for this new idea of theirs.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

There will always be consumers and profit for Microsoft. The Xbox was a start-up system in a world increasingly dominated by PlayStation and Nintendo. The second system, the 360, took over the US from Sony.

It's Microsoft. They make money.

11 years ago

My cousin thought all ea sports games and call of duty ghost was exclusive to XB1 When i gave him the correct information (M$ spent $400 million for exclusive content like fantasy football Instead of say… a new first party studio) , he was really disappointed But still says he'd still get a xb1 over the ps4 because most of his friends play exclusively on m$ platforms

11 years ago

Why doesn't your cousin just convince his friends to switch to PS4 ?

11 years ago

haha, my cousin made the switch along time ago.

11 years ago

man.. it's hard to say, for xbox one, TV buffs who think videogames is hip will bite, and only limited to the american market

everyone else will probably pick up the PS4 instead

11 years ago

It's hard to wrap my brain around how they screwed this up after Sony went first but I think they had to go with their new game plan: grab the living room market.

I think they are parlaying their early success towards this, it was never about the games for them, it was about the market.

11 years ago

One important caveat to the awful MS presser — they wanted everyone to know this was an all-in-one entertainment box right out of the gate, and were clearly ready to take some knocks from gamers as a result. They are going to actually show the games/game features at E3, and they surely expect that once the full picture is revealed, many more people will be excited for the box. Cede the spring to Sony, in other words, in the name of winning the fall.

Not saying I AGREE with this rollout strategy, mind you, just saying that's what they appear to be doing.

11 years ago

I'm not surprised at all by this. Pretty much every gaming outlet that I've seen has been taking shots at them and the controversy has even reached Japan (their nickname for the console is batsuichi, meaning once divorced). At one point on Tuesday, Microsoft was even offering a $10 credit on the Microsoft store if people would sign up for email updates on the XBox One. How badly have you screwed up when you have to basically bribe people to accept marketing material?

Last edited by Kryten1029a on 5/22/2013 11:54:12 PM

11 years ago

I'm shocked at all the negative things I've heard about the Xbox One today. I have not watched the entire intro event, only clips and summaries of what went on. But holy crap, even Kotaku is ripping on this thing!

11 years ago

They did a story about Carolyn Petit (reviewer at Gamespot) whose joke tweet was picked up and used by Microsoft marketing!

Last edited by Kryten1029a on 5/23/2013 12:15:25 AM

11 years ago

Yea I saw that one. The memes they had collected were hilarious.

11 years ago

Things are looking good for Sony. Now if they don't shoot themselves in the foot again by pricing themselves 100 dollars more than the new Xbox One. We might have an early winner.

I don't agree that Microsoft's stance is overconfidence. I think that they are very proud of their product.

11 years ago

false pride can be worse than overconfidence in most cases

11 years ago

I think we can safely say that people no longer see Microsoft as the cool company. I guess rewarding their loyal customers with a new console full of intrusive features and a rigid interface didn't go over like they expected.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
11 years ago

Uncharted 4 ain't coming out until november 2014 at the earliest FACT!!!.

11 years ago

It was so funny, IGN did one of those "like/share/comment" stunts to increase visibility on Facebook, and the topic was "Who's excited for Watch Dogs and Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag on Xbox One?"

… And out of every 20 comments 17 of them were along the lines of "I'd rather play them on the PS4". I am not kidding. That kind of comment were *completely* dominating the comments field.

It's surreal, really. I'm one of those who's been excited and very optimistic ever since the first rumours about the new PS started to emerge, but this is really going better than I have ever *dreamed* of.

Last edited by Beamboom on 5/23/2013 2:59:07 AM

11 years ago

Sonys next move! Allow MS to announce the XB1 launch date and price, then…….

Release the PS4 SOONER and CHEAPER!!! Devastating blow delivered!

11 years ago

It really looks like the only market Xbox will have left is in the US…

11 years ago

Basically this gen ps4 is going unchallenged. Wii U is not even comparable to current gen and the one is just a glorified tv clicker.
Sadly I think the one will still sell well due to insane amounts of advertising, spoiled cod children, and uneducated parents. I don't think it will keep up with Sony by any means, but we'll probably all be surprised at how many people end up with the tvBox One.

11 years ago

Don't count the Wii U out yet, man. Someone told me it was showing up in some comments around the net again. When it used to be PS4 and 720, now PS4 and Wii U. Pretty sweet.

Last edited by n/a on 5/23/2013 12:58:27 AM

11 years ago

the wii u doesn't even compete with the ps3, as far as gamers are concerned it was outdated at release. I'm sure plenty of the casual masses will still be after it, but it's not winning any awards for hard core gaming.

