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Massive Leak For Sony’s E3: Huge Games, Teasers, Trailers

With little over a month to go before E3 kicks off, everyone's wondering what Sony will present.

One source, speaking to DualShockers , has apparently revealed the majority of the press conference. The info comes from contacts within Sony HQ and another contact at the BBH New York marketing firm, which works with Sony for promotion.

This is wicked detailed and if it's all true, we should be in for a helluva show! Here are our favorites:

— Uncharted PS4 3 Minute Trailer showcasing ”In-engine” footage interspersed with gameplay segments. Visuals are supposedly unprecedented and set a benchmark for console graphics. Summer 2015 release date. It looks absolutely stellar. Features tropical setting and differing time periods with Nate/Francis.

— Media Molecule’s new title will be a landmark title for Morpheus. 3D world building, beautiful, quirky visuals.Extremely creative and fun. Possibly related to the ”Entwined” trademark filed last week by SCE (not sure). Late 2015.

— Gran Turismo 6 is coming to PS4 as 1080p 60FPS repackaged title in the vein of Gran Turismo 7: Prologue. Stunning visuals, extra features (social connectivity, new tracks, dlc etc). Coming mid-late 2015.

— God of War 4 teaser will be present – will be CG with snippets of in-engine footage. A little early for reveal, but is designed to offset negativity surrounding canceled new IP and generate excitement – also to partially offset CG announce of Gears of War at Microsoft presser. Late 2015. Date wont be announced.

— Kill Strain trademark is related to Syphon Filter reboot for PS4. Sony Bend working on revamping the franchise. Stealth, beautiful visuals and a possible Winter 2014 title. Bend finally getting to join the big boys.

— Wipeout is also making the transition to PS4. Source is unsure of who is developing it, but hints that it could be Sony London, Evolution, or Firesprite.

— Quantic Dream has a trailer prepared – unsure whether it is penciled in for Gamescom or E3. Sony will be watching Microsoft’s presser earlier in the day to gauge whether additional titles will need to be slotted in to dampen hype. Expect Dark Sorcerer- like visuals in real time. Off-topic, but still relevant – they are close to deal to become a Worldwide Studios developer, along with Ready At Dawn.

— Speaking of Ready At Dawn, The Order:1886 will get a stage demo. Big title for Fall 2014. Sony is expecting great things from said title – franchise hopes rest on its performance.

— Ninja Theory working on a PS4 exclusive – possible Heavenly Sword sequel which was shelved a number of years ago. Quite far into development.

— Sony London will be at E3. First AAA title in many years. 3rd person title. Gorgeous. They’re back with a bang.

— Guerrilla Games bringing their RPG to E3. Provocative setting – very interesting. Insane visuals as usual. A good reaction to the title is expected. Will please the hardcore.

— Sony Japan Studios debuting two, maybe even three titles. Project Beast – spiritual successor to Demon Souls. The other is The Last Guardian. Retooled for PS4, possible Winter 2014 title. The Other title is shrouded in secrecy.

…okay, so that's the majority of the list. But it all sounds awesome!

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10 years ago

That actually sounds pretty decent!

10 years ago

Decent is understatement of the decade if The Last Guardian is actually shown.

10 years ago

At this point, The Last Guardian needs to be in playable form, not just shown.

A demo at least.

10 years ago

New RPG from Guerrilla Games? Interesting. And Quantic Dream news is all ways exciting!

10 years ago

Let me pose one question to those of you who were concerned about the release drought: Feel better now? 😀

Last edited by Kryten1029a on 5/8/2014 12:22:16 PM

10 years ago

Only a little, we won't see any of these for years except the Order.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Nobody was concerned about a release drought. There IS a release drought between now and September. Nothing shown at E3 will come out before the holidays.

10 years ago

I wasn't concerned. I have a long backlog.
And Child of Light will tie me over for a while!

10 years ago

I'd be satisfied with that presentation .

