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Sony Details Vita/PS3 Cross-Platform Compatibility

What else do you want to know about the PlayStation Vita? More news continues to surface, and the unit continues to look more and more appealing…

According to Eurogamer , Sony's new handheld device can be used as a controller for PS3 games. You may have seen Nintendo's Wii U presentation during E3 2011…well, Sony Europe R&D manager Phil Rogers revealed this very similar Vita/PS3 feature at the Develop Conference 2011. Said Rogers:

"PS3 can send data down to Vita and Vita can display it. You could use the unique features [of Vita] – gyroscope, touch front and back – as a control device for a PS3 game.

You can run software on both devices and use the network to sync the game states. And that's pretty good, because you then have the processing power of PS3 doing that work, Vita [doing] fancy graphics – however you want to do it. You're not sacrificing the PS3's CPU to be able to have a rich experience on Vita."

Rogers confirmed that this is a "fairly new idea" and encouraged developers to discuss possibilities with Sony. Furthermore, Vita can do cross-platform play.  Rogers demonstrated Wipeout 2048 ; two versions of the game for PS3 and Vita respectively were connected via the Network. Granted, the PS3 version had a higher frame rate and looked better, but the differences were surprisingly minimal. Rogers added that at the launch of the Vita, they'll "have some PSN features that work across both platforms."

Then Rogers talked about a feature called Continuation Play. This lets a PS3 game be played and then taken on the go with the Vita. Said Rogers:

"We have a system called Title User Storage, which allows 1MB of data on our servers for games. And that can be accessed on both platforms; you can access that same data.

You can save your game on PS3, go over to Vita, pull that data back and swap it between them, so you can play a game at home, take it on the train and continue. You can save your game on PS3, go over to Vita, pull that data back and … take it on the train and continue."

The first game that will utilize Continuation play is Ruin , which is described as a Diablo -like action/RPG. Now, given the sheer capability of Vita, aren't you a little excited for the portable? Personally, I'm not a huge fan of handheld stuff but this just keeps getting better and better.

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12 years ago

I just gave my PSP to my nephew, with all the games I had for it, in anticipation of the PSV. Hopefully he can become a Sony fan like his uncle 😉
I hope developers do use the capabilities of the PSV to its fullest, so many possibilities…

"Winter is Coming"

12 years ago

I'm equally excited for the PSV's different features. I'd assume you will need two different copies of the game (one for the PS3 and one for the Vita), but if the implementation turns out to be as good as they make it, I'm behind the idea all the way.

OT, you must be a reader of the Song of Ice and Fire saga, huh?

12 years ago

Or maybe a fan of the tv show, i know i am.

12 years ago


12 years ago

Yes, a reader and viewer. Love the books, best Fantasy series I have ever read. Hope George doesn't die before completing it LOL

"There is only one god. And his name is death. And there is only one thing we say to death. "Not today"."

"Winter is Coming"

12 years ago

Kevin, if you do have the time and enjoy a good read, get the books. Lord of The Rings was my favorite fantasy books, until I read "A Song of Ice and Fire". So much better in so many ways…


12 years ago


12 years ago

I was already sold but the ability to play off vita/PS3 is what i was hoping for with the PSP. Can you say love at first sight??

12 years ago

F*ck this new add. I don't want to have to minimize a 5 gum add just to read the article. And then when i click on the article i sends me to the 5 gum Facebook page. I'm all down for adds on websites but when it sacrifices my ability to zip around the site then i get pissed.

12 years ago

I suggest you get a better browser….I'm on the latest firefox and I never have issues on this site.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

I don't even know what you're seeing.

Try a new browser.

12 years ago

Maybe it was just a glitch, i don't know, but i seems to be better now.

12 years ago

I don't see any new ads, but my comment box goes to hell and disappears behind the cheats, reviews, and previews content on the bottom. I'm using internet explorer because the site stopped loading with Firefox altogether.

12 years ago

Remember that format change we talked about Ben 😉

12 years ago

One simple solution for Firefox:

Press ctrl+shift+A, do a search for "adblock plus" and install.
Voila – every issue you've ever had with ads are gone. 🙂

Last edited by Beamboom on 8/3/2011 2:40:28 AM

12 years ago

already have that, doesn't fix the bigger problems.

12 years ago

Already sold on this, but didn't they just point out what several commenters here have been since the get go? Vita makes a great companion for the PS3/PS4 and has all the functionality needed to be a controller in it's own right, but of course with the embedded screen – much like the PSP sort of does with remote play on the PS3.

Of course WIIU kind of tries to do the same thing as well, and no doubt people will claim Sony is copying Nintendo again.

Personally, I think this is an obvious and inevitable idea, and is just one more reason to get a Vita.

12 years ago

At least this time Sony will have their product out first, I get the feeling with E3's presentation being what it was that the Wii U is still little moer than a twinkle in somebody's eye. All tech demos you see.

