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Game of the Year

Community Vote: Pick Your GOTY

Salutations, PSX Extreme reader!

As you may know, we selected God of War as our pick for Game Of The Year 2018, and rightfully so. In our twenty years of covering the video game industry, we’ve only ever given out ten perfect scores, and God of War was one of them. However, because everybody has a different opinion, there are some people out there that disagree with our selection. So instead of arguing with ya over what game should have received our GOTY award, we’ll give you all the option of basically picking the Game Of The Year yourself. Community Edition.

Below (and to the right of every page) you’ll find a selection of 20 video games released throughout 2018. These games are available on multiple consoles and gaming platforms, with some of them being exclusive. This way there’s no platform bias, only good games. So now we leave it up to you, our loyal readers, to select your top 3 games of 2018. We’ll run this poll for about a month, and after all of the data has been collected, we’ll share the results with you as a secondary Community Vote 2018 Award.

So what are ya waiting for? Stop reading, and start voting!

[poll id=”8″]

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David Vance
David Vance
5 years ago

I think God of War rightly deserved its win. It’s a phenomenal game built by a great team. Red Dead Redemption 2 is a close second, but for me, GoW edges it out as having both better innovation AND storyline.

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