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Lunar: Silver Star Harmony Preview

Scheduled release date:
Q1 2010
Game Arts
Number Of Players:

As most of you know, I was a gigantic role-playing enthusiast back in the days of the PS1; in fact, I played that genre almost exclusively, with a few exceptions here and there. I’ve moved on to appreciate most all other genres but I continue to have a soft spot for the old classics, which is why I was interested to learn more about the upcoming remake. Game Arts and XSEED will let PSP owners revisit one of the most beloved RPGs ever: it’s Lunar: Silver Star Harmony , which is an updated version of Silver Star Story Complete that arrived on the PS1. We’ve already seen a few remakes of this game but the latest promises to be the most “complete” adventure yet, and if you enjoyed the Star Ocean remakes, you’ll want to jump on board once again. And speaking of the latter remakes, you might recognize the visual overhaul found in Silver Star Harmony ; the revamped sprites and smoother lines is very similar to what we found in the PSP versions of the Star Ocean titles.

However, I should clarify that certain graphical aspects of the game will remain the same. While the character avatars and designs have been redesigned and will now stand out more – the remodeling looks more like modern-day sprites, the likes of which you might find in the Atelier Iris series – the anime cut-scenes won’t be altered. You may see some slight refinement but they didn’t actually change the overall look. Now, if you’re unfamiliar with the game, this is a turn-based, old-school RPG that features an excellent storyline, great characters, and a style of exploring and gameplay that will resonate with veteran RPG aficionados. Although it was on the PS1, it looked and felt a bit more like an SNES role-playing quest, with the exception of the FMV cut-scenes. And perhaps the one element that stands out most of all is the sound and music; so much of the game relies on music (it’s actually part of the plot), and the songs remain some of the more memorable in history.

During the game, you will see the enemies on screen but touching one brings you into a separate turn-based battle screen, with your foes on the left. Standard exploring brings you through forests, caves, and dungeons, and of course, you will find plenty of new towns and allies (Jessica, Kyle, Nash, Mia, etc.). You will play as Alex, a young boy who idolizes the great Dragonmaster Dyne, a hero of heroes that helped to save the world from impending disaster. Not surprisingly and sticking with the theme of most old-fashioned RPGs, Alex soon finds himself in a very similar position, and he strikes out from his small town with a few childhood friends in tow…along with a weird white flying cat-like creature named Nall. As you progress, you will learn that your friend Luna can not only sing, but her voice actually possesses special powers and the evil at work needs it to fulfill a very dark plan.

The upgrades will also include some “additional gameplay features,” although we haven’t quite learned what they are just yet. If I had to guess, I’d say they were adding new abilities for characters and I know for a fact that more story elements will be included. Therefore, if you factor in the new and improved graphics, one has to conclude that Silver Star Harmony will be the best edition yet. If any of you still have the soundtrack from the PS1 version, you’ll remember just how amazing it was and for more good news, I’m here to tell you that the PSP version will boast a remastered set of tracks. All in all, this is one RPG that no fan should miss and if you haven’t yet had the pleasure, you’ll definitely want to pick this up when it arrives early next year. Really, this is old-school role-playing at its very finest and it’s guaranteed to put a wistful smile on your face.

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14 years ago

Soooooooooooooooo getting this!

14 years ago

Mine, besides the new Resident Evil PSP game I'm looking forward to this.

14 years ago

I still have the complete versions of Lunar 1 & 2 for the PS. Almost sold them to help with bills a few years ago but I just couldn't do it.

14 years ago

ben who plays ghaleon

14 years ago

another RPG?
wow there starting to stack up.
maybe in due time my spy RPG can come to fruition.

14 years ago

Excellent, thanks for the heads up Ben, I remember reading about this somewhere months ago, it was just a short blurb, but this article puts the game on the 'buy list' for me.

14 years ago

Same here. Thanks, Ben.

14 years ago

My sweet jebus! I still have the original boxed set of Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete that, thanks to this preview, is going to get some infinite play time now.

I may have to break down and buy a damn PSP now for this.

14 years ago

I doubt it will be as good as COMPLETE. The guys who translated and did it, Working Designs, did an AWESOME JOB and made the characters cute and very ….eeer …….likeable. You could tell the actors had alot of fun making COMPLETE.

Working Designs > than this PSP one.

End of Line.

14 years ago

R.I.P. Working Designs 🙁

They gave us some great games and had the best packaging of any company. High quality stuff all around.

14 years ago

Whatever happened to Working Designs?
Did they really fall off the map, or just in hiding.

I miss there translated work.

14 years ago

They closed up shop in 2005. The President of the company has since opened another by the name of Gaijinworks but have only made a game on the DS that I'm aware of.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
14 years ago

Drithe: Remember that this isn't a remake of the original Lunar; it's a remake of Silver Star Story Complete, so it'll include everything you liked about the Working Designs translation. It IS the Working Designs game with a few visual tweaks and story/gameplay additions.

14 years ago

I think they were more of a relaxed, family type company. Sony kind of shrugged them off in one E3 and that was pretty much it not long after that. Sucks for us. I still have both of the Lunar remakes they did. They were really awesome.

End of Line.

14 years ago

The reason the game "looked and felt a bit more like an SNES role-playing quest, with the exception of the FMV cut-scenes", is because it was originally a Sega CD game … and a DAMN good one at that! When it was ported to PSOne, the sprites were updated marginally, but the FMV sequences were redone. The music is pretty much the same from the Sega CD version. I still own the original, and what's great about it is that you can put the Sega disk in a regular CD player and listen to the entire soundtrack! Awesomeness!

I can't wait for this to come out … if for no other reason than these games always had the best packaging and extras.

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