10 years ago

If even 1/2 true, Sony will wind up blowing away E3….once again!

10 years ago

Sounds like a dream… seems to good to be true really. It's not usual to see everything you could imagine at E3. It's usually fueled by hype with just a few really cool things to see.

But I'm hopeful because this is what is expected from Sony.

10 years ago

Well, not quite a dream for you Bigrailer19!!

Wait for it……………Borderlands 3 PS4 Exclusive! BAM!!!!! 🙂

10 years ago

That sir is a fair argument. I am however super excited for the pre – sequal so that should hold me over for that announcement! 😉

10 years ago

"possible Heavenly Sword sequel"

YES PLEASE!!! This would make E3 for me, I wouldn't need to hear anything else.

10 years ago

i saw that and thought, " this had better be true,d you cant mess with my hopes like that"

10 years ago

I'm so glad there will be a focus on AAA games and not entirely on indie titles. I mean indie titles can be fun but you get a console for the AAA games. And UC4…I'm drooling just thinking about it.

10 years ago

Feeling snarky today.

Sarcasdtically waiting for Mr. Blank Line to post a bemoaning response to this news as to how it can't and won't happen, or how it is about time, or some other yada wacka cocka.

I don't believe all of it, but I would be pleasantly surprised and satisfied if even 1/2 of it come to fruition.

10 years ago


10 years ago

HAHA!! No, he is on a bridge somewhere leaning, sobbing and contemplating his failed choice of being a Xbot!!!

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago

Man… Now I won't be as excited when I see the game on screen because the surprise was ruined. Great list BTW.

10 years ago

That is really the perfect avatar for this article!!! Sony kicking Microsoft where it counts! 🙂

10 years ago

In the cooter?

10 years ago

@TomBradySucks I'm told that hurts quite a bit

10 years ago

I hate spoilers but I just had to read it, looks to be a fantastic show even if most of those are very far away. Sounds like no hope for surprises this fall.

Most interested in Ninja Theory (Heavenly Sword II would be the bestest evar but the screens they showed of their new project don't suggest this) and Geurilla's RPG. Thank GOD they made an RPG. I mean it will probably be amateurish based on their Killzone scripts, but I don't care I want it!

10 years ago

I love E3

10 years ago

Any game that has a tropical setting I am excited for (MGS3 & Far Cry 3 automatically comes to mind) therefore I am excited about Uncharted 4.

10 years ago

MGS3 had the best setting and gameplay for forest.u can hide in bushes,trees,use camo,eat animals to survive.
What an amazing innovation.
I Hope MGSV:The Phantom Pain has that type of system.Please bring back camo system kojima.

MGS:Peace walker forest had nothing to do.
Uncharted 1,2,3 forest had nothing to do.

Last edited by Japanese_Gamer on 5/8/2014 3:31:15 PM

10 years ago

Jaw just dropped through the floor and someone in China is brushing my teeth!!!!!!! Holy God! My body is ready for this Epicness! BRING IT SONY!! As of this article being put on the internet Microsoft is crying in a fetal position right now! The new generation and USA are Sony's!

…………if true!! Please be true!

10 years ago

There was also mention of a possible tease of The Last of Us sequel at the end of the confrenece.

10 years ago

Sony Japan Studios debuting two, maybe even three titles. Project Beast – spiritual successor to Demon Souls. The other is The Last Guardian. Retooled for PS4, possible Winter 2014 title. The Other title is shrouded in secrecy.

This is all I care about!

10 years ago

Syphon Filter!!!!!!!!!!! Yeahhh!!! Please be true, pretty pretty please!!!!!! This game will put a shame on all gears of wars!!!
P.S Curse you who leaked this, casue I wanted to scream like little girlwhen I would wathc E3, not right now, curse you! 🙂

Last edited by Xzer0 on 5/8/2014 2:05:38 PM

10 years ago

Trust me , you will scream like a little girl when you see one of those title you wanted in the conference .

