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Damnit, I Won’t Be Tricked Into Buying Another Xbox

It has happened each of the last two generations.

I end up buying the new Xbox console within the first year of its release. I play it for a while; in fact, at one point during the last era, I had almost twice as many 360 games as PS3 games.

But then, something happens: Nothing else comes out on that system that I really want to play. Just about everything it has is multiplatform and really, how many times can I play a new Halo or Gears ? Sure, Halo was a novelty for the original Xbox and I loved the kick-ass Deathrow , among other great exclusives. For the 360, I had a blast with games like Lost Odyssey and Alan Wake . But again, over the last years for each system, I basically never played it. The PS2 and PS3 got 98 percent of play time.

So, I won't be tricked again. I'm tempted to get the Xbox One because I really want to play Sunset Overdrive , and I'd also like to have Fable Legends . There are actually several exclusives on the horizon I'd want. But no, I won't fall for it again; I absolutely refuse. What assurance do I have that the same thing wouldn't happen again? There are no guarantees in life but when looking down the road, I'm counting on Sony's first-party teams to deliver the next-gen goods. Microsoft, not so much.

Fool me once, twice…thrice? Never!

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10 years ago

Ben, you work in the gaming industry. Wouldn't it make more sense for you to own all three consoles in every generations?

10 years ago

Are you suggesting someone that works in the movie industry must watch all movies?

10 years ago

No, I'm suggesting that whoever works in the movie industry should own the medium to watch any movie, such as a TV, a blu-ray player, netflix account… etc.

Ben doesn't need to play ALL games, but at least have the access to play all games if needed.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Uh…last I checked, we don't cover Xbox at PSXE. So how is it a requirement?

10 years ago

You're right you don't cover Xbox, so why even bring it up. However, from a personal gamer stand point if you want to play all the games you can and enjoy them as a gamer I don't see the problem with your buying a One to play Sunset Overdrive and Fable Legends. If you don't prefer the console then don't buy it, it's not like you will be missing out on anything spectacular.

10 years ago

Limited Vertigo,

Nope cause Ben doesn't make videogames. However, it would make more sense that when reviewing a multi-plat title he plays it on both to make the comparison. After all, people who review blu-ray movies tend to watch it on different platforms (Theaters, Netflix, DVD, iTunes, etc.) Just to see if the quality is decent.

Last edited by Cesar_ser_4 on 6/24/2014 12:07:48 AM

10 years ago


Looking at it again my reply to you was rather weak. You're making sense. Thought Ben has a point, this is a Sony related site so it's not like he would lose any of his edge if he didn't pick up an X1, at least not with me.

10 years ago


You and many other members of PSX bring up really good points in many discussions. Sometimes i don't respond and just read the articles and each members comments.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

I'd just like to say that if gamers expect critics to play multiple versions of every multiplatform game that comes out, they need to locate reality. Fast.

10 years ago

I agree with you Ben, all game critics think the world revolves around them. <sarcasm over.

Nor should they Ben. The only reason we said that is because it would make sense if they bought more than one console for comparison. Besides, it doesn't hurt to know that at least the graphics score came from comparing both versions. Kind of like a quality control check.

10 years ago

It might help and he's more than welcome to for his own clarity of mind, but it's certainly not a necessity. This is a Playstation site, comparing game with the Xbox is unnecessary unless it really needs to be done. We don't come here to look for Xbox news, we could find that at several other places.

The only time it's required is IF he's bringing up news regarding the Xbox and doesn't want to sound like he doesn't have a clue what he's talking about.

10 years ago

This article showed up on N4G 🙂

10 years ago

I feel exactly the same way…but hopefully my brother gets fooled into it

10 years ago

Same here. Although I bought the PS3 first, I bought a lot more XBOX 360 games because they were cheaper (if only slightly) new on Amazon. Or cheaper yet on eBay used. But then I noticed so many more XBOX360 games. So I would buy cross platform games for PS3 when they first came out at equal prices. As time went on, I got Plus, and now tend to play PS 3 more because of the free games. Gold's games have mostly been YAWN to me. Maybe a few if I had Gold. I recently realized I really prefer the PSes to XBOXes, and started regretting buying the 360,a s it's used less and less. I want a PS4. I'll only win an XBOX One. Maybe I'll feel better about 360 as I tackle my backlog. But otherwise, I'm fully in Sony's camp.

