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Deep Down Info: No Female Characters, Fixed Difficulty

Well, this little piece of information is enough to incite a minor riot these days.

According to a DualShockers translation of a Niconico livestream presentation of Deep Down , the game will not boast playable female characters.

They don't say why, but that's the way it's going to be. Additionally, you won't be able to tamper with the game's difficulty, although Capcom can make changes on their side if things prove unbalanced. The source claims another limitation, too: Only four weapon styles will be available upon the launch of the game. More will be added later but as this title utilizes the free-to-play model, many are thinking we'll have to pay for them.

The weapon styles revealed thus far are sword and shield, greatsword, and spear. As for no women characters, that's going to rub a lot of people the wrong way…

Related Game(s): Deep Down

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10 years ago

I hate the Free-to-Play format. Why do people support this model?!?!?!?!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

I have no idea but obviously, they do.

10 years ago

I was hoping some of the people that do would respond to me 🙁

10 years ago

No you don't, their arguments are so feeble they aren't worth reading.

10 years ago

Lol, well if the other thread is any indication I'll at least entertain myself.

10 years ago

I personally dislike the free-to-play model, but it can be good for getting people to try the game out. Case in point for me is War Thunder on PS4 – I'd far, far prefer it was a pay-to-play game, but there are 600-1000 people on it online every night (which for night in Australia is pretty good, most of Europe is asleep at this time, and the game hasn't launched in the US – it's not far behind KZ:SF's numbers). The trade-off is that it takes far, far longer to unlock aircraft, but the gameplay itself is pretty much unchanged. In the first release, they had a far too complex economy for things that made it hard to get into, but they've simplified it in the latest patch so one can focus more on the game. You can pay up-front for single player campaigns as well (which I will at some stage, but as they're the same as Birds of Steel which I've already gone through, there's no rush).

So, while I say it through clenched teeth, I'll concede that War Thunder's MP is better for free-to-play, as previous online flight games on console have never got near that number online. As it is, I can jump on anytime and there's always plenty of people to play with.

However, for something like Deep Down, where you don't need hundreds of people online for it to work, I think it might be a bit less 'benign', but you never know.

10 years ago


You make a good point. I can see its purpose for smaller developers and for games that don't have a huge following. I'm all for any method of delivery that allows people to enjoy a quality game. The issue I have is I see it slowly creeping into the mainstream market and games like this don't need a Free-to-play format. I see it as a limitation on the game and a huge turn off.

A great example of free-to-play working would be Plants vs Zombies 2. I've enjoyed the game on my android phone.

10 years ago

Because it is a quick and easy method of playing a game for free?

Who doesn't like getting something for free? Yeah you could argue that many of them aren't free, but to me, if I can actually play the game, in whatever restrictions I might have, then it is still free. I played Warframe for a bit, before realizing how much I was missing out on by not spending cash, and eventually moved on. League of Legends is the only FTP game I have played that has got me past the 'free' stage, and I have probably spent over $100 on that game. That game is just addictive, and frustrating, which makes it more addictive.

Some FTP games are great, and really let you enjoy the game for free, however others heavily restrict you. The ones that heavily restrict you only prove to be 'demos' of the game if you pay money for it, this is fine I guess.

I think League of Legends is the best example of FTP you will find on the market. They give you more than enough content to fully enjoy the game. I played it for months without a cent, it was only when I became hard core that I spent money.

Last edited by Akuma_ on 2/17/2014 8:13:45 PM

10 years ago

I feel the format puts too many restrictions on the games. I will agree on League of Legends, I've heard nothing but great things about the game from friends. I'm aware that the format can exist but with Deep Down and other games like it I don't see the point. Would you welcome an Uncharted where you're given the game and than you purchase additional weapons/levels/costumes/multiplayer/characters with individual payments?

I see the format being used far too often in games that don't require it and honestly I see it diminishing the quality of the final product.

10 years ago

Dota 2 is a better F2P model than League. The only things you can buy in dota are cosmetic 100% that is it.

I only drop money on the f2p game if the game is so good and so free of restrictions I can't fathom how they made it free.

Path of Exile is a VERY good free to play game as well. I dropped money on Tribes Ascend and regretted it because they stopped supporting the game, dropped 7 bucks on Blacklight for the PC because I got into it for a couple months. Thats all I can think of.

I think it is a terrible model for the most part, but I always give a f2p game a chance if it looks interesting.

Dell Taco
Dell Taco
10 years ago

I personally don't like the free-to-play model and choose not to support this game. As for the characters not being female; if the game didn't have character options then that's on the developer, however, choices are nice to have.

10 years ago

Not having playable females is only going to become an issue if the MEDIA makes it so.

Case in point: Brenna Hillier over at VG24/7 already wrote a very long article a few hours ago (The comments section was closed— I wonder why). IGN already posted an article using a similar headline. And last but not least, Polygon did the same a few minutes ago.

But the crap won't really hit the fan until Kotaku publishes their take on that issue. Their star reporter on all things misogynistic & sexist, Patricia Hernandez, was too busy reporting on Pokemon being played by 50k players over at Twitch. So maybe that's why it hasn't happened.

slow and smart
slow and smart
10 years ago

I don't expect much from Capcom for a long while now ,and till now i have no indication they will do better with this game….

10 years ago

Sweet i can wait to try this game.

