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Zone of the Enders…….Portable?!

Sony is lucky to have Hideo Kojima on their side.

If it wasn't for this magnanimous man and his veritable "Chocolate Factory" of awesome games, Sony might be hemmorhaging more fans than they already are. When each day brings more bad PR, you're going to need all the help you can get.

After all, a lot of gamers are still planning to purchase the Playstation 3 for Metal Gear Solid 4, if nothing else. Kojima is working his magic on the PSP front, as well – his production company unveiled MGS: Portable Ops at E3 – but it's the recent surprise announcement of Zone of the Enders Portable that really has blown some socks off.

Though the series has never offered a big seller (and, to be honest, it isn't the first portable iteration, either – there was a GBA version with light strategy elements), Zone of the Enders: 2nd Runner is regarded as one of the best PS2 games in the system's library. It took the stylish, fast-paced mech action of the first game and stripped away the tedium and whiny child protagonist.

Considering the "freshness" of this news, we don't have any other details to communicate at this time, but considering Kojima Production's PSP track record, it's expected to be an all new title.

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