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Hey Sony, Isn’t It Time To Announce Heavenly Sword 2 For PS4?

It was one of the first great games for the PlayStation 3. It helped us to recover from months of "PS3 is doomed" headlines. To this day, it's widely regarded as one of the most impressive, accomplished titles of that generation.

Granted, it had its detractors, but I still say the game was a tremendous achievement, and it was especially important for a relatively new piece of hardware. The PS3 has just suffered an abysmal launch 10 months earlier, so when Heavenly Sword hit store shelves, Sony's machine wasn't exactly getting a lot of good press. Despite those aforementioned detractors, Ninja Theory's title showed what the PS3 could do, and that was critical.

Now, of course, the PS4 is off to a much better start, comparatively speaking. It probably doesn't need the help. But wouldn't it be perfect to start off another generation with a new Heavenly Sword entry? Fans have been begging for a new installment for years. Perhaps the best way to generate more excitement for the PS4 is to announce a long-awaited sequel, one that's also exclusive to Sony's console. If handled by the right team, it could be fantastic .

I'd want this more than a new God of War , to be honest. There was just something very special about Heavenly Sword

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10 years ago

Agreed. Nuf said.

Keep playing!

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

Keep slaying!

10 years ago

While I agree it was great I personally don't think it would help the PS4 any, it would just be a bonus. At this point consumers are buying PS4 because of what they know. I believe that those who have one are those who would play Heavenly Sword. I doubt anyone buys a PS4 just to play Heavenly Sword.

I do believe it would have benefited the PS3 though. only in that its library would be that much more impressive. Same could be said for PS4 but like I mentioned, its not going to push systems.

10 years ago

Give me HS2 right now.

Maybe the CGI movie will help the franchise… and we all can have the new game announcement

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Would definitely drive up my purchase interest. Sony Santa Monica could do it well, but I think I'd rather see it stay at Ninja Theory. The first was a pretty great game, and NT have only been getting better with experience, so HS2 could be a must-have for the system, especially if it winds up being designed to replace GoW as Playstation's go-to action franchise.

10 years ago

There was something about Heavenly Sword. It was something in there that were cool. I admit that. It had a definite atmosphere, and a quite charming story.

But the product is, in my humble opinion, also quite overrated. It was *completely* spoiled by the QTEs. The battles were for the most part a bit too predictable and uninspiring, and the boss battles were just plain far too ultra-traditional.

But it had POTENTIAL. So a sequel? Sure, I'd be curious to hear more about that. But it would have to take some pretty serious improvements for me to buy it.

10 years ago

pretty good IP debut I'd say.

10 years ago

If they fix the damn framerate on the game I would be happy. It hovered in the mid-20s a lot.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Well, to be fair, you just hate QTEs, Beamboom. Not everyone does and they were implemented about as well as they could be in HS. They weren't even that overused when compared to other games. Certainly didn't affect the overall quality of the game.

And of course a lot of the boss battles were "traditional." I think I miss a time when not EVERY single boss you face had to have some bizarre way of beating him. Whatever happened to just having a very strong dude that you have to take down? It's an ACTION game, after all. 🙂

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 1/30/2014 11:13:38 AM

10 years ago

Oh yes I hate QTEs with a passion, that much is true.
And it was especially annoying in this game simply cause the scenes were so fantastic. But could I enjoy them? Nope, I had to keep my eyes peeled to spot some bloody symbols on some bloody icons instead.

Good grief how I hated it. On top of that this was very early in my playstation career, so I wasn't familiar with the controller at all – I didn't remember on what button those friggin' symbols were located so I had to look down or just plain take a chance. Oh man how I frowned, swore, cursed, freaked out and cried at those sequences.
I kid you not, I get an increased adrenaline-level just by thinking back to those struggles. It was pure horror. Whenever I came up to a new boss I was like, "oh noooooooooooo not AGAIN!".

But I've always loved female protagonists in games, and this game is no exception. She were awesome. Without her I'd quit the game a lot earlier.

