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PSP Catches Big 3.30 Update

The PSP finally has a big firwmare update, and it's called version 3.30. The Japanese already have the update, and soon, other regions will get a chance to download it. In fact, you should check and see if it's not available already. Here's what we get-

Remember, the last update was 3.11, so clearly, they've jumped a bit. If you look at the Japanese website for details on this update (if you can), you can now play MP4 video at a variety of screen sizes, which makes it more compatible with the PS3. Your choices? 720×480, 352×480, or 480×272. And that option for allowing thumbnails in the video folder is pretty neat, as they're stored easily as JPG files in the same folder as your MP4 clip. Yes indeed, video, video, video!

There's also a game-related feature called the Disc Read Speed, which applies to any PS1 games you download from the PlayStation Store. This option lets you choose between the normal running speed and a faster – yet potentially more problematic – speed. And if you're wondering, no, this update does not let PSP owners have direct access to the Store. For now, PSP owners who want to download those PS1 classics will still have to do so via the PS3. Oh well. At least we've got plenty of goodies in this one, right?

U.S. gamers can download the update here , and Japanese gamers can go here .

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