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PSXE Poll Update: Xbox One’s New Price Won’t Be Enough

The Xbox One will soon remove Kinect as a requirement, thereby allowing consumers to purchase the next-gen console for $399.

That's the same price as the PlayStation 4, as we know. Some say this "price drop" of sorts will result in an Xbox One sales spike, which means Microsoft's system will soon surpass Sony's in the next-gen race.

Is that how you feel, though? According to the results of our latest poll, the answer is clear: Nope. The majority of participants believe the new price tag simply isn't enough, and the PS4 will maintain its worldwide sales advantage. Analysts are predicting that with both consoles sporting the same price, Xbox will reclaim North America, as it dominated this region during the previous generation. Of course, that remains to be seen.

This week, we have to address the ongoing controversy surrounding The Order: 1886 . Recently released gameplay stirred up some negative feedback, which resulted in Ready at Dawn Chief Technology Officer Andrea Pessino's confident rebuttal . What's your take? Will this game deliver in spades? Or will it disappoint?

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10 years ago

With Sony making profit, they could be more aggressive and drop it $50 for next Christmas to make sure they keep North America. Xbone wouldn't be able to follow suit.

I do think The Order will live up to the little hype it has now and the bigger hype it'll have before release. It's just a gut feeling, you can't tell much from those bits of gameplay we've seen. Sony's new policy is to stop giving the whole game away in the videos so surprises can be on a trickle and some are kept back just for the gamers to deal with by word of mouth.

In any case it's Sony's first party guys guiding and helping the Ready at Dawn team. That's a lot of talent. That means the campaign will have a good story and the gameplay will be stable and beautiful on screen. I think it'll be the first real PS4 game.

10 years ago

How funny would it be, if Sony bundles the camera back in but leave it at $399.

10 years ago

That would be hi-larious

10 years ago

Halo 5: Guardians

I figured out something…

Its connected to the tv series!

But seriously, who cares. The Order 1886 is going to be coo.

10 years ago

I know the size of the market here in Canada hardly matters but lets not forget that the XBOne will now be cheaper than the PS4. This could easily sway the numbers in MS's favour, or I could be talking out of my ass. Time will tell.

Sony would be wise to start bundling a game with the PS4 much like the Titanfall XBOne, it will help with the price difference here in the great white north.

Off topic: Anyone else find it insulting that PS3 versions of current and last gen games are the same price as the current gen version, or this too a Canada issue?

10 years ago

As far as The Order: 1886 goes…I really don't understand the "controversy," the game looks good. Can't wait to see more and play it myself!

10 years ago

I've never "felt it" with The Order. I just don't think it looks interesting at all. It may end up being a commercial success but I doubt it'll end up in my collection.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Well, it's shaping up to be a hyper-linear game in the vein of Uncharted, and we know you never really vibed with those games either, so I, at least, won't hold it against you.

10 years ago

Yeah it does and you are right but it's more than that. It just looks so… Grey and uninspired. From what we've seen so far – who admittedly is very little – I don't see any interesting characters or even a world and atmosphere that tickles my curiosity.

10 years ago

Definitely gray but of course that is the environment of Ripper age London. I don't think it will be uninspired once we see the whole of the world they created for it. Dishonored had a similar anachronistic world and it turned out to be a damn good universe with interesting lore. I don't think Sony would let out a generic steampunk world.

10 years ago

I think we all need to keep an open mind regarding The Order.

10 years ago

hardly surprising, coming from these fanboys!
im sorry but if you dont think a price drop will not cause a system to see a sales spike, then you need to ask your parents why you were not sent to school.
common sense, of course a products going to see a sales spike when the price drops, thats WHY you drop the price!
especially here, being 50 bucks cheaper than the ps4 is really going to hurt $ony!
not to mention M$ is offering a free download voucher for forza 5, so not are you saving 50 bucks but you also get a 100 dollar game for FREE!
they will claw back marketshare because of the price drop, than even more when the multitude of exclusives like quantum break, halo guardians, sunset overdrive, D4, gears, ect, ect release.
not to mention the missing software features $ony is STILL yet to deliver, software features the xbox had on day ONE!
still cant believe the game pause for standby mode is STILL not working!
that was one of the biggest features of next gen!
come on!!!!!!!!!
not to mention $ony and their usual treatment of EU customers.
if i had a nickel for every time i recieved a email from them and went oh cool that will come in handy!
…… oh, US only.

