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Wipeout 2048 Gameplay: Portable Racing At Its Best

Wipeout 2048 will be one of the 26 launch titles for the PlayStation Vita, and we've always been big fans of the franchise.

And here's some gameplay and commentary; we can see the silky smooth racer functioning beautifully on Sony's handheld. This is one series that is always technically impressive and offers plenty of longevity, and this style of "combat racing" is invigorating. If you had fun with Wipeout HD on the PlayStation Network, you know how demanding and fulfilling a series installment can be…what do you think of Wipeout 2048 ?

As everyone knows, a new piece of hardware requires great software to get started. And with a couple dozen titles available on launch day and over 100 on shelves before March, the Vita is primed for success. Now, if gamers can simply reconcile the price of the product with the entertainment it offers.

Related Game(s): Wipeout 2048

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12 years ago

Interviewer: Okay, so what are we seeing?
Interviewee: So we're seeing WipEout 20-40-ayt.

Woohoo!! Gotta love British accents. LOL

Anyway, I'm definitely getting this with the Vita at launch along with Uncharted: Golden Abyss. I'm sure that both games would be the graphical highlights among the launch titles. It's amazing that WipEout always launches with a new PlayStation hardware and manages to look good while keeping a solid framerate even with all the effects.

12 years ago

game looks stunning. Studio Liverpool always surprises us with their awesome Wipeout games.

12 years ago

I have such a hard on for futuristic racing games. It gives you a sense that you're just going so damn fast! Games like F-Zero and Wipeout have always been so amazing, however I gotta say the track design (not the looks, the design) is better in F-Zero. I wish a game had the look of Wipeout, but the design of F-Zero. Now that would be badass.

I would also love it if they made a futuristic racing game like Wipeout/F-Zero, but made an openish world like Gran Turismo where you could planet hop and get parts/race at each of the worlds. It would be cool if they added in an element of going to bars and finding out some secret places to race in the world by talking to the patrons. It would have a mix of underground and official races. Perhaps if you're in a volcanic world you would have to modify your car with certain parts to make it race better, by putting some sort of a magma coating on the car. I think it would be rather cool.

Long story short I'm going to be picking this up when I get my Vita. I hope that the futuristic racing genre keeps on breaking sound barriers as time moves on! (I'm such a cheeseball)

12 years ago

F-zero was my Saturday morning crack addiction on SNES.

12 years ago

Vita is gonna have a pretty massive library of quality titles very quickly.

12 years ago

looks really good.
i wish we could get another fatal exteria fx game on PSN.
remember that was one of the very first PSN games i downloaded and have had a ball with it ever since!

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