11 years ago

A lot of hardcore gamers enjoy Nintendo and every hardcore game knows that graphics mean VERY little to a how good a game is. It helps, for sure, but pretty explosions and scripted events may satisfy the ocular nerves, but it doesn't make it hardcore.

Last edited by n/a on 5/23/2013 5:01:25 PM

11 years ago

Don't forget, Nintendo "unlocked" the WiiU's hidden super powers!

It is pretty shocking how much the rumors and leaks from over a year ago actually came to pass (especially the XBO's weak GPU) with the XBO. I guess the rumor that one company won't be in the market after this coming gen was really referring to Microsoft.

11 years ago

Damnit this is bull****… Now its gonna be tough for me to get a launch PS4. It was going to be the first time I actually really tried! No in all reality this is a good thing for Sony. After all the crap they went through this generation, despite releasing the better console they deserve to be in the position they are. Not only because of the PS3 but because of what theyve done for the industry as a whole. Sonys consoles always push the bar so this is their time, they need to use it wisely though!

11 years ago

It's at 89%-11% now.

the US is actually the top country for the PS4.

11 years ago

I went to the website to watch the results trickle in and it's just one #GameSpotPS4 after another!

Last edited by Kryten1029a on 5/23/2013 3:28:03 AM

11 years ago

I hope these results puts an end to the myth that the console crowd is so polarised, that there are such huge differences between PS-gamers, Xbox-gamers, PC-gamers etc.

We are *gamers*. Period.

And the PS4 is now the obvious choice for serious console gamers. We have spoken.

Last edited by Beamboom on 5/23/2013 7:27:39 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

This isn't about a difference between Xbox and PlayStation owners. Gamers want to play games; that's all that's really being seen right now, because Microsoft apparently didn't show off a video game system.

This next generation will continue to erase the boundaries between PlayStation and Xbox fans for a variety of reasons. But in the history of the two brands, especially where the PS2 and Xbox were concerned, the two groups were absolutely different in very distinct ways. I could see it working in game retail easily enough, but EVERYONE saw it.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 5/23/2013 11:17:00 AM

11 years ago

I can't say anything about the ps2/xbox era, cause I never participated in the console world during those years.

But the claimed significant difference between the crowds on the current gen consoles, well I just don't see it.

It's not what I see when I study sales charts or compare friends that own a x360s with those who got a ps3, or when I read discussions at the two camps.
We pretty much discuss the same stuff, are excited about the same stuff and buy the same stuff. Gamers are what I see on both sides, in all shades and variations. Oldschool, casual, hardcore, MP-fans, SP-fans, RPG fans, the lot.

Sure, COD may be bigger on the X360 but so is Skyrim. Neither facts proves anything as far as I am concerned.

Everyone seems to enjoy a bit of console warfare now and then but bottom line is that we are all really just gamers. And I believe these recent events has proven just that, just like the alleged "media bias against Sony", another claim that surely now is proven wrong beyond any doubt.

The difference between the PS3 and the X360 were only minor. This time around there are significant differences, and the gamers flock to the console focused on gaming. Why? Cause we are the same. We are… Gamers!

… That's how I see it, at least. 🙂

Last edited by Beamboom on 5/23/2013 3:31:29 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
11 years ago

The problem is that you're only considering hardcore gamers. From that standpoint, they're all pretty much the same and always have been, regardless of platform preference.

I'm talking about the market as a whole. The Xbox 360 has FAR more in the way of casual gamers. In fact, I'm not even sure a single individual who would classify himself/herself as "casual" has ever even owned a PS3. The 360 is the system the mainstream buys in this country. And there is a VERY big difference between the mainstream/casual and hardcore. That's what I'm referring to.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 5/23/2013 3:59:21 PM

11 years ago

Well, let me introduce you to two friends of mine then:

Case one: A buddy who mainly bought his PS3 to use it as a blu-ray player. He's got the bundled games and actually played those now and then, in addition to a car racing game that he did play quite a lot a period. But he's definitely not a hardcore gamer.

Case two: A guy who got himself a PS3 with the main purpose to play party games. Buzz, Singstar, those kind of games. He got the machine running during poker nights, to entertain those who are out of the current tournaments. It was also in use during parties, typically Singstar and Guitar hero. Most definitely casual use.

Now I'm not saying that I know the number of casual players on either platform, nor am I entirely sure how to *define* casual, where the line are drawn. What are the huge difference? I'm easily both casual and hardcore, depending on mood and situation.

But if we relate to the few facts we *do* have at hand, essentially sales charts, well then there are no indisputable numbers to back this. Casual games sell bucketloads on the PS3 too. And hardcore titles sell equally well on both.