as for the order, i have a better question.
when DOSNT a game disappoint?
so yes, of course its going to end up a disappointment, everything does.
im expecting it to be gameplay wise, technically it looks pretty good, great graphics, great effects, great destructible environments, physics effects, technically it looks great.
gameplay, it does look a little 1996!
we need a real shakeup of the old third person shooter and cover system, its about dam time someone threw a wrench into the system and changed things up a little.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

It'll cause a spike, sure, as will MS's big-name exclusives when they finally release (I will always insist that announcing a launch window at a game's announcement 15-18 months prior to release is either desperation or stupidity of the highest order). But there is no way that such a spike will be sustained long enough to make up for a 3 million unit shortfall, especially with Sony having a promising line-up of their own, and the possibility of a price cut now that they're turning a profit on PS4 hardware alone as a fallback.

As for The Order… I'm interested and intrigued, but not that hyped, and it certainly isn't being puffed up like Titanfall was. So, based on my lukewarm feelings at the moment, I'm pretty confident that it will live up to the hype. I'm hoping for it to be an 90+ rated game, but my expectations, at the moment, are more in the vein of 82-85. Going with option two, because "awesome" is more than my feelings allow.

Last edited by Lawless SXE on 5/26/2014 6:44:38 AM

10 years ago

I think the hype will be built up closer to release.

10 years ago

15 to 18 months is pretty much the industry standard 'announcement to release' timeline for every game not on a one or two year development cycle….

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

I'm well aware it's the standard, but publishers never announce the date that early. That remains a mystery until much, much closer to release. The reason for it is that, so long as fans don't know when it's coming, their expectations needn't be so high, yet it remains in their imagination. With Halo 5, it's going to be much harder to sustain excitement for that long, especially is MS does a big showing of it at E3 and follows it up with "Coming August 2015".

I mean, The Order's a fine example. It was announced at E3 last year. We all expected it to be a holiday 2014 title, so it stayed in our minds without getting us ridiculously excited, and now that we're drawing nearer to that release, Sony and R@D are starting to talk about it a bit more and drum up excitement, yet we still don't have an official date.

It's the specificity of MS's early announcement that bugs me.

10 years ago

At E3, the Halo trailer only read "2014". It was just delayed to 2015 earlier this year, so I'm not entirely sure what you're referring to. And I don't understand how specificity and answering the age old question of "When's it coming out?" translates to "desperation and stupidity of the highest order" in your opinion. From what you are saying as long as someone doesn't know when it's coming, they will believe it may come as early as the following week and their excitement will be more sustained.

To me, announcing games that are not even in development yet. Like that stupid trailer MS did for that Black Tusk Game. It actually just said the studio. Sony does it to. Agent. But with no release date given, could be any day now, right? lol. Ribbing you, man.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

I was referring to the recent, official announcement of it as Guardians. It's more that people are less likely to get excited without a release date, thus making it easier to keep their attention for a shorter period after that date's been announced. Judging by your last statement, I'm guessing that you can at least understand why I have my opinion, even if you don't necessarily agree with it.

But I do agree that announcements of games that goodness only knows are how far from release is incredibly stupid also. I mean, the Black Tusk game isn't even going to be coming out until after they're done with the next Gears, if at all. And Agent is a bad example for Sony, as that was R*-developed. Say The Last Guardian, or The Getaway 3, or Eight Days instead. 🙂

10 years ago

It's hard to say what will happen. History looked ready to repeat itself with XO being so much more expensive and too divided in it's message, leaving itself to serious lost ground. You just know something is going wrong when a company keeps, having to lean to the "value" of their product when pressured to lower their price.

This scenario is a strange one. MS managed to scrap their plan so fast with Kinect and refocus their attention on what gamers want. To me it still seems possible that MS could maintain a neck to neck split in america. Though, I feel it seems highly unlikely MS will ever have the same sort of american lead with XO as they did 360. I feel that boat has long since sailed since the XO's unveil.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 5/26/2014 10:51:47 AM

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