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Shuhei Yoshida claims devs love the PS5

Developers Reportedly Find PS5 To Be The Easiest Platform To Make Games On

SIE World Studios President Shuhei Yoshida revealed in an interview with Dengeki PlayStation, the PS5 is going to be an easy console to develop for. Yoshida even went as far as claiming devs have found it to be the easiest platform to develop for.

The interview went on to call the PS3 the “toughest time” in SIE’s extensive history. As said by the SIE World Studios president in the interview after translation:

“The PS3 era was the toughest time in SIE’s 25-year history.”

It went on to explain games were noticeably running into problems and that the hardware was a hurdle the devs had trouble getting passed.

“When the difficulty of hardware becomes the hurdle to overcome, I [cannot] concentrate on making games.”

PS5 is coming sometime in 2020’s holiday season.

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