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Whatever Happened To The Dark Sorcerer?

During the running of the PlayStation 4 hype train prior to launch, several titles were on the lips of many fans.

Capcom's Deep Down showed off some amazingly impressive visuals but the game has significantly changed since its initial unveiling. As for The Last Guardian , I guess it'll eventually come to PS4 but I'm really not holding my breath.

What I was most interested in at the time was Quantic Dream's mysterious project, code-named "The Dark Sorcerer." It was on display during Sony's E3 2013 presentation but since then, we really haven't heard much about it. The last update I heard was that it would be "very, very different" from what the team had done before, so perhaps nothing like Heavy Rain or Beyond: Two Souls . And yes, I'm aware that the tech demo wasn't necessarily the game we'll eventually get. I just wish we'd hear something about it; this total lack of information always bugs me.

And it's not because I'm impatient. It's simply because extended periods of nothing often hint at development trouble of some kind. The aforementioned Guardian is a perfect example of that. I'm hoping Quantic Dream is at E3 this year and is able to give us some news. Two years after the initial presentation, I'd like to think this is more than plausible.

Related Game(s): The Dark Sorcerer

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9 years ago

Oh yeh forgot about this, was pretty cool!

9 years ago

Well with Bloodborne about to release I think it's high time for Sony to make some more announcements. Announcements about what else is coming down the pipeline.

9 years ago

Yeah more announcement for more tech demo…

9 years ago

Hopefully this doesn't turn out like lheir previous game where the premise for the tech demo, KARA, was a lot more interesting than the final game, Beyond: Two Souls.

9 years ago

the last guardian will not be at e3. it just wont. i would be happy to be wrong. but it just wont be.

i actually have like 5 years worth of e3 presentations saved. its cool to go back and look at the stuff we used to be looking forward to.

i just scored a copy of beyond: two souls with a steelbook and card board sleeve for it. awesome for my collection. i need to finish that game.

Lone Wanderer
Lone Wanderer
9 years ago

Completely forgot about this! Yeah, what happened??

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
9 years ago

And by the way, before people start chiming in with, "it's just a tech demo," I KNOW that. I see the morons at N4G are already starting.

But QD said very plainly at the time that it was a representation of what they were working on. "Dark Sorcerer" wasn't the name of the game, and the character might not even be in it, but it was proof of a PS4-exclusive project they were working on, and everyone figured the tech demo was in many ways representative of that mystery project.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
9 years ago

I find this to be something of a silly question. Don't get me wrong, I'm as curious about Quantic Dream's next game as anyone, but concern about it at this point, frankly, is foolish for several reasons.

The first of these is the team's release schedule. Six years passed between Omikron and Fahrenheit, then five until Heavy Rain, and three until Beyond. The team had clearly started pre-production on The Dark Sorcerer in March of 2013, but that still means that the game isn't likely to be ready any earlier than the start of next year. Add to that the fact that they are working on new hardware, and reportedly trying to do entirely new things all over again, and the protracted development becomes more reasonable.

Additionally, active development would not really have begun until the release of Beyond at the earliest, meaning that the end of next year is more plausible as the earliest possible release window, and releasing concrete details now, almost two years before release would be detrimental to the game as a whole due to the lengthy period of hype that would follow.

Another factor to consider is the recent rerelease of Fahrenheit, which would have drawn at least some of their resources away from active production on their next title, and therefore putting it at an even greater distance from now.

Honestly, even though I think Sony desperately needs to provide something to bolster their line-up (nothing noteworthy between Bloodborne and Uncharted 4 is of HUGE concern), showing whatever Quantic Dream is working on would be a mistake at this point because it cannot logically be ready for presentation. Better they show off Media Molecule's latest, or Bend Studio's, or Santa Monica's, or even Studio Japan's. With the exception of MM, none of them have shown off anything, even though each has had at least as long to cook their next project, and I personally find that more concerning than the silence on The Dark Sorcerer.

9 years ago

yeah thats a good question would like to know what they are up to wether it is The Dark Sorcerer as a game or something else would be nice to know what they have been up to these last couple years or so since they showed off this tech demo and stuff

happy gaming

9 years ago

Actually I have a theory about what's going right now, I think MARK THE DATE

Quantic Dream is making a Heavy Rain/Beyond collection for PS4 before getting back to the Sorcerer project.

It makes sense after Beyond PS4 disappeared from everywhere

9 years ago

yeah you do have a point there

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