I am quite happy with WiiU, but Nintendo is a horse of a different color, and I'm not sure if I'll buy another console. At least not until a year later when the price drops.

Last edited by Ather on 6/23/2014 10:49:39 PM

10 years ago

I'd rather the world become infected with the T-virus before I ever bought another Microsoft system.

And windows doesn't count cause thats forced upon me.

10 years ago

Leave the OS out of this.

10 years ago

There are alternatives to Windows.

10 years ago

That happened to me also I'm not buying another xbox either. The ps3 dominated my game time, especially in the last 3 years when it seemed like Microsoft gave up on exclusive games.

10 years ago

Ben, just wondering if this editorial was inspired by my comments regarding Rare, Banjo Kazooie, and my 360 experience?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

No, sorry. I didn't see those.

10 years ago


10 years ago

RIP in Peace

10 years ago

I think MS will be coasting this generation, they put in that little boost of cash to make a few games stick out at the front of the generation. Then they will peter out again and have to decide whether or not to stay in the business.

10 years ago

COD alone will keep them afloat in the gaming sector. It may be a multiplat but damn does it sell extremely well for MS.

PSN French
PSN French
10 years ago

The attachment rate in the US for COD Ghosts is higher on the PS4 over the XB1. I, personally, don't think this is a win for Sony, but your argument is invalid 🙂

10 years ago

Ghosts attachment rate to XboxONE: 38.9%
Ghosts attachment rate to PS4: 35.8%

Boom, sucka. Facts.

Let's do more. This is fun!

CoD:G to 360: 10.6%
CoD:G to PS3: 9.5%

Damn… guess LV was right. What a bish, eh?

Last edited by Underdog15 on 6/24/2014 1:10:06 AM

10 years ago

We need to go deeper Underdog.

10 years ago

What's your source, Underdog? VGChartz?

10 years ago

Yeah. That plus some ol' arithmetic. I know they aren't completely accurate, but with the disparity in systems sold and the relatively large difference in percentages, it's a safe bet. (I know 3% doesn't sound like much, but it isn't an essay score. It is a pretty comfortable margin. I'd guess the margin of error to be around 1-1.5%)

10 years ago

just for MS to gain that small percentage lead costs them a crap load in buying out exclusivity. With MS showboating CoD all these years you'd think they would have more of a gain. All I see is MS bleeding money for no good reason

10 years ago

Attach rate is relative is it not?

What we should be looking at is total units sold on each console.

Since the PS4 is leading in sales, then a small difference in percentage attach rate is a large difference in units sold.

Last edited by Akuma_ on 6/24/2014 11:44:21 PM

10 years ago

Attach rate is more than relative. There are a lot of conclusions to draw through it.

10 years ago

That's the history of MS consoles – MS lays on the exclusives pretty thick in the beginning courting stages. Then completely neglects your needs as time goes on making you feel unloved to the point where you find yourself in the arms of another console!

Seriously though, Sony has a great history of providing a good stream of quality exclusives as well as providing a good VARIETY of gaming experiences.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with this information.

10 years ago

Perhaps a little pleasure

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago


10 years ago

Info doesn't fit….

10 years ago

Almost everything xbox comes to pc these days and even if Fable Legends doesn't, from what I've seen Fable doesn't even look like Fable anymore.

As for the others, you could always wait until the end of the generation, they'll either be on pc or you can pick it all up for cheap if there's enough to be worth an xbox 1.

10 years ago

If you have the money why not? since usually people buy a certain system to play their EXCLUSIVES.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Yeah, sort of my point. Xbox platforms have exclusives to start and then they peter out.

10 years ago

If I can get about 20 to 30 good to great exclusives from a.console, its worth owning in my book. Neither Xbox system let me down for that and a highly doubt the X1 will either. If MSS can be left alone by the bookkeepers and stockholders and can somehow regain their footing after the shaky start, I see this gen having more parity than any other between the two systems. Plus, having my favorite developer in Platinum Games make an exclusive thats headed by one of gaming's brightest minds, Hideki Kamiya, would have been a personal system seller if I hadn't already owned it.

