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PSXE Poll Update: Gamers Split On Vita Launch Window

For the second straight week, we have a toss-up rather than a definitive answer for our poll.

When we asked if you thought Sony screwed up by not releasing the PlayStation Vita this holiday season, almost exactly half said yes, Sony definitely missed a great opportunity.

And yet, the other half thinks the new handheld will do just fine when it releases in 2012 and in fact, it might actually be a better launch window. We won't pass judgment; we're not analysts, and we just hope to see the Vita become a portable success. We're impressed by what we've seen so far, as games like Uncharted: Golden Abyss and Wipeout 2048 are bound to be both technically superior and enticing for all gamers who love the cutting edge. And you know, although Sony won't drop the price to match Nintendo, we don't think the retail cost is out of control.

This week, we want to know if you think older games can stand up to newer productions. We're not talking about from a technical standpoint, obviously, but just from a subjective "fun factor" view. A lot of younger fans think the classics are boring and offer nothing but nostalgia, while veteran gamers will swear up and down that we've lost a sort of innocent purity. What say you about this subject?

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13 years ago

It almost doesn't matter what happens to Vita because look at PSP, easily a success but all over referred to as a failure.

I think we have found a bizarre little place in the gaming world where classics and modern games can coexist and it is called the network. For the most part, PSN and XBL games are just old school titles released this generation for cheap. And lo and behold many are successful.

13 years ago

People who voted for that sony messed up please explain.
Y is it soooo wrong to launch in march next year?
There is no other device on the market like this.

13 years ago

We believe it was a mistake to miss the holiday season launch window.

13 years ago

common sense would answer that question.
but alas as my boss said years ago, what was once a standard everywhere has now become as popular as the dinosaur!

13 years ago

Are dinosaurs popular?

13 years ago

@blankline and underdog

reading your 2 posts combined cracked me up for some reason. blankline you definitely show signs of atypical thinking.

13 years ago

@ Underdog, what you rather have at home? A guardian T-rex or a guardian rooster?, I personally can't choose (no there are no more choices).

Then again the 2012 launch date is great, why does it have to battle with several simultaneous launches when she can have her own show later?

….. Rooster it is

Last edited by totozero18 on 8/15/2011 6:37:51 PM

13 years ago

It's tough to gauge Vita because of that near 50/50 split. In one way, yes, you can say Sony screwed up because they've let another system get a head start on the market. But somehow, it doesn't feel like it's competing against the 3DS. At least not when it come to educated consumers. But when you've got 5-10 yr olds asking mommy and daddy for a handheld system, that's where Nintendo wins out, due to name popularity, and for this holiday season, availability. But I think Sony should release Vita when it's ready to be released, so if 2012 is the time, so be it. We don't want RROD infected Vitas. I think the current PSP is a success. The DS just happened to have some astronomical figures, making the PSP look unsuccessful, but it made it's own splash. And I feel Sony has learned quite a bit from the PSP, and Vita is slated to make a bigger dent and deeper impact. Besides, name a dead system that's been around for 5 1/2 years? For goodness sakes, the original Xbox only lasted around 4 years.

In terms of older gamers and newer productions, I don't see why not. I don't get to play as often, and no, games no longer make bleeping sounds, but that doesn't mean I can't get into the newer games. If anything, it immerses me more. Games today, due to their cinematic presentation, have become deeper experiences throughout the years. If anything, as older gamers, I think we appreciate new games more than younger players, because we know what they used to be like. We know what was missing. Also, due to their simpler nature at the time, we were forced to use our imagination more. Games today almost baby us, in the sense that they provide us with everything we need; we don't have to visualize the realism of our characters, they already look real. Sounds, images, controls, all are very fine-tuned and accurate for the most part, to real-life. I see older gamers akin to people who've been around since the invention of the light-bulb or T.V. They appreciate it more, because they've been around to watch the evolution/revolution of these technological marvels, and that makes their experience that much more special.

13 years ago

It would've been great if the Vita shipped during the holiday season as it would really help in the sales. It's not a fatal mistake though, just a missed opportunity. I personally would not mind when it releases as long as the launch games are great!

As for the new poll, I voted "Yes, but not in all cases." Comparing myself with the others in here, I am quite new to gaming. I am aware of the old classics (e.g. Mario, Sonic, Duke Nukem) but I honestly did not grow up playing them to say that they are the best. However, when current developers mention in their interviews how those classics were inspirations for their games, those older games gain a lot of respect from me. If we think about it, the old games' only major disadvantage would be the graphics. And that is also not fair given the difference in available technology during the ganmes' development period.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
13 years ago

It could be bad for Sony to have missed the holiday, but that also means that they miss reduced initial interest in the system due to a huge number of games releasing that same time frame. I'm pretty ambivalent about it. So long as it releases before I take off on my drive around the country, which is currently looking likely for sometime between September and November of next year. Can't do something like that without a gaming device ;P

And yeah, I say older games can stack up, simply because they offer something that new games really don't. Show me a modern version of FFVII, the original Resident Evil, even ICO, or old-school Sonic. You just don't get games like that anymore, so I say they definitely can. But then, there are some that should remain in the 70s/80s/early 90s. I'm voting the second option.

13 years ago

a little bit of both.
missed opportunity because it would of made the perfect chrissy present, and allot of people go away at that time so it would of made the perfect companion.
though its better to be late to the race and be ready, then be on time and be exhausted.
they need a plethora of must have exclusives on launch, something sony has always struggled with!
so hopefully the extra time will allow them to get everything ready come launch, and we wont have another ps3 on our hands!
because, well, you see people like to actually use the new device they bought.
not have it sitting pretty on there desk for 2 years which it took for the good ps3 exclusives to come out!

13 years ago

I'm not to bothered to be honest, Because I doubt I would get one until it dropped to half price, I am happy enough with my PSP with PS1 compatibility.

13 years ago

Ben, I was thinking this exact same thing about old games vs new this weekend. My niece was over, she's 8 and she wanted to play Wii, but obviously I do not own such a thing. Instead I grabbed my old inactivated cell phone and turned Frogger on for her. I kid you not, she played it all night, for hours on end. The Wii can't even hold her attention like that.

So yes, I think the classics still pack just as much fun as any new game (in some cases more). They're just not as flashy, which may be why some of the new micro-attention span generation call them boring.

13 years ago

I don't see any issues with a 2012 launch window for the Vita. It shows me that Sony is making sure the Vita's software is where it needs to be.

Nothing like having a nice new gaming machine and only a few games to play on it.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
13 years ago

Poll fixed.

13 years ago

thank you for fixing the poll. i'm glad i waited to vote becuase it said no way the classics will always rule. that confused me.

i have mixed feelings about sony missing the holiday window. you don't have to be an analyst to know that more hardware is sold during that period. luanching outside that window will cost sony some sales in the short term. i also thought sony had an opurtunity here becuase the 3ds has struggled. waiting only gives nintendo more time to bolstser the 3ds's position.

the 3ds's luanch shows what happens if you luanch a product without software to drive sales so i do understand sony waiting. i only wish they would have been ready for this fall.

as for the classics…i guess it depends on what you call classics. ps1 classics can hold up if you look past the graphics, but definitely not in all cases.