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Sony Announces PSP Online Store

Everyone was talking about the PS3/PSP connectivity feature last year, but now, PSP owners have something all their own to brag about: an online store that takes advantage of the portable's wi-fi capabilities.

SCEA president Jack Tretton announced it at yesterday's Gamers Day:

"I think the advent of a long awaited and quite frankly long overdue ability to deliver a downloadable service for the PSP will help us out a great deal. Hopefully we'll have it out there by the fall."

Yes, you can still download content on the PS3 and transfer it to the PSP, but this simply means you can get online for some cool game extras without a $600 add-on. Many have been waiting for such a feature for quite a while, and as Tretton said, it's "long overdue." Given the best features of the system, why not get that online option fully realized ASAP?

Furthermore, Sony has been saying ever since the handheld's inception that it was more of a "multimedia portable," and an online store goes a long way towards making that an accurate description. So instead of just logging on to download the latest firmware update, you'll soon have other reasons to be online with your PSP. Nice!

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