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Sony Registers Trademarks For Entwined And Kill Strain

As we get closer to E3, everyone is wondering what new games Sony might show off at the industry conference.

Perhaps two of them will be new IPs called Kill Strain and Entwined . According to GameSpot , Sony filed a trademark application for each title with the US Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) this past week.

Both are listed as "computer game software" and furthermore, Sony's North American branch registered the domain, "" in March 2014. Entwined doesn't appear to have a domain owned by Sony just yet, but it may be too early. We don't know anything about these two titles beside the fact that the names exist at the patent office, which hopefully means they'll be unveiled as video game projects ASAP.

E3 might be the perfect time to announce them, too. That's when Sony really needs to prove that exclusive software is still their bread-and-butter.

Related Game(s): Kill Strain, Entwined

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10 years ago

Domain names are registered long, looong before something exist to be shown at a conference. Reserving the domain names is typically one of the first and very early stages of any project.

10 years ago

Those are terrible names.

10 years ago

Great more games, my guess wud be Kill Strain is Guerrilla Game's new IP and Entwined is Quantic Dream's new game, can't wait for E3.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Kill Strain sounds godawful. I do kind of like Entwined though; has a pleasant, simplistic, kinda mysterious air.

10 years ago

wouldnt say god awful.
makes you think of a game based on a killer virus, maybe a historical game back when biological warfare was the next big thing after nukes scared the crap out of everyone.
could be really interesting actually.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

As a subtitle it would be good, but if I saw a game calling it Kill Strain, I'd throw it in the same barrel as Bulletstorm: puerile trash.

10 years ago

I doubt these will be anything too exciting.

10 years ago

yeah well it certainly wud be interesting to see whats under sonys hat of 1st party games cos we know theres a few but what is all the rest up to and i think that is what is going to make this years E3 really gud

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

oooooo goody new IPs!
im gonna go out on a limb and say kill strain is GGs new IP that they have been supposedly working on since KZ2 released.
and entwined is sony bends new IP, dunno why but the name just makes me think of them.
kinda hope its not them though, theres been strong rumors that syphon filter would be making a big comeback!
id be heartbroken to find that aint true.

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