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Resistance: Burning Skies Preview

Scheduled release date:
May 29, 2012
Number Of Players:
Release Date:
May 29, 2012

Resistance is one of my favorite franchises of the generation, and I was saddened to hear that Insomniac would be halting work on the series. On the plus side, Nihilistic has taken over to create Resistance: Burning Skies , which should be one of the first AAA blockbusters for Sony’s new PlayStation Vita. For the very first time, we get the benefit of dual analog sticks for a handheld shooter, and that feature alone should be a game-changer. Beyond that, you should expect an entertaining campaign and what we assume will be addictive multiplayer.

The game is developed specifically for the portable unit in question; it isn’t a port of an existing console title. Furthermore, the story features an all-new hero and a plot penned by William C. Dietz, author of “Resistance: The Gathering Storm” and “Resistance: A Hole in the Sky.” The setting will be 1951 and the Chimera are swarming all over the eastern coast of the US, so it’s time to drive them back once again. Fresh protagonist Tom Riley – just a simple firefighter from New Jersey – will soldier forth in an attempt to restore some semblance of order.

The game will indeed take advantage of the Vita’s touchscreen capabilities. Melee attacks are performed by tapping the knife icon on the screen, and you can even control a grenade throw with this nifty tech. Basically, if you press and hold the grenade icon, you’ll bring up the aiming reticule, which you can then drag across the screen to target the desired the location. You’ll also be able to access your weapon’s secondary fire with the touchscreen; for instance, to enable the Auger’s always-useful shield, you’ll place both thumbs in the center of the screen and then swipe them apart.

I’m assuming you don’t have to utilize the touchscreen commands; if you want, standard buttons should suffice. As for the multiplayer, it’s bound to be a big draw. Over time, this series has toned down the sheer number of players per round; the original boasted 40 and the sequel pushed that number to an almost unheard-of 60. But it came back down to 16 in the third installment and in Burning Skies , up to 8 players will be supported in online multiplayer. Three modes will be available: Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, and Survival.

Obviously, two of those are self-explanatory, but Survival is new and very cool. It was outlined in a recent PlayStation Blog post: It’s humans vs. Chimera; six players start as humans and two as Chimera. Obviously, the latter side is at a disadvantage to begin but the alien’s human victims are resurrected as Chimera.  The winner is the human player who stands alone. As for the general layout of the online multiplayer, you’ll have the option of three preset load-outs before starting a match and as was the case in R3, you get XP for kills and assists, which in turn unlocks new abilities.

Lastly, the Vita’s Near functionality should be in play as well, which is great news for fans of the handheld. Overall, this game could be one of the big reasons to own the Vita this year, and that goes double if you’re a fan of this great franchise. Resistance: Burning Skies is slated to arrive on May 29.

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12 years ago

Looks good, I want!!!!

Ha, I guess Mr____________ is just gonna have to miss out on this & even more upcoming great Vita games, since he traded his in for a 3DS.

12 years ago

Woah he must've hit his head pretty hard before coming to that choice XD

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Like anyone is really surprised.

12 years ago

That dudes insane!

12 years ago

like i care!
give me resident evil revelations 3D, mario, kid icaris and co over resistance any day of the week!
and the best part, i can play them NOW!
have fun playing one game a month on that overpriced door stop!
oh whats this?
its the massive 200 bucks i saved!
time to go buy more games.

12 years ago

Is this guy just a troll, or is he legitimately saying that anticipating a big game release on a system that already has several great games is justification for buying a different platform that only has more games because it's a year older?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

He's just a wacko. Everything in his world is fact, like Uncharted, Rayman, Hot Shots, Wipeout, and Escape Plan are all meaningless in his assessment; hence, they're meaningless for everyone.

12 years ago

how do repeats of series available on ps3 justify the 400 bucks on a new device?
and IM the fool easily parted with his money?
out of all the games releasing for the vita this year 4 interested me.
rayman which i have on ps3, golden abyss which i thought was the best in the series, gravity daze which ive already played, resistance which looks so similar to the ps3 iterations, bioshock something we know NOTHING about and even if it will release this year, AC same thing as bioshock.
thats it, hardly anything worth holding onto a 400 dollar console when i can have access too a backlog of years of DS games i missed out on, and heaps of new titles.
not to mention the 3Ds is getting this gens full retail survival horror game!
whether it turns out to be a survival horror game or not is yet to be seen, but the developers seem really confident in what there trying to portray and promise a horror experience so im hopeful.
not to mention its HALF the price!
oh and again comes with heaps of accessories, and i got to pick 2 games for free.
do you get that with the vita?
sorry guys but im done, no point trying to explain myself to a brick wall thats in denial!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Repeats of series available on a console? REPEATS of series? How exactly do Uncharted, Resistance, Wipeout, Rayman, Hot Shots, and Escape Plan all qualify for that label, while Mario, Resident Evil 3D, and Kid Icarus don't?

