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TGS 2011: MGS, ZoE Collections Set For PlayStation Vita

By now, you already know about the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection and the Zone of the Enders HD Collection . They're coming to the PlayStation 3.

But did you also know they'll be headed to Sony's nifty new portable unit? The buzz at this year's Tokyo Game Show is that both collections will arrive on the PlayStation Vita.

It hasn't been officially announced just yet but based on information we're seeing and hearing now, it's inevitable; the unveiling will come before the conference is over. That being said, will you be more interested in playing such collections on the go? Are they actually better suited for the Vita than the PS3? You wouldn't buy 'em for both platforms, would you? And hey, how about cross-platform saving and data transfers and things like that? Here's hoping we learn more soon.

And by the way, the Vita has earned an official Japanese launch date of December 17. We don't yet know what that means for other regions, but we'll wait and see…

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12 years ago

what i like to know is how does all these collections fit in that 4 gig flash memory card?

12 years ago

Well, most ps2 games really weren't much bigger than a couple gigabytes.

12 years ago

It's not like it's one game. It's 3 games in MGS Collection. The Vita has better resolution than PS2 games. Plus the Peace Walker probably takes up a full 1.8 Gig UMD in the PSP.

Claire C
Claire C
12 years ago

Is 4GBs really the max?

12 years ago

There really is alot of momentum going for the Vita. I think early sales will indicate the appetite for such a powerhouse handheld. I was hoping for the price to be a little more manageable, so in some ways I am hoping for an early price drop. At the moment though, game wise that is, it seems Sony are ticking all the boxes.

If they have a very strong line up and launch, and it looks like they will, the overall entry price point may not bother the hardcore gamer too much as they will be looking forward to playing the games and building upon their collections.

Anyway, it will be interesting to see how the Vita plays out in the market place… from a gaming perspective though, Sony are not going to repeat the mistakes Nintendo have made with the 3DS launch!



12 years ago

Cool for the mobile centric gamer, but I would rather have these collections on my PS3.

12 years ago

Wow, Sony is really covering almost all bases when it comes to the Vita. I have a lengthy list of games I want on that system!

Anyway, this is great news! I haven't played all of the MGS games yet (but I finished MGS3) so this would be a chance for me to play them all again. And this being available to the Vita is a nice touch too. I am expecting Kojima's "transfarring" system to be implemented here, so I am hoping that there would be a bundle of the MGS HD Collection with the PS3 and Vita versions on it for a discounted price. That would rock!

12 years ago

They might give you a digital copy for PS Vita. I really don't see the PS3+Vita bundle working out. I expect gamers without a PS Vita to sell the Vita game so they can get a cheaper PS3 game. It'll really cut into their profit margin. It's like encouraging used gaming sales.

12 years ago

Now that you mention it, that makes a lot of sense. It'll be great for me, personally, though. LOL

12 years ago

I've already preordered the Vita but please give me a ton of RPGs, that's all I ask.

12 years ago

Final Fantasy X on the Vita? That's a good one for me. I want a brand new one too, though.

12 years ago

LOL, ya how funny that I pray to the Sony gawds and they answer me!

12 years ago

I want a vita, i just don't have the money anymore for it 🙁 boo

Claire C
Claire C
12 years ago

There's gonna be Ys IV, Final Fantasy X, Disgaea 3, and Persona 4. =)

12 years ago

Eh, for this I'll need my controller while playing ZoE. That's how it was made, that's what it was made for, and that's what it translates best to. ZoE2. Best. Mech. Game. Ever.

12 years ago

And wow, these TGS announcements are HUGE. Final Fantasy X HD for the Vita and the PS3? WOW!!!!! S-E, how can you kick so much ass in portables but pretty much suck on the PS3?

Last edited by ZettaiSeigi on 9/14/2011 12:07:31 AM

12 years ago

That's cool and all but I'm not so impressed about buying everything twice that is being released for it. Not one bit. Especially things which seem to have parallel development cycles going on and will have very much same content and cross game capabilities.

Red 5
Red 5
12 years ago


I agree with godsman, they should give a Digital Copy for PS Vita by purchasing them on PS3. It will be the same game (PS3 – PS Vita)?
Red 5.

12 years ago

Probably will… at some point… unless Sony want to keep some Vita games "exclusive" to that target platform… if not what would be the motivation to purchase one. Of course the one motivation is to have a powerful handheld to play games on it, but it really IS about the games themselves, and Sony to give you an excuse to buy a Vita to play the game on.

So I think some games may be available for both platforms, while some "exclusive" Vita titles will stay on the Vita – therefore, to play them, you would need to purchase the Vita.

Either way it is a win win for gamers… you can have the best of both worlds…



12 years ago

You know I was reading a live blog for translations of what was going on…and there I read: "Metal Gear Solid HD, 2, & 3" coming to VITA.

Is this a completely new collection? MGS 1, 2, & 3? Or is it just the HD collection coming to VITA now?

12 years ago

Nope, the MGS and ZOE HD collections are indeed coming to the Vita too!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

That's sweet as, bro! *starts dancing the chacha, but chanting Vita*

12 years ago

I'll be playing the PS3 versions… Especially since I've never played ZOE and I want to see that on the big screen.

12 years ago

woot its releasing on my bday!
nice to see the collections on there hopefully they will be using the transfaring system for game saves.
thats one thing that has been WAY overdue!

12 years ago

Will I have to buy the game twice for PS3 and PSV respectively?

Claire C
Claire C
12 years ago

Yes. The Vita games will be months and months away.

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

I'm gonna have to get both.

12 years ago

I would like to see more of the deals we saw with Portal 2 but with the Vita instead of steam – Get the PS3 version and you can download the Vita version for free.

I can certainly see some situations where it would be nice to pick up my game on the Vita where I left off on the console. But that convenience wouldn't be worth the cost of buying the game for both platforms.

12 years ago

I didn't need any incentive to buy a Vita…but then Atlus announced Persona 4: The Golden and it was etched in my mind that I'm getting a Vita even if it kills me. Then Sony dropped a nuke with the announcement of Final Fantasy X HD AND Zone of the Enders HD both for Vita and PS3 so now I can game on the big screen when I'm at home and when I'm on the train going to campus/on campus waiting for class, I pick up where I left off without skipping a beat. I LOVE THIS!

12 years ago

If the HD collection was on both consoles I'm not sure If I would be able to choose. I'm leaning toward the Vita, but then again I would need the money to buy a vita which is also in question.

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