This is nothing official afterall , so still gonna be awesome to see it was real info .

Might also make you scream if none of this was true tho 🙁

10 years ago

If all of this is true then I'm gonna be one happy chappy when E3 rolls around. It's a good time to be a gamer 🙂


10 years ago

Looking good. I wish something Gran Turismo was coming sooner but next year is better than like 3 years from now.

I just need Team Ninja to pull through with Ninja Gaiden and/or DOA, or even Namco or SEGA unveiling Tekken or VF. Then… then I shall have peace.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 5/8/2014 2:37:31 PM

10 years ago

wait a sec – *rubs eyes* – what? Guerrilla Games making a RPG?! We get an exclusive RPG from Sony?

Wow – this is a dream come true! *Finally* an exclusive I can get super excited over!

Last edited by Beamboom on 5/8/2014 2:39:27 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

PlayStation had lots of exclusive RPGs before Microsoft came in and stole many of them away. This includes Final Fantasy, of course.

If you're only referring to RPGs made specifically by a Sony studio, there weren't that many, though. Legend of Dragoon is the only one I can think of right now.

10 years ago

The PS3 was my first console so whatever happened before that I know nothing about. This will be the first RPG coming from a Sony studio in my time!

Last edited by Beamboom on 5/8/2014 4:17:09 PM

10 years ago

Yeah, LoD is the only Sony studio rpg I can think of… Lots of Sony exclusives, but not really any Sony made ones…

10 years ago

I hope this is real, if it is Sony wins this years E3 hands down.

I actually am ready for another Syphon Filter, I loved those games on the PS1.

Everything else sounds awesome too.

10 years ago


But I've also got to give a mention to these other Syphon Filter PS2 & PSP versions too.

PSP (Logan's Shadow & Dark Mirror)

PS2 (Omega Strain & Dark Mirror once again, which was ported over from the PSP)

Last edited by BikerSaint on 5/8/2014 9:20:49 PM

10 years ago

Oh I totally forgot about the PSP ones, I played and loved those games!!!

I never played omega strain although I heard it was pretty good. Should I have played it?

10 years ago

Yeah, I'd say go for it!

10 years ago

No Final Fantasy XV, because I bet you that it will appear in the Xbox One conference now Sony have sold their shares of S-E. No Metal Gear Solid V either…

I'll be interested to see Uncharted and I hope Kill Strain proves to be interesting. If they include a tazer which has unlimited range, I'll buy it 😛

10 years ago

Agreed on FF. They have already smoked Microsoft's pole so many times and MS won't have anything to show so I'd expect a Square Enix trolljob on their stage.

10 years ago

This list looks pretty awesome.. Even though ive distanced myself from the Uncharted series after the disappointment that was Drake's Deception, the thought of playing with Sir Francis himself has me excited again.

I don't know of Guerilla can deliver a Witcher or Dragon Age caliber RPG, but I'm still going to be there day one for whatever they do

Not sure what Nintendo or Microsoft are cooking up, but i hope its close to how this may turn out. My next gen systems are hungry..

10 years ago

Think both Sony's and Microsoft's conferences should be solid. Especially if this list is somewhat accurate!

MS has way more to prove….though Sunset Overdrive is looking sick

10 years ago

I'd expect a first person RPG from GG.

10 years ago

This looks like optimistic fanboy guesses. Some of these are safe bets: big Sony studio makes a another game… For the past few years, Sony makes their big new project reveals a week or two before the show but sometimes holds full demos until the show itself.

Last edited by Nestore on 5/8/2014 4:48:29 PM

10 years ago

This better not be BS I said earlier if The Last Guardian isn't at this years e3 I am giving up on it no matter how much it pains me, and I am sticking with this.

10 years ago

GG's been working on a RPG for awhile now. Its kinda why Shadowfall wasn't all there. They've been wanting to try out new stuff for awhile and now they are.

Good to see its everywhere now though. E3 HYPE

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