10 years ago

I agree, but I am curious to know what 20-30 exclusives you're referring to. I don't want a list or anything, but any recommendations outside halo, gears, forza, Fable, Allan Wake, and Lost Odyssey? Those are the only ones I know of. It's an honest question.

10 years ago

It depends on what you like. I wouldn't say that there are any hidden epic games in the 360 library but it's lousy with solid gems like Ninja Blade, B&K: Nuts and Bolts, Condemned: Criminal Origins, Ace Combat 6, Last Remnant, Blue Dragon, Infinite Undiscovery, Crackdown, and Culdcept Saga.

10 years ago

The original Xbox was far superior, though. Halo, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Shenmue 2, KOTOR, Jade Empire, Phantom Dust, Escape From Butcher Bay, Oddworld: Stranger, Oddworld: Munchs Odyssey, Ninja Gaiden Black, Crimson Skies, Conkers Bad Fur Day, Otogi to name some. A hell of a system which had the unfortunate luck of being on the shelve alongside an absolute beast of a system in terms of library, the PS2. Still, like the GameCube it was a great boutique system. Not gonna fill the shelves but enough content to keep me coming back.

10 years ago

Yeah, I had the original XBOX too. Played it a fair bit. Loved that games like Forza and some sports games would play my music in the background. I still used the PS2 more, but the XBOX certainly wasn't neglected. Also, at that time, paying for Live made sense. I owned a 360 at one point. Once PSN got decent, paying for live seemed silly and I stopped using it. I ended up selling it and using the profits to pay for an engagement ring. :p

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

I think it's funny that Kid likes to name basically every single exclusive every Xbox has ever had, forgetting that half of them flat-out SUCK and apparently, also forgetting that it would take me pages to list ALL the exclusives for the PS2 and PS3.

Microsoft doesn't do exclusive software. They just don't. Not in comparison to either Sony or Nintendo.

10 years ago

Oh and I was just posting something nice about you down below. lol. MS has no established first party after almost 15 years….very true. This is not a MS vs Sony thing more of an MS and Sony (and of course the king of gaming Nintendo). I find the Xbox to be worth owning as ive laid out above. In this era, where exclusives are no longer dropped wholesale in Sony's lap, and owning just one PS system meant you had pretty much access to the best every genre had to offer, it seems a necessity now, more than ever, to own every console to get the complete gamind experience of a generation. I say this why my excitement for Xenoblade Chronicles X grows and grows and the PS4 equivalent next year is? …… Exactly..

10 years ago

eh… I agree on the original XBOX, but I don't think we see eye-to-eye on the current gen comparisons…

I actually think the combined exclusive and multiplat list for the next 6-8 months looks pretty sick. Once November rolls around, it'll be the start of year 2, so year one really won't have much more at this point, but year 2 looks to be a 4-peat of the history of Sony year 2 excellence.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 6/24/2014 11:56:25 AM

10 years ago

Yeah we'll have ti disagree there, my friend. Sony has a great lineup but nowhere near the exclusives of the fifth and sixth generation that made owning another console an afterthought. I guess a person can convince themselves otherwise that there are just maybe 1 or 2 games on competing consoles worth owning and playing. I am at the other end of the spectrum. I make excuses on why I do need to play them.

10 years ago

The problem is that "games worth playing" is entirely reliant on your preferences.

For me, for example, lets look at a Sony exclusive, since some may deem me a Sony fanboy. While I can admit there is quality in God of War, I hate it with a passion. If you released top notch God of War, GTA, Halo (for argument's sake), Battlefield, inFamous… and they were all exclusive to Sony, I would not be interested in any.

Titanfall isn't my bag and is mediocre by all accounts, and Sunset overdrive is supposedly similar in many ways to inFamous. So neither interest me in the slightest. My opinion lies in neither spectrum entirely, either… I don't think either of them have anything worth playing right now. Hence why I own neither.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 6/24/2014 11:58:25 PM

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