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More PSP Camera/GPS Details

It seems every couple of months we regurgitate the same information about these two peripherals. Sony certainly seems to be making a point of discussing them at every possible convention or press junket. But as we inch closer to their release, a few more specifics are starting to come out. For instance, they will hit the Japanese market on December 7th.

The camera, called the "Chotto Shot" (rough translation – "Little Shot"), will retail for 5000yen and be capable of shooting in 1.3mpxl resolution at either 480×272 or 640×480. Macro mode can be activated to shoot targets from 7cm away. Other extras include a digital zoom and the ability to save in JPEG format. The camera, which screws on to the top of the PSP and fits into the USB slot, can also take 15 seconds of film at 480×272, though it is restricted to 30fps.

While the current functions of the camera beyond, well, being a camera, seem rather pointless at this time, the GPS is quite a bit more exciting. Some games are already slated to make use of it including a new Hot Shots Golf, HomeStar planetary software, and Metal Gear Portable Ops (it might work along with the reported wi-fi hotspot feature to make certain characters downloadable only at specific locations). Of course, an actual GPS application is a must for travel purposes. At only 6000 yen, the small add-on is a great value over stand-alone units. The PSP GPS will detect position 40 seconds after startup and then update every second thereafter. Though many of the official photos show the device jutting annoyingly out of the top of the PSP, it can be folded back behind the unit.

Despite earlier info stating American release specifics, Sony has since rescinded the announcement, meaning that a domestic release has likely been postponed.

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