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NBA 2K22

Make Room For NBA 2K22, It Needs A Lot Of Space

If you’re eager to take a leap into NBA 2K22, you might want to make sure you have the space for it. The game is pretty weighty on both current and next-gen consoles. It will eat up 99.137GB on the PS4 and a whopping 108.897 on the PS5.

The news was dropped on Twitter on Tuesday alongside info on pre-loading the game about 48 hours ahead of time.

If you’re playing on a next-gen console, it would make sense why the game has a bulkier file size as 2K Sports have shifted its Career mode to include an open-world RPG style.

The game is hitting digital and physical shelves tomorrow.

What do you think? Are you excited for NBA 2K22? Have you pre-ordered it? Tell us below!