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Damnit, Not Another Port, I Want A New God Of War On PS4

Okay, this one, I don't get.

Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition ? Sure, it celebrated the positive overhaul of a video game icon and it turned out to be amazing for new PS4 owners .

The Last Of Us: Remastered ? Absolutely. The very best game of 2013 – and easily one of the best of the entire previous generation – and of course, the PS4 can't play the PS3 version, so… Spread the awesomeness.

But a PS4 version of God of War: Ascension ? Why? According to industry insider Shinobi602 (as cited by DualShockers ), Sony will indeed deliver the most recent GoW entry to the PS4. Granted, we have no idea what might be included in this re-release of sorts but even so, I don't want it.

Look, as good as Ascension was, I still deemed it a step back in the esteemed franchise. Many other critics felt the same way. It's just not the game we need on the PS4 right now; rather, we need the announcement of a new GoW installment. But wait, perhaps that's precisely the reason we're getting Ascension on PS4; maybe it's to prepare us for that new effort! I'm trying to be positive here.

It would help the PS4's nasty reputation of "having nothing but ports and digital titles" if they just stopped announcing more ports.

Related Game(s): God of War: Ascension

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10 years ago

….seeing that this game launched near the same time TLoU did, I really hope Sony doesn't get it in their head that they can "remaster" this and price it for $60.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 5/7/2014 10:33:08 PM

10 years ago


but wait, what if this port is just the beginning. Let's say E3 they announce a new GOW but we'll first get this Ascension port, something for GOW newcomers to get a feel for the franchise.

*fingers crossed for a new GOW game @E3*

10 years ago

I hope so.

10 years ago

You do have a point there. PS4 is selling like hot bread, something the PS3 couldn't do. And since a lot of those PS4 owners are newcomers from the 360 it is a good way to promote a "new" franchise. Which if that is the case then we might get a lot more ports than we'd like. Its all for the greater good ((The Greater Good)) I suppose.

10 years ago

Yep, it is looking like E3 better be full of new games, or MS might win the second half of 2014 in the US.
Sony needs to start its engines, and run over the XBOX720p fast, just nail their cuffing already.

10 years ago

This is a bridge too far, probably done because the MP was costly and nobody cared about it so the title was money lost. They need that money back and ramp up the MP for when it returns on the next GoW.

Couldn't be bothered to finish this even on PS3, I'm going with Bound By Flame on friday for some PS4 fun.

10 years ago

I'm curious about Bound By Flame, so do a review please 😉

It sorta reminds me of Enclave on Xbox/PC, from videos anyway.
I like the smaller more tactical style encounters the game is showing.

10 years ago

I dunno if Ben got a review copy or plans but if not I can certainly do one. The scales tipped when I learned it had a character creator thus I could make my Demon a chick. Also someone with early impressions said it plays a bit like Amalur.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago

Maybe a new franchise for the ps4? Acsencion is the first title? Maybe?

10 years ago

I uh… Won't say anything but GOW is having a debut at E3. Not saying what it is mind you, but look forward to it. This is as Cloudou said above, a welcome to new comers of the series.

10 years ago

That game is done. People keep buying ports for PS4 so lets keep them coming.

That's what PS4 gamers are buying so that's what they are asking, right?

10 years ago

I'd buy it again just for the mp. I sold my PS3 version so I have a legit reason to buy it again. I do miss playing it and I enjoyed it enough I'd play through it again.

10 years ago

For those who still haven't play this and already has a ps4, this is your chance. Check out the Trial Of Archimedes in hard mode. Enjoy.

10 years ago

WHy is this article even there?
God of War ascension was amazing and I'd like to enjoy it in 1080p and 60fps on PS4.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Why not? It's news dressed up as an editorial giving Ben's opinion on the news to provoke discussion of that opinion. If you don't like the idea of it, it's given away in the title, so don't click it and complain that you clicked on it.

10 years ago

You -REALLY- don't get what this whole gaming news stuff is all about, do you? Half the articles you comment on bemoan the fact the article exists….

10 years ago

"There aren't enough games on ps4, cry cry"

"What, they're bringing a game to ps4, outrage! cry cry"

10 years ago

it's an old game so it doesn't count

10 years ago

facepalm shakes head long winded sigh.
anyone want to buy my doorstep ps4 off me?
after all spending 550+ bucks on something, just so it can hold your door open, is kinda a bit of a waste of money!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

If you're selling it for the price of a doorstop, I'll take it off your hands.

10 years ago

I'll beat Lawless. I'll give you the cost of TWO doorstops!

10 years ago

don't sell your PS4. The first year is usually slow. Eventually with enough time it'll be pumping games out left and right and everyone will be swamped with backlog.

10 years ago

I have a full case of doorstops waiting right now!

10 years ago

The excuse that first years are usually slow needs to stop. While it's not wrong, the truth is that until this generation, starting with Wii U, consoles were never filled with nothing but late ports. The fact of the matter is that the best games for PS4 this year will be PS3 games from 2013, that shouldn't be the case and the excuse making for Sony needs to stop.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Haven't picked up Ascension for the PS3 yet, so I'd buy it if it was migrating over. Not for full price though. It is a bit of a bummer that these remasters are piling up instead of new games, but it makes sense for people like me whose backlogs are just out of hand, and aren't opposed to playing the better version of older games, and always those migrating from other platforms this time around.

I can't begrudge the practice, but I won't readily endorse it after last gen's remasters all packed in more than one game, and sold for less than full retail price.

karneli lll
karneli lll
10 years ago

All this remastering is making me worried for PlayStation now

10 years ago

Why? There are loads of HD remakes of PS2 games on PS3…

10 years ago

I feel the same way about The Last of Us.

10 years ago

I agree this is not needed for the Playstation faithful. However, I believe there has been a larger X360 defection over to the PS4 than we realize. Sony sees dollar signs and is going for it. GoWA will also be available on the PS4 and Vita via PSNow this summer. So, I am thinking this will not be the last port of a PS3 game to the PS4. Uncharted Trilogy will be next and I am all for that!!!

10 years ago

I can understand The Last of Us as it was a top tier title of this generation… but you don't really hear of people talk about Ascension in the same manner, I say this because I have yet to play the series. But I have no problem with PS4 HD re-releases if their worth while. It's also worth nothing that the PS2 HD releases on PS3 usually had 2 or 3 titles in a package.

10 years ago

I actually enjoyed Ascension more than GoW3 but I still hate this nickel and dime garbage instead of real next gen games. There's no excuse for it, not even the oft repeated " Well, dey want newcomers to play it". E3 hopefully will shed some lighton some next gen goodness coming our way.

10 years ago

GoW 1/2 were great but wildly overrated. GoW: Ascension is great but has this weird hivemind hate. I loved GoW: Ascension and would _love_ to buy a quality remaster, nicer visuals, 1080p, and full multiplayer!! Heck yes… I still think Demon's/Dark Souls are far better melee action adventure games.

10 years ago

They did it to Vita, now Sony is trying to do it to the PS4?

10 years ago

i'm sry sony but i have to agree here y not a new GoW or something else i don't want this i want something new or alteast an actuall sequal not a reboot of a old game

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

As long as the fanboys keep telling Sony this is ok, this is what you're going to get. This is the last time I buy a Sony console early again got burned by the Vita and now the PS4.

10 years ago

They should of gave us GOW3 Directors Cut instead, the extended Zeus battle sound more awesome than the one we got, also add alternative endings.

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