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TGS 2011: Square Enix Reveals Final Fantasy X HD

No, it isn't Final Fantasy VII but damn…

After a bit of a lull during Sony's TGS 2011 press conference, they have unveiled something we didn't expect: high-definition versions of Final Fantasy X for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita.

If you ask the hardcore fans, FFX is one of the best installments in the franchise, and oh yes, it was the last turn-based title in the series, too. To have this in high-definition on either the PS3 or Vita is something awfully special, and if you missed out way back in 2001…well, you aren't a big Final Fantasy fan in the first place. But even if you did play and love it a decade ago, isn't it time to revisit? They didn't show any media for FFX on either the PS3 or Vita but it's enough to know it's coming.

In other Square Enix news from Sony's keynote, Final Fantasy Type-0 for the PSP will release in Japan on October 27, and the publisher also has two launch titles for Vita: Lord of Apocalypse (an action/RPG) and Army Corps of Hell . Details on both coming soon.

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12 years ago

FFS, if they're going to pick one pick one of the ps1 games or ff6 >o I didn't even like ffx (personal) at all! grrr

12 years ago

I'm pretty sure this is just an HD upgrade like the rest of the PS2 ports we've been getting so I don't see them doing this with PS1 FF games. I believe they'd have to simply remake those games.

12 years ago

Remake, hd remix. I don't care, haha. Those games I find 110% superior to any ff game made from ps2 and on. I'd be happy with whatever they do as long as they were redone. And at the same time. I'd be happy if they didn't remix/remake anything! It's one of those, do all or nothing things. Don't do the games that are boo to ignore the great ones.

12 years ago

Well I do agree that the best FF games predate the PS2 era I think we help our cause by buying these FF HD remakes. It shows there is interest in the older FF getting a facelift and maybe one day they will do it for the real gems in the series. Plus if you haven't noticed the RPG genre is dying so I'll take whatever I can get.

12 years ago

I agree that the pre-PS2 FF's were pretty much perfect and were the best of the best, but I'm still giddy about this. FFX wasn't my favorite, but I still loved it immensely.

This news isn't as awesome as say, a FF6-FF8 remake would be, but it's still freakin' awesome. I'm pretty happy.

12 years ago

LoL. uhmmm i dont think an HD remake of FF7 or FF8 or 9 will be much of a difference than the downloadable ones now on psn.

If they are talking about a full blown remake, you knowww same story better graphics THEN it'll be good.

12 years ago

i didnt really like the old ones or final fantasy really that much but i barely tried 10 and i loved it for the short time i played it 😀

12 years ago

For me I saw the edgings of what is XIII in X. I'm not a fan. The world just didn't seem to have an identity for the first time in my opinion. That's been a problem ever since X barring XII but that is based on an old world from Tactics. That was the biggest problem I had, it was all down hill from there and it was never going to resonate in the same way as previous installments.

Again just my humble lone opinion.

12 years ago

Woohoo! Thank you, Square! I KNEW at least THIS you wouldn't let me down with. I'll be honest, I'm somewhat surprised but very relieved! Now we just need a Kingdom Hearts HD collection.

Also, *just* Final Fantasy X HD or Final Fantasy X, X-2, and XII as well? I know X-2 and XII are the black sheep of the series (next to XIII) but I really want those too.

12 years ago

As much as I hated most of the dialogue in X-2, that battle system is one of the best in turn-based RPG history.

12 years ago

the one question i am left with is whether they are remaking the international version (with dark aeons, penance, etc.) or just the regular american version…

any insights?

Last edited by Qwarktast1c on 9/14/2011 10:11:27 AM

12 years ago

this is the best news ive heard all day. in fact this news just made my day. this is by far the best final fantasy game ever made IMO anyways. the sphere grid was awesome. i 100 percented this game a long time ago, and am looking forward to getting a platinum trophy for this game. now all i need is an HD remake of shadow of rome and i can die a happy man

12 years ago

so they dont have a date for the hd final fantasy X? thats too bad. i dunno if i'll get this, at least not day 1. i still have my ps2 version but i wouldnt mind an hd version. i just dont want to support square enix for the crap they've been pulling. what bothers me is why just a final fantasy X remake. i mean the story is from final fantasy X to final fantasy X-2. why would they leave out the second part of the story? sadly the answer to this question would probably be so that they can sell both at full price.

12 years ago

I love Sony so much. Omg I'm 29 and sitting here in my office squirming like a kid at Christmas.

12 years ago

OMG. We're both 29, both in the office, and both squirming like a kid at Christmas. You're not my twin, are you?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

I would be squirming more if it was FFVII. But I admit…I'm still squirming.

12 years ago

We're the same person, think Fight Club!

12 years ago

Ben, you're not alone about a 'Final Fantasy VII' remake. Most of us (at least the ones that played it) want a remake too. This at least shows though that Square is listening to fans. Sooner or later a proper remake for 'Final Fantasy VII' will most likely happen.

12 years ago

Just don't make it another technical demo for the PS4.

12 years ago

I'd rather see FFIX remade. That was my fave.

12 years ago

Not gonna lie. If I had another person in me like on fight club, I'd want him to be as handsome as Brad Pitt too.

As for me… I'm 25, in my office, and squirming like a kid at Christmas, too. lol

12 years ago

Damn, you youngsters sure like to do a whole lot of squirming!

12 years ago

Yeah, well, you hipsters sure do a lot… of … erm…. well, you drive a sick bike!

12 years ago


"Ha" Like me, she's an oldie(1987) but still a goodie!

And with a newer 100CI Revtech engine, a hot Andrews cam & straight un-baffled shotgun exhaust running down the length of her, she looks, sounds, and preforms, sexier every day.

