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KOEI Prepping New PSP Dynasty Warriors

KOEI Corporation passed along a notice letting us know that we can look forward to playing Dynasty Warriors Vol 2. on our PSP handhelds later this Fall. Just like the title suggests, Dynasty Warriors Vol. 2 is the sequel to the first Dynasty Warriors game that was released for the PSP way back in March of 2005.

Aside from the expected graphical upgrades, players adopting the sequel can look forward to a gaggle of new features and enhancements. The character roster will include all 48 of the Chinese generals that have been featured in past Dynasty Warriors games. In addition, a grand total of 300 officers will be available for hire as well. One of the biggest gameplay changes involves the implementation of a stable, where players can store horses and elephants. Each mount will gain experience in battle, just like officers do. Play modes will inclue Musou (story), free mode, and multiplayer. Musou mode will include approximately 50 missions spread across 31 different maps. A new camp mode will let players view detailed data on weapons, officers, and stages.

Multiplayer will once again only support local ad hoc play, but now 4 players can fight it out in a Battle Royal mode. Players can also trade officers, making it easier to unlock all 300 available soldiers.

They haven't set a firm release date yet, but KOEI intends to have the game on store shelves before the holiday shopping season begins. Until then, we have a few screenshots from the Japanese version of the game you can feast upon.

Related Game(s): Dynasty Warriors Vol. 2

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