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Sucker Punch Still Loves inFamous, Next Project Is A “Secret”

inFamous: Second Son marks the third entry in the popular and acclaimed franchise.

So, is this it for the series? Is developer Sucker Punch tired of the IP? Nope, not at all, according to a recent PSSite interview (as translated by Worlds Factory ). Sucker Punch boss Nate Fox was quick to say that no, they're not getting bored with inFamous :

"No, no! Like I said, I think there are a lot of stories to be had. It’s like saying you are bored with superhero fiction. They could make Iron Man 4 and would go see it because all of us think there is like a power inside of us that hasn’t been expressed and we’re special, superhero fiction is a visual manifestation of that and I think it makes for a great video-game too. So no, I’m not bored with inFamous at all, I’m excited."

However, that doesn't mean they're going to immediately dive into another inFamous installment. Fox said the team's next project is a "secret," and that's simply because they have no idea what they're doing yet. It could be another series entry, but wouldn't you like to see them tackle something else? I'd love to see 'em try.

As for the idea of bringing a spin-off to the PlayStation Vita, Fox said he "would love it," but they don't have anything to announce at this time. How's about an exclusive adventure for Sony's portable…?

Related Game(s): inFamous: Second Son

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10 years ago

I hope they do a new IP next and then return to inFamous after that. I'd want Cole's story finished, but I kind of doubt that will happen now unless Cole and Delsin wound up in an epic battle.

10 years ago

Depending on how you played infamous 2 isn't Coles story done?

10 years ago

Not if you waited for the scene after the credits.

10 years ago

Did that. I don't remember it suggesting anything.

EDIT: maybe I vaguely remember something but I think it was just a subtlety.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 3/7/2014 11:07:40 PM

10 years ago


Go away if you haven't finished inFamous 2.

I thought it was after the credits but maybe it was before. A lightning bolt struck his corpse as the final scene. Since he is powered by electricity….

Anyway it was good enough to bring Jason Voohees back.

10 years ago

Lol I like your go away comment.

Anyways that's what I remember too.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago

I'm just glad that they are working on something.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

As much as inFamous is awesome, please let it be something new.

10 years ago

This team knows how to do addictive gameplay.

10 years ago

as much as i love infamous id rather see them do a new IP next, they can always come back to infamous later.
hell id rather them do a new sly game, but we know thats never going to happen!
oh well, i wish $ony would add sanarzu to their WWS collection and commission them souly with working with the original franchise creators to bring beloved franchises back.
only way were ever going to see sly, J&D, or other franchises ever come back.

10 years ago

an exlcusive infamous for the vita i'd be down for that i think most western vita owners wud agree
and i don't think with all the buzz around infamous right now that there wudn't be another game in a few years

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

I would like to go back to Cole. I know many debate that it depends on how you ended game, good or bad being your choices throughout. BUT its the state of the world that I suppose would be the difficulty to move forward with it.

I am unclear as to the Second Son time period. If it is taking place after Cole or before or during. If its after Cole… then there is no problem bringing him back.

Its difficult as well being that a new set of characters are now in play and I do not know how that game ends… yet.

SP said they were pretty much done with Cole as well.

Either way SP is one of my current fav devs along with Naughty Dog so hopefully in the next few years they will have plenty to show and for us to play.

Keep playing!

10 years ago

Loved the first one, Still have not played the 2nd but will soon. I will be getting this as soon as i get a ps4..

10 years ago

Second son i mean!

10 years ago

Smart move.

10 years ago

Love Infamous and hope they are working on another part of the series (Cole or otherwise) but what if there is another Sly Cooper coming? Anyone else remember how Thieves in Time ended?

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