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Retailer Study: Xbox One Ruled Black Friday Sales

So, who won the Black Friday console war?

Well, according to a study from retail analytics firm InfoScout , it wasn't the PlayStation 4. In fact, it was the Xbox One that dominated.

Apparently, Microsoft's new console comprised 53 percent of all consoles sold in stores on Black Friday while the PS4 was a distant second at 31 percent. The Xbox 360 was third with 9 percent, the Nintendo Wii U only managed 6 percent, and the PS3 came in at 1 percent. InfoScout's data came from 180,000 participants who were asked to send in pictures of their receipts from Target, Walmart, Best Buy, Radio Shack, GameStop, and other stores.

Interestingly enough, 66 percent of participants said they purchased the console for their kids. Maybe this means out-of-touch parents just see more Microsoft ads, or everyone in this country still associates mainstream gaming with the Xbox brand…?

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9 years ago

Should probably use sales instead of a survey but whatever, the Xbox One deals and bundles were so common I got a few stuck to my shoe.

9 years ago

Them some big-ass shoes…

9 years ago

indeed, the shoes come with bein a wicked clown.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 12/2/2014 7:31:37 AM

9 years ago

PS4 probably ran out of stock so people settled for the XBone.

9 years ago

Don't trust that source. While I believe xbox one sold more than ps4 for black friday, that particular source is…well..Dishonest?

9 years ago

Well the xbox one was I think $329 at some places with two games. It dropped so much in price, that maybe it just hit new toy for right price

9 years ago

About time they won a day. Competition is good for gamers as a whole

9 years ago

Apparantly this was the same statistic people from last year who stated XO outsold PS4 during the same weekend. But then sure enough NPD came out and revealed the PS4 was the winner for the month.
Dualshockers today already explained how Infoscout's approach is flawed. It was obvious last year that unsold XO's eventually moved during that weekend while the PS4 supply was already exhausted. This was evident by how many retailers and online distributors were "sold out" of PS4's (which remained this way for months). All the while XO's were easily found anywhere at pretty much any point in time. This year XO had a massive price and bundle advantage.

In the end I expect MS to take November with the better value and bundles. Target's deal was just insane with XO + AC Unity and Black Flag for $329.99 plus a $50 instant gift card. Sony had nothing that came close to that. No, Sony had bundled remasters and modest pricing perks. It'll cost them the month. Maybe the continued momentum they've had.

I want Sony to go underdog again. They were better in that position.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 12/1/2014 11:31:18 PM

9 years ago

I think I remember Xbox officially outselling PS4 on black friday last year as well. Just that one day. And this report says the same – It's just for that day. And while I'm not so sure about their methods, I wouldn't be surprised if official numbers said the same thing.

Xbox always seems to do well over the holidays and this was expected especially with those crazy bundles for $330.

Which I say is the price it really should be at, since it is inferior hardware with an inferior design. The price should reflect that.

Last edited by SaiyanSenpai on 12/1/2014 11:39:04 PM

9 years ago

Of course the price cut was huge. MS started reporting triple the sales when the $349 price cut went into effect. First week November was already considered an MS victory over Sony, as reported by Gamespot. MS already had the advantage heading into Black Friday. This was even before the even better Black Friday deals landed, deals that were much better MS-side.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 12/1/2014 11:48:20 PM

9 years ago

Yeah well it was sold for super good deals. As a gamer it was *almost* hard to pass up. $329 with two solid games! That's pretty good.

but using a receipt method? While I don't doubt the XBone sold well, I honestly wouldn't take the time to send in a photo of a receipt. I'm sure most people feel the same.

9 years ago

The key here is that only about 1 to 2 percent of those receipts actually had a console sale attached to them, as it was with last year.

So it's not 180k console sales. No, it's 1 to 2 percent of 180k receipt sales that had a console listed. That is such a tiny fraction of roughly the 100's of thousands to million+ consoles that went out last week. It's very hard to get an accurate nationwide measurement this way. Especially say, in Washington state, where MS is headquarted.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 12/1/2014 11:46:56 PM

9 years ago

nice mythbusting

9 years ago

No thanks to me. The nice mythbusing was by the sharp Mr. Nelva at Dualshockers. He also recently reviewed the patched version of AC Unity.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 12/2/2014 10:39:03 AM

9 years ago

Sony defense force get ready…

9 years ago


9 years ago

So long as PS4 sales are still going strong, I'm happy for Xbox One to win a few months here and there.

I picked up the 1TB Call of Duty Xbox One, and I'm loving it!! Sure, I prefer the PS4 menu design, the PS4 controller and PlayStation exclusives on the horizon (and backlog of exclusives I'd love to see on PS4), and let's not forget that most multiplat games run better on PlayStation this generation.