I don't even understand *why* casual/random players should be so much more drawn to one platform than the other, seeing how similar they are. And especially not favor a platform here they even have to pay a fee to get online.

Sorry buddy, but I don't see the logic in this. I need to see some hard facts to believe it.

Last edited by Beamboom on 5/24/2013 4:21:11 AM

11 years ago

wait till E3 THEN do this!
god people are SO impatient, i mean christ is 3 weeks really that hard to wait?

11 years ago


Right now they are both on equal ground. They have both had their reveal events.

Difference is, PS4 is more focused on gamers, hence why their reveal was half about games. The Xbone is more about entertainment, which is why their reveal was mostly about that.

I don't really see E3 changing it. The point of a reveal is to get your mission statement out there "THIS IS WHAT PS4/XBONE IS!". And so far, the world of gamers like the PS4 a LOT more than the Xbone. 78% more.

In fact, unless Xbone blow people away with amazing exclusives at E3, then it will only widen the gap between them.

Last edited by Akuma_ on 5/23/2013 9:30:17 AM

11 years ago


It should stabilize once E3 comes around. The internet is FULL of bandwagoners and the misinformed, and to top it all off, they are the most vocal. The hate might die down, but MS can't just let the rumors fester and become ingrained, even if they have a 'plan'.Ryse is now a confirmed X1 launch title and controller based so unless Sony comes with something like The Last Guardian being a launch title or Ryse looks terrible at E3, the One is my choice this year. PS4 in the next.

Last edited by n/a on 5/23/2013 9:59:50 AM

Comic Shaman
Comic Shaman
11 years ago

Ryse? That's the deciding factor… Ryse?

You're talking about a new IP from Crytek, a company known for graphical fidelity and not much else. I don't see that making much difference for many gamers.

I don't know what you are thinking the misinformation is about the X1. The fact is that you only get one chance to make a good first impression, and Microsoft totally failed to do this. Any misinformation is entirely their fault. And I think there is plenty of valid, real information to object to with the X1 and the strategy it represents.

Microsoft will have to do a hell of a lot better than Ryse to turn the tide.

11 years ago

the whole point of the reveal was to get the system out there in the public, and thats exactly what they did.
people hated the TV focused nature of it, so how would of they reacted turning up to E3, the WHOLE point of E3 is games, showing what they did at the reveal?
if M$ swapped the events, and had the game reveals at the systems launch, and the system features at E3, they would of had a MUCH bigger backlash than they did!
plus dont forget there reveal was only 1 hour long, the E3 presser will be allot longer than that, another reason why they probably saved it for E3.
gives developers a few extra weeks to get code up to scratch another.
they had to get the system features out of the way, thats done now so they can focus on the system.
$ony dont have that luxury, they have to talk about allot of the systems features, how gaikai is going to be integrated, how plus is going to be integrated, plus talk about the vita.
its going to be one hell of a tight packed show thats for sure!
$ony would of done themselves a big favor if they spent a little more time getting the technical mumbo jumbo, and system features out of the way earlier.

as for ryse, looks good but i cant see it being the system seller M$ hopes it to be.
im FAR more excited and intrigued by quantum break, and its made by remedy one of THE best developers out there!
just finished watching the video on IGN from sam lake explaining why theres no alan wake 2, poor guy made me feel so sorry for him he really wants to do a sequel!
makes me wonder though, if M$ wont let him do the game his company wants, why the &^%$ are they doing another game for them?
you would think they would of jumped ship for quantum break.
oh well, i at least hope they have learned their lesson with alan wake and stipulate in their contracts that they own the licensing rights not the publisher, unlike alan wake.
that way if their next game sells poorly, the publisher cant deny a sequel like they have with alan wake.
poor sam lake looked like he was ready to cry, and made me cry too!

Last edited by ___________ on 5/23/2013 12:35:16 PM

11 years ago

Errrr, Bro's….. Ryse is a kinect heavy game. not really considered competition, unless Sony has some awesome Move game.

From what I read, your basically putting a LOT of faith into MS. Do you honestly believe that MS only held that event so that they could get the system features 'out of the way'? I hiiiiiiighly doubt that. Highly. They are pushing that hard. They are dedicating their system to the media aspect, and I'm not just saying that because of their reveal.

Just look at the specs they chose, and the system design. 3GB of the RAM is dedicated to Multitasking and the OS'. That is some serious division of system resources. Especially considering its lower spec RAM.

I don't understand how ANYONE can be interested in Quantam Break. It was like 30 seconds. With some shitty TV ad, then a ship crashing into a bridge….. errr… cool? if THAT is enough to get you interested then…… I dunno man.

Last edited by Akuma_ on 5/23/2013 9:00:09 PM

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