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Kojima Productions

Kojima Productions Hasn’t Abandoned PlayStation

Kojima Productions has partnered up with Microsoft in order to obtain its cloud technology and are working on a game for the Xbox. Ever since this reveal, PlayStation-focused fans have grown concerned about the future of the studio and Sony.

As it turns out, there isn’t anything to worry about as the studio is independent and will stay that way. While they are working with Microsoft on this project, they retain a healthy relationship with PlayStation as well. 

Nothing is really known about the game in the works with Microsoft other than it’s a title Kojima’s been raring to make, but found it difficult due to technical limitations. 

Outside of that, we also have Overdose to look forward to, a horror game that industry insider, Tom Henderson, supposedly got leaked footage of that caught the eye of the game dev, requesting its removal, according to his Twitter. If this is true, this holds weight and of all developers, Kojima just confirmed things about what he’s doing in a less-than-usual cryptic manner.

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