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Quantic Dream Displays PS4 Engine

Quantic Dream boss David Cage is all about storytelling and character emotion.

And he has just unveiled a new tech demo that shows off the sheer power of the PS4. The demo featured an old man with white, thinning hair and amazing facial expressions. As Cage said- "We are now limited only by our imagination."

This reminds us a little of QD's "Kara" tech demo that wowed the gaming world some time ago, before the studio's impressive Beyond: Two Souls was announced. Cage explained how character models have gotten so much more detailed over the years, and just how amazingly detailed those models will be on the PS4. There's no doubt that this studio can do some incredible things with Sony's new platform but for now, we're just waiting on Beyond . Whenever they get around to the PS4, we're sure they'll deliver something truly memorable, as they tend to do. We expect nothing less?

There have been multiple examples of the PS4's power so far. Have you seen them all?

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11 years ago

He almost looks like David Carradine

11 years ago

Lots of emotion in that old man's face. Cage can now use all the underlying facial muscles towards his ends.

11 years ago

Some subtle yet powerful

11 years ago

I wonder why they "missed" displaying how many polys would be used on the next PS4 project… After ramping up the numbers from their earlier projects up to Heavy Rain and then Beyond, you were sort of expecting a 'but now, we can do 10x more" kind of thing… but no.

11 years ago

Yeah, thought that too, but then they only showed a characters face, not the whole body…perhaps they've only been working on the face.

11 years ago

Yeah, the information about the detail they are finishing with in B:TS is relatively new information they know from being in the later stages of development.

I wouldn't expect them to know what they've got for their next project when they haven't finished the current one. It sounded to me like a, "but here's a taste of what is possible!"

It wasn't a full character model that reacts to control, so they wouldn't have been able to say accurately.

I would have liked a real number, too, but I would have been far more upset with inaccuracy.

Banky A
Banky A
11 years ago

One of the only things that impressed me in the slightest. Expecting them to make something only the PS4 can cope with.

11 years ago

this is what really bugs me about david.
NO ONE is as good as contradicting themselves as david is!
one day hes condeming the industries obsession with technology, and condeming developers for putting so much emphasis on it.
then the guy turns up to a systems reveal and talks nothing but tech, shows off nothing but facial animation TECHNOLOGY!
hypocrite much?
nah, im not interested in technology, who needs it!

Last edited by ___________ on 2/21/2013 6:04:09 AM

11 years ago


He is excited because of the new levels of emotion it allows him to accomplish. Go watch it again. He regularly points out how the power can allow him to look like he is feeling… when he's sad or happy.

It was truly spoken like a real artist.

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