AHHHHH, the pure unadulterated animalistic throbbing between my legs whenever I'm riding "My Mistress"… and she gets ridden long & hard.


12 years ago

As long as they keep the battle system intact, I'd be very very happy. And since they already made an HD version of FF X, I hope they bring over FF X-2 as well. Not the best one out there but its job system rocks!

12 years ago

Pretty sure this is just a cosmetic thing like all the rest of the PS2 HD ports have been. So I don't see any of the gameplay being changed.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Somebody somewhere – likely in Japan – would get HURT if they changed the gameplay one iota.

And I'd be the one doing the hurting.

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 9/14/2011 12:33:20 AM

12 years ago

Yup, that's almost the likely scenario, but I just want them to know that we want the game as is, just with improved visuals.

At least we got Ben volunteering to wreak havoc in Japan should the opposite happen. LOL

Red 5
Red 5
12 years ago


Final Fantasy X HD.. I didn't expected this. GREAT news about this one. Shall we have Japanese voices? I hope so.
Red 5.

12 years ago

D1B! 😀

12 years ago

THis FFX news is my favorite announcement of the night. I like these high quality HD remasters.
I'm sort of bummed out that the would be team ninja game looks to be NG:Sigma. I love that game, but, how does it make sense? I dunno, it seems like a very conservative effort by Tecmo. Maybe they're hurting for cash or something. Still bleeding off of Itagaki's former glory it seems.

12 years ago

Pretty great news, have to admit though that as I was watching it live stream I was getting pretty excited for the impossible: FFVII remake.

But hey this is neat too.

But you know…although it is a strong business strategy…Square Enix better start going back to the awesome developers they used to be.

12 years ago

It's like your parents buying you a N64 at launch, and getting Pilotwings 64. You know they mean well….

12 years ago

This is indeed excellent news, although tbh I thought ffX was beautiful to begin with.

I still remeber crashin at my homies house way back when, watching him play this game and just beeing effing amazed.

Here's hoping we get ffvii, FFVIII, and ffix. T'would be amazing.

Warrior Poet
Warrior Poet
12 years ago

Those 3 are my favorite of the series (I'm playing FF5 right now…)

I don't think those need remakes, though. That would ruin their awesome 90s charm 😉

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

On the Vita… nice. Still got the PS2 case unopened on my shelf I guess this just gives me more reason not to open it. But hey, at least we know that Nomura wasn't lying when he mentioned that they were looking into HD remakes, but where's KH?

Also, this is PSFamily exclusive… Really wasn't expecting that. Perhaps this could lead to Versus remaining exclusive? Perhaps S-E might finally be getting back on track? Perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself?

Last edited by Lawless SXE on 9/14/2011 4:38:13 AM

12 years ago

I don't think Microsoft tried as hard to get this game on their console as they did with 13. They failed completely at tapping the Japanese market and at this point I think they've just given up on it. That's why I no longer fear a Versus XIII multi-plat announcement, still think it could happen but not as likely at this time.

12 years ago

I won't be too complacent to discount that Microsoft would not try to get this on the 360. It may not be as big as FF XIII to them (old game and not as pretty a game as the latter), but it's still a roman numeral Final Fantasy game that sold millions on the PS2. Still though, I hope this would remain exclusive to the PS3 and the Vita. I dread what changes would happen with the game if ever S-E decided to bring it out on the 360 and change the already perfect gameplay just so it'll appeal to the 360 majority.

12 years ago

I agree with you on each point, I don't doubt they'll make an attempt but I'm sure it won't be as enticing as what they would've been willing to throw at SE for this game a few years back.

I don't see the 360 fanbase caring much for this game either. Pure 360 gamers are likely to be the only ones buying it for the 360 and most of those probably aren't very keen on JRPGS. I know one person who bought 13 for the 360 and they never even ended up finishing the damn thing only because they ran into a boss they couldn't finish.

12 years ago

This is good news since I never played it. I don't like that they are not packing in X-2 or even XII with it. Looks like we'll be getting stiffed for an HD version of each probably at $40 a piece. If it comes out at $40 I'll be passing till it's cheaper.

On remaking and older FF I'd rather see IX. I thought it was so much better than VII. I enjoyed VII but IX felt more fantasy and in my opinion had better characters. Don't get me wrong cause if they remade VII I would buy.

It also looking like it's going to be some hard choices in the future with a lot of games coming to both the Vita and PS3. Maybe I'll just buy both.

Last edited by DazeOfWar on 9/14/2011 2:38:22 AM

12 years ago

Now this is good news : )

12 years ago

YEESSSS!!!!!!!!!!! awesome news!

12 years ago

"Army Corps of Hell"??? lol, wtf?

"And the prize for the cheesiest title of the decade goes to"…

Last edited by Beamboom on 9/14/2011 3:09:58 AM

12 years ago

OOOOOOHHH FFX portable! seems like a perfect game to have on the go. Now this makes me want a PSVita!

I wonder if in this version they'll use the character models they had in the ingame cutscenes for openworld and battles.

Last edited by Vivi_Gamer on 9/14/2011 4:27:38 AM

12 years ago

This is the best news!

12 years ago


12 years ago

This will be out before Versus im willing to bet

12 years ago

This is GREAT news to me. I'm so psyched. Figured this day would come just didn't know would be this soon. I'm about to download and replay IX. X is my second favorite after VII of course. Can't wait to make room on my hard drive.

12 years ago

now this is what E3 should of been like!
heaps of announcements on new games.
now wheres that announcement for syphon filter………

12 years ago

Will it be on disc or download, I'd like to physically own the copy

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