…see, this is why I can't read your crap. My head will explode.

12 years ago

i dident say they were not repeats. but thats what people want from nintendo you buy a ninty product for mario and zelda and metroid and kid icaris, simply because there is NO other franchises out there that offer the same experience.
$ony or M$ on the other hand offer very similar experiences, uncharted for instance has tomb raider, enslaved.
resistance has killzone, crysis.
you go to the 3DS expecting marios and zeldas and thats what your getting!
you go to the vita expecting some playstation franchise repeats, which your getting, but also new experiences which your not.
point being the 3DS offers a hell of allot more value for money then what the vita does ATM!

12 years ago

blank line traded his vita for a 3ds? thats just silly! anyways this is a d1p for me. with mk, this , and gravity rush all on tap this should be a good month for us vita owners. then hopefully e3 will have lots of vita love to offer.

12 years ago

The Lumines devs have talked a lot lately about some big surprises on the horizon for the Vita.

12 years ago

I sure hope you're correct about your assumption that we won't have to utilize touchscreen controls.

Then again I hope that doesn't leave us with having to use the rear touchpad. The touchpad is too sensitive and we're inadvertently forced to touch it just by holding the vita in our hands. I have had to disable the rear touchpad in every game that utilized it thus far.

12 years ago

I've been looking foreward to this since before the Vita launch. I've loved the Resistance series since I started it up on the day the PS3 launched. Hopefully Nihilistic can capture the greatness that Insomniac did in the previous Resistance games.

12 years ago

Unit 13 is a twin-stick handheld shooter, and pretty good – Burning skies is the first native twin-stick handheld FPS though :).

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

No, when this industry says "shooter," we all know it means FPS. 😉

12 years ago

only game i really wanted to keep my vita for, though keeping a $420 dollar device for one game is just stupid!
i really believed $ony would of learned their lesson with the ps3, looks like i thought wrong.
oh well, as the saying goes you can teach a old dog new tricks, but you cant take the tricks out of the dog!
bad habits die hard.

12 years ago

Didn't you just say you saved $200 by NOT buying a Vita? And you'd take Mario, Icarus, etc., over Resistance "any day of the week"? Now you're saying Resistance looks okay, but you wouldn't "keep" your Vita for it? And you're bashing the PS3, which is doing exceptionally well?

So yeah, guess that answers the question I asked earlier.

12 years ago

Wait…where did you pay $420 for a Vita? Because if I paid that much for mine, I would have returned it as well!

12 years ago

no i said i saved 200, i ended up selling my vita on ebay for 400.
400 – 200 = 200.
why people would buy it for that used on ebay when you could buy it at the shops for 20 bucks more i have no freaking idea!
just goes to show how much research ebayers do.
or maybe its because of the 3G low supplies, some stores in certain areas are still sold out.

12 years ago

Given you don't have a Vita, and time is money, you're losing a lot of your savings hanging around in Vita news threads :P.

12 years ago

Why are so many Vita trailers shown as just a small picture with the Vita itself as "border" in the videos?
What is the resolution of the Vita screen? Isn't it large enough to fill the entire video window? Isn't the graphics good enough to be seen in its real resolution?
Something is not right here…!

12 years ago

It is a bit strange – PSV resolution is 900 x 544, which isn't quite 720p, but it's easily enough to get bigger vids than we're seeing.

12 years ago

Dang, won't let me edit – 960 x 544.

12 years ago

Blank Line. Wow…

Uncharted Golden Abyss is excellent so is Rayman and Lumines. Just had a brilliant 4 hours going through Escape Plan. Looking forward to Resistance, FF10 HD and Assassins Creed and Killzone when they come later.

Can't believe you piked out. The Vita is a keeper!

12 years ago

oh yeah 4 games is totally worth keeping a 400 dollar device!
especially when you have finished each of them so many times you can recite every line of dialogue!

12 years ago

Have to admit it… Resistance on the Vita is looking pretty sweet! The Vita becomes more and more interesting as it grows…



12 years ago

Absolutely hilarious you guys. LOL. You all are so right when it comes to Mr. Blank Jones. LOL
I honestly don't know why he has a ps3 or even comes to this site. All he seems to do is bash everything that has to do with sony. If he likes Ninty so much why doesn't he go to one of their sites. Haha ahh, anyways… This looks amazing. Like i said before. I really look forward to what the have in store for the vita in the future. Being only 2 mo. old and having amazing games such as Uncharted: Golden Abyss, escape plan, rayman, lumines, stardust delta and fifa already. We're just scratching the surface of what the vita can do. I'm telling you, we're going to see a whole new side of the vita once they come out with more crossplay games.

12 years ago

Absolutely! The Vita is only a few months old but already has a decent, regularly expanding catalogue of games. The 3ds was released a while back and although it's cheaper than the Vita, you can't justify its price when you compare it to what the Vita offers now (and what it will offer in the near future)

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