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Crisis Core Hi-Def TGS Trailer

With Ben assuring the folk of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII still existing, I thought it'd be nice of me to point you great kids to this amazing trailer of the game in action, complete with CG, cut scenes, and voice acting with some of the most amazing lip-synching across any videogame platform. This is the very same trailer Square-Enix showed off at this past Tokyo Game Show, but it's the first time a direct-feed version of it has appeared anywhere.

Because this is a video uploaded elsewhere, make sure you watch it immediately, otherwise it may be gone soon. The trailer is an absolutely amazing showcase of the PSP's power. Clink the link below and enjoy, even if you don't quite understand what's being said. It's an AVI and nearly 80MB large. Oh and, Aeris is only 15 in this game, so rid yourself of any thoughts.

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