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Might We Finally Get A New Parasite Eve For Consoles?

The 3rd Birthday was a pretty good game. But does it deserve a sequel?

Well, Square Enix boss Hajime Tabata thinks so. In a recent Famitsu interview (as cited by Andriasang ), we learn that Tabata is done with his latest project, Final Fantasy Type-0, and right now, he isn't working on anything.

Currently, he's thinking about a sequel to the latest Parasite Eve installment, the game he did before Type-0 . He thinks the company will want him to work on something else, though, so no promises… He has also said in the past that he wants to make a console game, which leads us to the inevitable hope: could we please have an Aya adventure for the PlayStation 3? Or at this point, maybe the PS4?

As for Type-0 , Tabata says initial sales have been positive but he wants it to sell even more. We'll have to give that one a try as we hope for more PE-related news in the future.

Related Game(s): The 3rd Birthday

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13 years ago

I certainly wouldn't say no to Parasite Eve on PS3. I still remember being blown away at the time when playing Parasite Eve 2 on PSone & walking through that dusty old dry desert town being attacked by dogs with human faces.

That game was amazing.

13 years ago

I would love a Parasite Eve for the PS3, after how surreal The 3rd Birthday went, I'm not sure where it would go.

The 3rd Birthday was a new direction for the series, which I don't think every took with open arms. I was very impressed by the control of the game, 3rd person action games suffer due to the lack of 2 analogue sticks. But I had no problem on The 3rd Birthday. I wonder if they would keep the same control scheme for a console version, as PE2 controlled like a survival horror title, which has changed radically since the PS1.

13 years ago

I am a huge Parasite Eve fan and I still own PE2 on disc. I loved that game and I replay it from time to time. I only wish it had voice acting. In its time PE2 was an absolutely stunning looking game for the PS1. I was pretty blown away by its production values. I would love to see PE on the consoles. It would great if Square would consider bringing The 3rd Birthday to the PS3 as well. I would love to play it.

13 years ago

Yeah, they should bring 3rd birthday as well as Birth by Sleep, and FF type 0 to the PS3.

13 years ago

"…Or at this point, maybe the PS4?"

Even if the game takes 3 years to make, I'm pretty confident that the PS3's huge user base at the time, will be a good incentive to make them consider making it for the PS3.

IMO, all this PS4 talk is a bit premature. PS3 is on a roll. It would make no sense to kill that momentum by announcing the PS4 so soon – even at next years E3. The PS3 has at least 3 more years to go. And even then, it will have a couple more to finally die out.

13 years ago

I beat 3rd birthday 3 times. if you did you'd know that it's kind of like chain of memories. a necessary story that doesn't prevent you from enjoying the next game.
A console Parasite ever (3) is definitely in the first design phase. we just gotta relax and it'll happen.

13 years ago

The first PE on PSX was one of the best and surprising experiences I've had in gaming.

13 years ago

PE2 was ok. Didn't care for it as much. Haven't tried 3rd birthday yet.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

I'm with you. The first PE was more of an RPG (action/RPG, but still) and PE2 was just Resident Evil.

I still say the original is one of the best games ever made.

13 years ago

We never even got Parasite Eve 1 in PAL teritories. I played Parasite Eve II without ever even playing PE1 which is tragic. I recently bought PE1 off my US PSN account, I just wish I got this on the original release becasue I would have loved it.

13 years ago

That is a shame you folks never got it. For me, it was a diamond in the rough. I definitely didn't pay attention to gaming media back then. I literally got it because it said, "Squaresoft" on the case.

13 years ago

3rd Birthday was a fun distraction, but basically a mediocre action game. Go back to RPG you dummies. Type 0 should be good.

13 years ago

I hope we do, that's all I can say. I enjoyed Parasite Eve. I haven't beat the game yet because I keep making mistakes and end up starting over from scratch.

13 years ago

Hope we do get a parasite Eve game for PS3