Last edited by Beamboom on 1/30/2014 11:51:25 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Okay, so you really weren't prepared for this game then. If you have to look down at the controller, there's no chance you're going to have any fun. 🙂

10 years ago

I might get a little heat for this but I actually like Heavenly Sword better than any of the God of War games, and I'm a huge fan of that franchise. My only complaint with Heavenly Sword was that it only took me about 5 1/2 to 6 hours to complete, but it was an awesome 5 1/2 to 6 hours. I'd love to see the series come back but unfortunately I can't see it happening at this point.

10 years ago

I never got into heavenly Sword, the final mark was when I had to use Six-axis on that bow and arrow mission where you have to protect this guy. With all the problems with the controls I managed to smack an arrow right between the eyes of the person I was meant to protect… I was not pleased.

For me Resistance: Fall of Man was the PS3's early calling card, before Uncharted anyway. It's just a shame that the series ended with a whimper of a game like Resistance 3.

10 years ago

I'm afeared that we will just never see it. Which is just a bad business decision imo. Maybe they want to wait for Ninja Theory to finish their queue instead of handing it to a Sony dev.

10 years ago

id love to see another HS game, but its not very likely.
dosent ninja theory own the licensing rights instead of $ony?
id love to see someone take some ideas from it though, especially the massive battles towards the end of the game, man slashing through thousands of enemies in one sweep when you finally get to wield the heavenly sword, that was freaking awesome!

10 years ago

Sony owns them last i heard

10 years ago

I think there's going to be about 100 sequels on the new consoles as it is. Don't need yet another one. I'd much MUCH rather have some new IP's. Creativity is a precious thing in this industry and it won't be long before there's not a single person left who even remembers what it feels like to come up with a new idea.

After Heavenly Sword Ninja Theory made Enslaved: Odyssey to the West which I thought was a fantastic new IP. They're quite capable of making some great stuff when they're allowed to let their creativity shine.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

I'm not really asking for a sequel, though. More like a reboot because the IP has been dead for a while. Maybe not "HS2," in other words.

10 years ago

Agreed. I think to this day, the game still has the best voice – mouth synchronization of any game. Even Uncharted seems a little choppy compared to HS.

Also, it is the only game that made use of the Six Axis controls in any funny way. (The arrows and catapult launches)

Also, excellent story line on par with Uncharted

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

"I think to this day, the game still has the best voice – mouth synchronization of any game."

Truth. I still don't know how Ninja Theory managed to do this so well, and so early on in the PS3's lifespan.

10 years ago

Yes! Please!

Heavenly Sword deserved a sequel more than most of the games that got sequels last gen.

As long as they bring back Nariko as the main character somehow. She's one of my favourite VG character designs of all time.

10 years ago

ahhh heavenly sword was my second ps3 game 🙂 so much nostalgia i remember when i saw the ad on tv i was like i have to get that game 🙂

10 years ago

PLEASE SONY DO IT. you have my money. take it!!!

10 years ago

HS is still one of my favorite games on PS3, and if it wasn't for the sometimes terrible framerates it would've been on par with the original Uncharted.

Very few games have that great characters, story, with stunning graphics and sound like that game. How many games have quality actors working on it like Andy Serkis (Gollum) doing mo-cap and voiceovers??

Edit: Oh and I shouldn't forget Anna Torv (Fringe) doing Nariko either!

Last edited by Crabba on 1/30/2014 5:54:45 PM

10 years ago

Even fewer games have all the qualities you mentioned so early in a console's life.

10 years ago

I just played through Heavenly Sword again last week. It is still amazing. (a few technical hiccups, but what do you expect for a Year 1 game?)

I would buy a Heavenly Sword 2 in an instant! Assuming it doesn't just turn into a God of War clone, like Ben said…

Mirror's Edge and Heavenly Sword are my #1 and #2 games from PS3. And both were written by Rhianna Pratchett, interestingly enough.

10 years ago

The atmosphere was splendid in Heavenly Sword, but gameplay was kind of loose. The game is too pretty to not have a sequel.

10 years ago

while i agree Heavenly sword is a decent game i puursonally i mean personally Despise Ninja theory anybody remember Emo i mean Devil may Cry? great idea capcom praising Ninja theory on their story telling only to get the F word shoved in almost every line Donte i mean Dante has

i normally don't mind when a company makes a bad game but Ninja theory took an established IP that i enjoyed and trashed it

basically im saying im never supporting Ninja theory again

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