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Madden NFL 12, Need For Speed In New PSP Bundle Pack

Look, the PlayStation Vita is still a ways off and the PSP has a pretty huge library.

So you may as well take advantage of a new hardware bundle Sony will offer at the end of the month. As revealed at the PlayStation Blog , Sony will introduce a "two-fer" PSP entertainment pack: it drops on August 30 and it includes a black PSP-3000, 2GB Memory stick PRO Duo, and both Madden NFL 12 and Need for Speed SHIFT on UMD. You can grab it all for only $159.99, and the fact that it includes two top-quality games should be more than enough incentive. Let's not forget that the PSP launched with a $250 price tag…now, with a ton of available titles, you can get it for $90 less plus two free titles. Look at it that way.

Personally, I don't even play handhelds much, but I'm glad I have my PSP. Being an old-school RPG fan, I actually have some options. Besides, it's gaming on the go; nothin' wrong with that.

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12 years ago

*chirp chirp*

12 years ago

who would be stupid enough to drop 150 bucks on a system thats probably not going to see any more new games?
once the vitas out the PSP wont be getting many new games, and, well, the PSP does not exactly have a fantastic library.
i could literally count the number of must have PSP games on 1 hand!
tis exactly the reason, well one of the reasons, im reluctant to buy a vita.
its not exactly cheap, 400 bucks!
and, well, whats stopping $ony from supporting it the way they did the PSP!?
yea they say they have learned their lesson, but they say lots of things!
the fact that $E has supported the PSP better then the people who make it is just pathetic!

12 years ago

Were you dropped on your head as a child? It's $250 -$299

12 years ago

He means $400 Australian. _____________ is an Aussie like me.

And unless the PSP is cheaper than DS, I don't really see this selling well. There's too much hype for the Vita and PSP doesn't have ANY big games in the foreseeable future. Vita is the main focus now, and while many have moved on to bigger and better technologies, I feel the only people who will get a PSP are the truly hardcore late comers who have put it off for awhile.

I traded my PSP at the first announcement of the NGP way back in Feb. I wanted the best trade value, and I knew PSP trade value would plummet with the growing popularity of Vita, even a year before it's release.

Last edited by Dancemachine55 on 8/11/2011 9:32:36 AM

12 years ago

i dont live in the US, and you know it!

12 years ago

You cant just say bucks and not expect to think dollars.

12 years ago

Tempting, but I traded my PSP in february in anticipation of the Vita.

That was pretty stupid, Cos now I can't play my PSone classics on a handheld or MGS peacewalker on the go!! I did get a $150 AUD trade value for my PSP though, now it's dropped to $80 trade value since preowned PSPs are sold much cheaper than earlier this year.

It's time for Sony to stop kicking a dead horse and focus on the new champion horse that is still learning to walk in the stalls, not yet ready to race. 🙂

I hope God of War Origins and MGS Peacewalker are rereleased with the right stick functions and upgraded resolution and trophies of its PS3 counterpart!! That would be a great service for PSP fans who pick up a Vita early!!

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