12 years ago

Mr. High, a question if you would be so kind as to clarify it for me.
Would it be possible for the PSV to display it's games on the PS3, kind of a reverse remote play? That would be something amazing if possible. Imagine being able to play your PSV games on the big screen at home? Is it possible? and what are the pros and cons of having the functionality as far as Sony is concerned?
Thanks in advance for any help with this question.

"Winter is Coming"

12 years ago

Sony is always copying everyone. Just like some people just don't know that Kinect came before the PS Eye Toy.*

It will be a game of leap frog. Soon we will hear that the 3DS will have some form of interaction with the Wii-U. If you ask me. The 3DS needs it. Lackluster sales and few standout titles. Sorry Ninty, even @ $170 I'm not buying it.

I Love Nintendo, they were a part of my life but I think its time Mario spread his wings to other platforms. Ha, who am I kidding. Nintendo is the only dedicated Video Game company left. They really would need to flatline completely to give up their stars to other companies.


Last edited by FatherSun on 8/2/2011 11:22:21 PM

12 years ago

Have to agree Highlander, Vita will make a great companion to the PS3. It may be a real boon for Sony if developers start looking at Vita as another "controller" for the PS3 as well… could be very interesting to extend "Wii U" like functionality to PS3 games…

We are most definitely living in interesting times…



12 years ago


That should be possible, that was after all what the PSP Remote play capability allowed. The PS3 rendered the game and scaled the output to fit the PSP screen before sending it via ethernet/Internet to the PSP. The PSP's control inputs were exchanged over the network link allowing the PSP to control the action remotely. That would be the minimum type of capability I would expect to see from Vita and PS3. Because Vita is more powerful than PSP and has better networking capabilities, we may see this kind of remote play capability done with less lag in control input and better video quality on the Vita.


I still like Nintendo, they have too much history not to, but they have rested on their laurels for far, far too long. The Wii was a lazy product in reality, if they had not been fortunate in finding a great match between casual gamers and the Wiimote controls (which is in reality partly a result of great marketing) the Wii would have fallen flatter than a pancake. But, they have the history, the classic franchises, and a willingness to try to innovate in some ways so they command respect for that at very least. However the WiiU is a horrible design – IMHO, and even the PSP/PS3 combination provides the same capabilities as are being talked about with WiiU. Vita extends things even further with it's cameras, touch surfaces as well as the microphone, sixaxis motion sensing and twin analogs. There are options aplenty for developers to play with. Can you imagine a game like Heavy Rain where the Vita functions as your ARI device using augmented reality features with the camera and motion sensing capabilities? The mind really does begin to boggle at the potential here.


We are indeed, as you say, living in interesting times. I saw a commercial for AT&T yesterday that featured a smart phone doing some of the very things I have been suggesting that the Vita could do. It was using GPS to help the owner navigate, voice recognition, language translation and voice synthesis to translate spoken phrases from the owner to the locals and finally using the camera on the device and it's motion sensing capabilities they showed the owner holding the smartphone up and panning it around and on the screen was the point of view from the camera with place names all called out in english, added as an augmented reality layer over the live point of view.

I wrote about this something like a year ago, and thought that the Vita would be more than capable of it, now AT&T is showing an existing smartphone doing it. Vita will be at least twice as powerful as any current smartphone, so all of this and more is within our grasp.

It's funny, but in a sense I feel like we are seeing the fruition of decades of flights of fancy in science fiction. The entire concept of the Star Trek Tricorder, communicator and universal translator, is encapsulated in these capabilities. That Trek tech, along with any number of other hand held scanning devices in other science fiction series and movies has driven our expectations of what handhelds should be capable of doing, and here we are in 2011, and we are seeing the majority of the capabilities in real devices.

If you'd asked me as few as 10 years ago, I don't think I would have predicted this kind of stuff this quickly. In many ways, this is a great time to be alive.

12 years ago

Indeed Highlander… this is why Sony should get this VR headset out as soon as they can…

They need to move the bar again, and I want to ride in my virtual X-Wing fighter and look around the cockpit… and fly by a massive star destroyer…



12 years ago


I think you will understand this. I want, no, I need Lucas Arts to get their crap together and make a new X-wing/Tie-Fighgter/Starfighter/Rogue Squadron game on the current generation of console. I don't care if they add motion controls sol long as the flight controls are 100%, and as long as they throw in an easter egg by including an unlockable version of the original Star Wars arcade game, complete with the vector graphics and sound clips from the movie.

I don't want much, I just want what I like.


12 years ago

Like we needed anymore convincing to buy this.

I can not wait till TGS.

Last edited by sirbob6 on 8/2/2011 9:53:25 PM

12 years ago

3DS and Wii U ain't got nothing on this.

12 years ago

Wii U has better graphics, but ya I get your point.

12 years ago

@LV better graphics compared to what?

12 years ago


The Vita, I figured it was obvious what I was referring to.

12 years ago

ohh you're talking about the imaginary console nintendo showed off, I thought you were talking about the controller

12 years ago

Duh?. If I was referring to a PS3 article would you assume I was talking about the dualshock controller when mentioning graphics?

