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Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn Is A Go


The Indiegogo campaign for Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn is over, and the endeavor was successful : Developer Big Deez Productions needed $450,000 and they got $473,884 from 1,340 backers.

Big Deez issued a "sincere and heartfelt thank you" to everyone who contributed and now, with the game fully funded, they're going to enter full production. To gather feedback from gamers, they'll launch a platform where backers can contribute ideas and suggestions.
They'll also keep us updated on the game's progress and again, they won't screw it up:

"Our success is on your shoulders. You have made this happen for all of us and we're thrilled to have had your passion and support from start to finish. Our promise still stands: This time we won't Fu it up!"

Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn is now in the works for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii U and PC. They didn't make the stretch goals for iOS/Android ($650,000) and the 3DS/Vita ($960,000). However, it's interesting to note that someone did pledge $35,000, which earned him or her a visit from Shaq himself; he'll DJ at a party at the winner's house.

I just gotta see how this turns out.

Related Game(s): Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn

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10 years ago

I hear that the original wasn't all the bad. It just got a bad rep by some of the "elite" gaming nerds of the day. I will take a wait and see attitude on this.

10 years ago

I love dumb games but this is beyond that limit for me. Happy they got to make it though.

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