Halo The Master Chief Collection is a brilliant collection of some of the finest Xbox exclusive games! Sunset Overdrive is awesome fun!! The Forza games are also quality, even if it isn't true to real life like Gran Turismo.

Have Destiny, Call of Duty AW, GTA V and Assassin's Creed Unity on Xbox One as well, simply because all my friends have Xbox Ones and I want to play online with them. If they had PS4's instead, wouldn't have even bothered with the Xbox One until it was under $300 and Halo MCC was under $30.

Speaking of exclusives, what Xbox One exclusives are on the horizon? Fable Legends looks disappointing. Halo 5 Guardians is a given, just like Uncharted 4 on PS4. Ori and the Blind Forest looks beautiful and very interesting. Ah! Quantum Break! Looking pretty good!

Wow, I think MS played their exclusive cards too early. A stronger launch, but not much on the horizon compared to PS4.

9 years ago

Competition is always good. Even if it's up against a losing competitor. ~_~

9 years ago

Competition is good as long as Sony wins it.

9 years ago

or maybe its because M$ actually brought out some exclusives for the holiday season, and some people actually want to play!
and advertise them properly…….
one thing ill never understand about $ony, hardware wise they plaster things left right and centre!
hell i can't step out my front door without seeing a Z3 add, i can't turn the TV on, go to the movies, step into a shopping centre without seeing one.
ps4 was the same at launch.
software, well, not a drive club or LBP3 advertisement in sight!

hardly surprising to see the xbox selling better, especially considering there the only ones that have released multiple exclusives in the past few months actually worth playing!
and work might i add, looking at you drive club………
delayed over a year, 2 months since launch, and its STILL a frigging mess!

9 years ago

Says Xbox actually has exclusives release recently… Then lists 2 recent PS4 exclusives to further point.

Evil Incarnate
Evil Incarnate
9 years ago

Steve Ballmer is that you? You wacky old dog.

Actually, The Halo collection did not work at launch and still has it's problems, and that was a remaster, not a new game. Super Smash Bros. is bricking Wii U systems so Nintendo is not immune to games not working properly. Welcome to the new gen, where these problems will become commonplace with the all connected, all the time crap.

Dude, you really need to take off the fanboy glasses so you can have your own opinions and not Microsoft's.

Last edited by Evil Incarnate on 12/2/2014 1:21:26 PM

9 years ago

and where did i say buggy games are not a problem for other systems?
the hypocrisy of you people never ceases to amaze me!
i was merely stating that the fact that xbox selling more systems than playstation on black friday is hardly a surprise considering there the only ones recently that have released multiple worthwhile exclusives recently.
nintys never going to see even HALF the success the ps4 and xbox one, hell valve could come out tomorrow and announce half life 3 as a wiiu exclusive and that still would not be enough to get it to current gen console sales levels!

Evil Incarnate
Evil Incarnate
9 years ago

You're one to talk of hypocrisy. I personally think DriveClub is worth playing and have never cared for Halo. Saying the Xbox is the only system with games worth playing is an opinion, not fact, and is completely subjective. I personally don't like Little Big Planet but know many that do, so I guess none of them think it's worth playing. The only reason the Xbox One would sell more units, which it probably did, is because of price and not the games available. Neither system has much worth playing that is not 3rd party.

By the way, maybe you should read your own posts before you respond to others. Here is your quote I was responding to about games not running properly:

"hardly surprising to see the xbox selling better, especially considering there the only ones that have released multiple exclusives in the past few months actually worth playing!
and work might i add, looking at you drive club………"

Just trying to point out to you that each system has had an exclusive that is not correctly Quality tested before launch.

Last edited by Evil Incarnate on 12/3/2014 9:42:34 AM

9 years ago

Hypocrisy? All I did was summarize what you said. If you think that's hypocrisy, then….

9 years ago

X Box One Whats That.

9 years ago

The Xbox One was hurting and had the best deals. Phil Spencer is in charge and the competition is heating up.
Hopefully, this isn't going to turn into a tortoise and hare scenario.

9 years ago

Only saw Xbox1 hardware taking deep discounts last weekend. PS4 hardware remained the same price but bundled with added games. Saw lots of accessories from both sides on sale though.

9 years ago

If InfoScout reported that the PS4 dominated, would we be questioning their validity?

No, of course not.

9 years ago

I'd question using receipts as a method of polling people. As I said I wouldn't waste the time to prove I bought a console if someone asked me to. Especially this way of doing it.

9 years ago

Doesn't surprise me at all the PS4 had the better deals in regards to money saved but the X1 deals were the cheapest and that is usually the thing general consumers pay attention to.

9 years ago

yeah okay sony if this does say you need to drop the price 50 bucks and see your sales go back up relative to the xb1

happy gaming

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