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New PSP Puzzler Coming To UK

Atari has officially announced it'll be publishing Q Entertainment's latest puzzler for the PSP and DS, called Gunpey , scheduled to release in the UK in February.

The game's title is based on Gunpei Yokoi, the legendary hardware developer who was responsible for the likes of the GameBoy (and yes, the Virtual Boy, too). In this game, you'll be shifting various-sized columns of lines up and down to form a single long line. It appears the goal is to stretch from one side of the screen to the other, so it's kinda like a combination of several puzzlers we're already familiar with. You'll move the columns by touch in the DS version, and of course, by the traditional d-pad method in the PSP version. Both games will boast a bunch of different multiplayer modes, though, as every good puzzle game should.

2006 was a fantastic year for this genre on handhelds, and it seems Q and Atari have recognized that. Now, if only they recognize how big it was in North America as well as the UK…

Related Game(s): Gunpey

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