10 years ago

Sweet? Do you even read the articles before commenting on them?

10 years ago

He's into boy/boy love.

10 years ago

We all are…right?……….

10 years ago

I'm coming to inspect your manga collection…

10 years ago

That's what the last 6 guys that came over said…interesting.

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

BL > jesus

10 years ago

And then they wound up as pieces in your fridge?

10 years ago

I refuse to answer that question.

10 years ago


10 years ago

Like i feared ,limited in all aspect thx to the f2p model .

10 years ago

Free equals worthless, literally.

10 years ago

Some details on the largest F2P game ever made, League of Legends:

-Registered users: 70 million
-Active Players: 32.5 million
-10 games started every second.
-1.3 billion hours of gameplay every month.
-World Championships were viewed by over 8 million people.
-Which had a total prize pool of $8 million.

This was 2013 data. I expect it has increased since then.

So I guess you could say, they aren't entirely worthless.

10 years ago

I'm another one who doesn't support F2P.

10 years ago

You are wise Saint-san

10 years ago

I honestly do not mind F2P but they would always take a backseat from those that I can actually buy. Most of the time, F2P games are riddled with IAPs (microtransactions) and some even force them on you in order to progress further. That's a big no-no and something that I'm hoping Deep Down will avoid. I'm just not sure how Capcom will handle things once the game releases and I'm not exactly optimistic.

With that said, I have seen some off-screen gameplay footage and I got to admit that the graphics looked good. If Capcom can make a Dragons Dogma sequel that looks as good as that and manages to retain the excellent gameplay found on the first title, I'm definitely on board. Do it, Capcom!

10 years ago

for an MMO type game not to have female characters these days is quite strange even if it is only on console atm.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

It's not an MMO you idiot, it's an Action-RPG.

10 years ago

i don't care if its F2P Model or P2P Model because Devs like Bethseda are adding cash shops in their P2P Models aka Elder scrolls online

WoW Even has a Cash shop which you can buy Mounts in and thats the biggest MMO out there and its P2P

as for deep Down im no longer interested in it because i knew Capcoms track record its not the Model thats bad its the Devs that abuse it

theirs a Few F2P Models out their that you litterally never Need to buy 1 thing from the Cash shop like PSO2 where the Cash shop is litterally for Cosmetics that don't effect gameplay what so ever

then you have Perfect world which has the Best F2P Model in existence
they have a Cash shop But you can use your in game Gold that you get from monsters selling stuff to Convert your in game Gold into Cash shop $$
it just means you have to do alot of farming

No female char creation in a MMO is a turn off for me so deep Down ill pass on
its not like capcom has never added female char creation before
Monster hunter online

this just is screaming F2P cash shop abuse all over it
i actually thought the game looked interesting before i learned this

as for me ive played P2P MMOS like FF11 WoW Phantasy star online and universe
Ive also played alot of F2P MMOS like Lunia Shin Megami Tensei imagine perfect world PSO2 dynasty warriors online Blade and soul Onigiri Elsword Vindictus the list goes on

10 years ago

I miss Perfect World :,(. I was one of the Beta testers for that game, and for Perfect World International.

10 years ago

I'm sorry, those who are like "it's not so bad" are STUPID. This enrages me even more that people aren't speaking out against "free" to play on consoles…. It is YOU who are encouraging and therefore have a hand in the destruction of the console game industry. Micro transactions are stupid and only scumbags put them into thier games. Ace Combat Infinity, Tekken Reveloution, DCUO. The ONLY one that is at all fair in the MT sector is Dust 514. They don't omit content then sell it later, they don't give you 3 coins or fuel and allow you to play 3 times and once out, make you pay real money for more or wait 4 hrs to restock 1. The MT's in dust are XP boosters and equipment that you can skill into and use in game money to buy. I'm sorry but anybody who encourages the F2P model is WRONG. Very few are reasonable and no matter what you say to counter, YOU ARE WRONG.

10 years ago

I See your points but why do you ignore the P2P MMOS which are using Micro transactions how do you justify Elder scrolls online going to sell other Races through Micro transactions i want an explanation on this

i avoid alot of the P2W MMOS if i end up playing a F2P MMO that becomes P2W i quit

DCU i didn't care for i quit after 3 days of playing
Tekken revolution they tried turning it into an actual arcade where you get a few free coins each day
Dust 514 doesn't interest me because its a shooter
Ace Combat never played it
DOA5 ultimate this is interesting because their is an actual full game of it its basically a free trial of it with unlimited time and they rotate the free chars you can either buy the full game or buy the stuff you want individually

i honestly think DOA5U is a Fair way to let new people to the series experience the game

im not blind to how MMOS work ive seen how MMO companys Like Aeria games Milk their fanbase with games like Shaia where 500$ is considered a monthly Tier spender

i don't care what Model is used I care how they use the Model
to me its not about F2P P2P or B2P it's about the content and how they deliver it

ive played all 3 Models and ive seen them all do it right and all scam you
so no their isn't any Model that has never been abused

people target F2P but theirs alot of people that want games like MGS GZ and know its under 2 hours of story and are willing to Dish out 40$ for an AAA title thats being abused

what people don't understand is publishers and investors are driven by greed its rare to find a human who isn't greedy these days so until that changes people will continue to abuse anything they can

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