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If Shaq Fu Earns $450,000, It’ll Come To Next-Gen Consoles

Yep, it's coming to consoles! …well, if it earns enough money.

As announced at the game's Indiegogo campaign page , if Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn hits the $450,000 plateau, it'll be released for all major consoles: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Wii U.

Currently, they've raked in $176,896 with 24 days left, so that $450,000 stretch goal seems plausible. Prior to this announcement, the revitalized Shaq Fu project was only confirmed for PC, with a lofty $1.6 million stretch goal for PS4 and Xbox One versions. In development at Big Deez Productions, staffed by guys and gals with experience in top game franchises like Halo , Max Payne , Killzone , Battlefield , Street Fighter and others, Shaq Fu appears to be in good hands.

Yeah, we all remember that awful 1994 fighting game with the same name. It has since become one of those legendary pieces of video game trash, right up there with E.T. for the Atari and Superman 64 for the N64. But hey, if you donate $35,000, Mr. O'Neal himself will travel to your party and DJ for you and your buddies. How's that?

Related Game(s): Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn

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10 years ago

Hopefully it gets there. Everybody says how terrible the original was, but I have fond memories of it.
It wasn't insanely difficult to beat, unlike the mortal kombats of that era.

10 years ago

I feel the same way.

Sure, the game wasn't super tough, but the mechanics were solid, and the characters were unique.

That's why it holds a special place in my heart.

I still have my SNES version.

10 years ago

donations? if the person that donated will they get the game for free? just wondering

10 years ago

1.6 million for a videogame? this sounds like a money making scheme to me. I mean, I am sure they will make the game, but to make a side scroller fighter would take only a 10th of that.

I smell a rat.

10 years ago

A tenth? What are you on… That's like only near 4 entry level employees if you decide you also don't want to advertise or use any other resources other than personnel… So… forget utilities, leased space, maintaining equipment, or any other licensing or other costs…

1.6 million is a pittance for a video game. Uncharted 3 cost in the neighborhood of 40 million, as an example. Some games cost far more still.

Grand Theft Auto 5? A whopping 250 million.

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