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Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn: We Have To Make This Happen

I just can't believe they're making another one.

Indiegogo, the world's largest crowd-funding platform, has announced that former NBA star Shaquille O'Neal has launched a new campaign for Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn . A cult classic since its launch on the Sega Genesis back in 1994, Shaq Fu is one of the most notoriously awful fighters of all time. And Shaq knows it:

"I’ll admit it, Shaq Fu was a horrible game. I’m a huge fan of videogames and want to have my name associated with a Shaq Fu game that I’m proud of and would like to play. This is my second chance and it’s even better this time since I’m able to partner with the fans to make this happen."

To achieve his goal, Shaq has teamed up with Big Deez Productions, a studio comprised of industry veterans that have experience with franchises like Street Fighter , Halo , Duke Nukem , Madden NFL Football and Max Payne . Perhaps unsurprisingly, the game's soundtrack will feature modernized remixes of classic Shaqs songs from his collection of Platinum and Gold albums.

As for the game itself, it's described as a modern-day twist on the old-school beat-'em-up format. We'll play as Shaq, of course, but this time, we'll be able to learn hundreds of classic and unique moves, along with "strategic battle techniques and brutal finishing moves." We'll even get combo and character skill progression systems, and power-ups will be scattered throughout every level, just for extra fun. Even the locations will be destructible!

Now, here's what's needed for the project; they need a minimum of $450,000 to bring the game to PC. After that:

Wanna contribute? If you donate $15, you'll receive a digital copy of the game; handing over $25 gets you a copy of the game and every piece of DLC they end up releasing; $400 will net you an invitation to the game's launch party in either Los Angeles or New York City. Oh, but things get even nuttier from there: Donating $15,000 means you can play some b-ball with Shaq at his home, and forking over $25,000 earns you a two-hour dinner with Shaq!

As for why Shaq – who has a lot of money – just isn't funding this on his own, the idea is to gauge gamer interest in the project. Guess we'll have to see…!

Related Game(s): Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn

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10 years ago

This game cannot be made for one reason. The original Shaq Fu was so bad that making a game anything less than spectacular will render it obsolete and just another bad game. If Shaq truly values his infinite celebrity status he must leave Shaq Fu to be the steaming pile of dung that it's always been.

10 years ago

"This time we won't Fu it up"!

(Got to love that toothless grin at about the 58 second mark) LOL

Advent Child
Advent Child
10 years ago

Oh my gosh I remember playing that as a rental when I was like 8 haha!

10 years ago

No thanks I'm saving up for Space Jam 2.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago


10 years ago

i see what you did there

10 years ago

I'm in. I have to see this happen.

10 years ago

I actually liked Shaq Fu it was soo damn hard lol. I think I actually beat it when I was 9

10 years ago

It came out for SNES the same year.

I know, because I got it at the same time I got my Donkey Kong Country SNES bundle for an early Christmas present.

And it was actually a solid fighter, the story was just garbage.

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