Pictures of the WiiU hardware have already been shown, it's obvious Nintendo felt there was more importance on showing off their gimmicky controller at E3 but that doesn't change the fact that the WiiU is said to have better (not by much I'm sure) graphics then this generations current consoles and thus better than what the Vita will do.

Of course it's comparing a console to a handheld but Pandacastro opened that door.

12 years ago

@LV uhhh yeah I got that… what I didn't get is why compare the vita graphics with the wiiu?. That would be like comparing a 65 inch 1080p tv to an iMax screen…

Last edited by Cesar_ser_4 on 8/3/2011 1:15:40 AM

12 years ago

I was responding to Pandacastro's asinine comment regarding the WiiU having "nothing" on the Vita. I don't understand how you're unable to follow the flow of this conversation.

12 years ago

He just wants to bash Nintendo LV. He can't help himself. He failed when he tried to do it last time too.

12 years ago

how am I bashing Nintendo this time Mr. Knee???, and how is calling Nintendo the Apple of the videogame consoles "bashing". In that case why don't you say I also "tried" to bash Apple while you're at it?, jeez man I'm telling you, you can't make a few jokes around here… and FYI I have owned every iPhone since the original 3g, I also own an iPod 160gb. I have owned a few of Nintendo consoles and as of right now own all three consoles…(PS3, 360 and Wii)…
PS. If it didn't work last time maybe it was because I wasn't actually trying to…

Last edited by Cesar_ser_4 on 8/3/2011 10:07:18 AM

12 years ago

3Ds combined with the new Nintendo Console will be about on par with this. The thing is, Vita, and these kinds of capability are extensions of what has been available with the PSP and PS3 since 2006. I love that Nintendo are looking in the same direction, I think that the integration of a mobile device with the home console is the way to go with regard to the next decade or two of gaming. I love that Sony has been working this ground for a while now, but I am resigned to the fact that they will not be given credit for that work. However, as long as Nintendo and Sony are both working on this kind of technology it will continue to improve. The most unsurprising development to come will be when Microsoft announces that Windows phones can integrate with the 360 via Xbox Live and then claim that it's a completely novel innovation and far in advance of anything Sony or Nintendo can offer. I say unsurprising, because I expect it to happen. Honestly, I'm surprised it hasn't already been announced, I guess Microsoft are slow this year.

12 years ago

What is that long beep sound? Oh that's the Wii U flatlining.

12 years ago

Fanboy alert, Fanboy alert!

12 years ago

The Wii U is flatlining?!?! Someone call an ambulance!!!


I guess I should apologize in advance for that joke.

12 years ago

@Underdog, my orange juice came out through my nose LOL Yes you should apologize 🙂

12 years ago

Ya, that was pretty funny Underdog, you're lucky I'm drinking cheap beer.

12 years ago


If you say the name WiiU slowly, over and over, it also sounds a little like the theme to Dr Who.

12 years ago

LOL Underdog, that was a good one. I wasn't expecting that one.

12 years ago

All beer in the states is cheap. (In cost, not quality)… I'm a little bitter about it still…….

A 6 pack of beer (bottles) here would cost me around $10-11. Stupid government regulated beer sales…. We actually have ads for beer declaring, "Lowest legal price for beer!" They used to advertise 24 for $24.. Then the lowest legal cost got bumped to $25.56…

I want US liquor costs….

12 years ago

Canada sucks… (come on let's be honest about this). Get out of there!!!!

That's crazy about the beer prices. A 24pack of budlight is $14 here.

12 years ago

lol, well the beer prices are the only thing I really like about the US. Felt a huge sense of relief getting back to Canada, that's for damn sure. The women got far prettier once over the river, too. :p You couldn't pay me to leave this sweet-ass country.

In Canada, you can still see people building highrises, and our industry and housing market never stopped growing. :p

As for gov. regulated beer prices, some provinces don't have that anymore. Ontario (where I am) is talking about it now. As is, you can only buy from the LCBO (a store) and "The Beer Store". Both government owned. Should this new bill pass, we'll finally get our booze from any damn corner store that wants to sell it.

By the way, "The Beer Store" is amazing for selection.

Maybe I should write to our local politician to say he's got my vote if he votes for the bill….. maybe I should set up a 1 to 1 meeting perhaps…. Have a little heart to heart… over a glass of scotch…

9 excellent reasons to give props to Canada (I found this really quickly. Lets face it, I don't need to find real reasons as to why Canada is the shiznit. It just is the best!):

Last edited by Underdog15 on 8/3/2011 8:18:21 PM

12 years ago

I die a little inside every time I have to pay $40 for a cheap 24 here in Nova Scotia 🙁

12 years ago

Bud Light isn't beer. It's hamster urine.

…and you'd still need to spend about $25 to get the same amount of alcohol.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 8/4/2011 5:37:40 AM

12 years ago

Dang, I didn't know the Vita could get any more impressive, but it just did.

12 years ago

im just waiting for a release date. This seems to be what emote play use to be. Use to use remote play akk the time during football. Well, when I wasnt watching my home town team. sucked being limited to mysic and psn some psn games

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