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PSXE Poll Update: Advanced Warfare Isn’t Winning Us Over

Everyone's talking about Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare , and many think this new entry could be exactly what the franchise needs.

Evidently, though, we don't have many such optimists at our site.

According to the results of our latest poll, despite what appears to be an encouraging debut trailer, the majority of readers are convinced the game still won't impress. The second largest group refused to pass judgment just yet, while only a few said the upcoming sequel looked "awesome."

Well, we probably shouldn't be too surprised. Call of Duty isn't the most popular franchise 'round these parts, although it's important to note that a lot of people aren't sold on Advanced Warfare . Most say they need to see some gameplay before they make any definitive comments, and that's understandable.

Now, this week, what do you most want to see Sony unveil during their E3 press conference? Based on that massive list of encouraging rumors , there are lots of exciting possibilities!

Related Game(s): Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

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10 years ago

Unless Sony Japan has a real dyed in the wool non-indie style JRPG then that would get my vote but barring that it HAS to be Heavenly Sword II. Not continuing that franchise was just stupid, but having Ninja Theory return to do it would make up for the long wait. It's not like it was some low selling cult favorite, it did well when nobody owned a PS3 despite what NT said in that interview. It's time for Nariko to return, she always felt like an instant Sony mascot.

10 years ago

this new poll is not fair…i wanted to vote for about half the list

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago

Why isn't Agent on the poll? You never know.

"…there are lots of exciting possibilities!"

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago

Actually, I'm excited to see the Syphon Filter reboot. I remember playing it as a kid. It was a weird game for me to be playing because I was still learning English and didn't understand what was going on. I never got past the bomb in the subway. But I played up to that point many times because I liked what I was playing.

Fake Edit?
I actually did get past exploding the bombs! I just YouTube-d a quick play through. I remember now, even after all these years! After the bombs exploded, you were supposed to climb upper levels. Anyway, because of the horrible Ps2 graphics, I didn't know you were supposed to climb a train to get past a fire. I couldn't for the life of me figure THAT out. So there I was stuck in a "circle".

I am excited for the reboot as you can see. I'm getting it no matter what. Here's hoping the rumors are true.

Last edited by Killa Tequilla on 5/12/2014 12:54:53 AM

10 years ago

If you can you should grab the PSP Syphon Filter Logan's Shadow it is easily one of the best games on PSP.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

As I recall, the internet legions weren't exactly sold on CoD: Ghosts either, but VGChartz still notes that it's sold 21 million copies across all platforms. This community really isn't representative of the wider population of gamers, unfortunately. AW, I think will sell fewer copies, because of the diminishing community on the PS3/360, and the PS4/XBO sales failing to make up the gap. I still expect around 18M sales after six months, though.

As for the new poll… I want to vote for several of them, but only two are really causing my hype meter to peak: The Last Guardian and Heavenly Sword 2. TLG because Team ICO are legendary. Both of their previous games feature this incredible minimalistic atmosphere that make you feel a lot more, and if that carries across to the PS4, with appropriate gameplay mechanics to match, then The Last Guardian is going to be an instant classic, and one of the games that defines the entire PS4 generation. My main reservation is that it has been so long since we've seen anything from the team that can we really be sure that they can reach such lofty heights?

I was initially reserved about Heavenly Sword, but a friend evangelised it (I only found out last year that he hadn't played it -.-') until I finally picked it up as a Platinum title. Although it could have been better, I loved it. And Ninja Theory only got better. First with Enslaved, through their storytelling and atmosphere, and then with DmC through their gameplay. Whatever they do next should be utterly exemplary, whether it's an exclusive or not. That being said, I would love a HS2, so I'm voting for that.

10 years ago

Meh nobody cares about crap of duty…. i would really love to get a release date for MGSV PP and HS2 announcement would be fantastic .

10 years ago

yup i said to pass no judgement even though i ain't gunna buy it either way it might end up being a half way decent game but i just don't care anymore and most people know that

happy gaming =)

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

no we dont know that

10 years ago

Syphon Filter reboot

10 years ago

not really surprising about CoD.
the vocal community are bored and sick of it, and to be honest im not really loving this futuristic gadget look to it either.
dunno, just reminds me too much of the futuristic outlandish terminator style games we had in the ps2 days, which most were pretty dreadful!
id be nice to see them do something drastically different, something where you would say hey i never saw them doing that, but you know what it totally fits!
but they wont, antivision and their lappies are the laziest bunch out there!

as for $onys E3 presser i cant really say any of those games.
im more interested for E3 to be a showing of what most of the WWS have been doing.
so i guess kinda everything, but not for what games they are, but just to see what they have been working on.
whether that turns to be bend and syphon filter, or a new IP.
or $SM and GOWIV, or a new IP, im not really fussed, i just want to see SOMETHING!
see something which will tell me yes THIS is what i bought my ps4 for, THIS is what next gen is about, THIS is why we waited SEVEN long freaking years putting up with the same crap over and over and over and over and over and over again!

exactly why the ps4 has been so disappointing so far, not because of the lack of games thats a given, but because the games we have seen none of them really wowed you and said thats what we waited for, theres no way in hell that could of been done on ps3!
instead of saying that, weve been saying oh joy another indie game, or oh joy another f*cking re release, or oh joy another ps3 game with a shinier coat of paint!
we NEED from E3 to say THIS is what next gen is all about, what game that is, and who makes it, is irrelevant.

10 years ago

Couldn't decide between Sony Japan and The Last Guardian.

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