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All The Confirmed Games For E3 2015

E3 is just around the corner and as usual, it will be loaded with highly anticipated titles.

You can probably predict most of them and of course, perhaps the biggest news will come from surprises; i.e., games on tap that we don't know about yet.

But for now, at least we've got a full list thanks to Latest News Explorer . Just be wary of the starred entries; they're only games that are "likely" to appear; they're not confirmed (i.e., Fallout 4 , Borderlands 3 , Titanfall 2 , etc). Click the link to see the whole list but here are some of our favorites:

Again, it'll be the big announcements that will get the most attention, and here's hoping Sony has a few up their sleeve. PlayStation 4 needs a more robust holiday lineup.

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9 years ago

Looks like a list of great games.
Interesting that Crytek is on that list. I thought they were bought out or something by Amazon.
There's got to be a couple secrets though. I think GoWIII remaster is foreshadowing to a big GoW announcement.

Who is gonna win E3? On paper right now it looks like MS.
Scalebound is by Platinum.
TR will obviously impress.
Quantum Break looks incredible.
Gears 4 will probably look nice.

But I'm hoping Sony comes with surprises.
I know Uncharted 4 will look great.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 5/23/2015 11:52:07 AM

9 years ago

Quantum Break still exists huh? Though it vanished into vaporware

9 years ago

I think it was just a licensing deal for Unreal game engine.

9 years ago

Right now, I'm thinking it looks like MS will take it too. However, I didn't know GT 7 was actually confirmed for E3. If that's true and if God of War 4 gets a real unveiling. That changes things entirely for me.

9 years ago

Really want to see some Star wars battlefront footage.

9 years ago

It's all about Uncharted 4 for me

9 years ago

no FFXV, no Last Guardian

9 years ago

Didn't they say something about a demo for FFXV?

9 years ago

I dunno about at E3, they did say we would get an "updated" demo for our consoles. I look forward to trying it to see if I like the changes.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 5/23/2015 2:16:11 PM

9 years ago

There are some games that just have to be there with something, anything to see. Like Last Guardian, like Agent, like Guerrilla's RPG. Give us hope and excitement.

9 years ago

I'm looking forward to KH3 and UC 4 those are the only two games I care about for the next year 🙂

mk ultra
mk ultra
9 years ago

I still hold on to hope for Beyond Good and Evil 2. Though it's starting to feel very The Last Guardian ish.

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
9 years ago

Can't wait for Gran Turismo 7.

No God of War 4 or Tekken 7?

Banky A
Banky A
9 years ago

OOOOOH. Gran Turismo 7??

Here we go. Strapping myself to the bucket seat. Time to lay some money aside to get the next best PS4/PC wheel.

Banky A
Banky A
9 years ago

Oh and to buy a good racing seat/frame or make my own with some friend's help (Y).

mk ultra
mk ultra
9 years ago

I built my own a few years back, definitely worth it. Now I need to save for a good thrust master. Apparently they're the only wheel with a clutch and shifter for the ps4, but it's like 600 bucks all together. More than I spent for my whole set up with a seat frame and g25 when gt5 prologue came out.

Last edited by mk ultra on 5/24/2015 11:04:37 PM

9 years ago

its a pritty hefty line up for E3 this year looks like it should(should might not be)be a good year for games. theres something for everyone i think i reckon in that line up alot of should great games coming along in the next say 2 1/2 years between now and the end of 2017 cos i think thats gunna be the time frame to have all these games work properly on release.

and there are going to be a few surprises and what they will be will be interesting.

happy gaming

9 years ago

Gran Turismo 7 (drools)

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