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EA: Other Mobile Devices Are Hurdles For PlayStation Vita

Mobile gaming is big and getting bigger. Of course, most of that "gaming" takes place on cell phones and tablets.

That's both good and bad for the video game industry. On the one hand, it raises awareness of portable gaming; if everyone is doing it, more people will be intrigued by the PlayStation Vita and Nintendo 3DS. But at the same time, if they already have a mobile device that plays games – and they're not hardcore gamers – what will entice them to purchase units like the Vita?

This is the angle EA Play boss Jeff Karp tackled when speaking to MCV :

"I think it looks like a great device. But the real challenge for all game handhelds is how they stack up against mobile and tablets. After all, how many devices do people want to carry?

We are a platform agnostic business and we want them all to succeed, but it will be challenge for handhelds. Just look at how smartphones and tablets continue to grow and emerge."

Sony will undoubtedly market Vita to the hardcore gamer, although you can bet they'd want a piece of that massive casual mobile pie. As was the case with the PSP when it first arrived, Sony will try to let the advanced technology speak for itself. And with games like Uncharted: Golden Abyss , the Vita should manage to impress…let's just hope it impresses a great many people.

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12 years ago

I like to have all-in-one devices, but I will carry as many as I think I need (cell phone, PSP, MP3 player ect.) There is a reason why my co-workers call me "Inspector Gadget!"

12 years ago


12 years ago

Real gamers will prefer handhelds to mobile devices and tablets. I love my iPhone, but a great gaming device it is not.

12 years ago

Now while I agree with you jawk, I'm also going to have to respectfully disagree as well.

I consider myself a "real" gamer. I'm not one to play little flash based facebook games and such, I prefer a console and controller over that stuff. I've been playing on consoles since the nes, al the way through to the wicked awesome ps3.

But… I don't have the kind of money needed to afford a ps vita or even a 3ds with the price cut. So where at in the spectrum of " not real gamers " and " real gamers " does that leave people in my position?

While I will always prefer video game hand held systems over my mobile device, I still enjoy sweet games like zenonia 1-3 and even some rpg greatness from the snes era.

12 years ago

Well u know he said *will prefer* I think you would prefer too seing what you wrote. You just can't afford it at the moment butthat doesn't stop you from prefering it over other things O_O no?

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 7/30/2011 5:54:24 PM

12 years ago

We will see what happens and I see a valid point there. I consider myself a hardcore gamer… when it comes to living room gaming. I don't have a PSP because I don't like the cramped screen (for my taste)and so-so graphics. My cell phone is okay for that (I barely game while on the go).
When I game, I just want the best experience posible and to me, that's on a gaming console conected to a huge tv and surround sound receiver.

12 years ago

Touchscreen only equals fail.

" what will entice them to purchase units like the Vita?"

Answer: software, software, software. AND people have to be aware of it. Your average phone gamer has no idea what is available on PSP because I haven't seen a PSP commercial in 6 years. Ad campaigns for it that reach outside of gaming magazines you bunch of numbskulls.

12 years ago

Don't forget the hardware. It is a great little monster inside that PSV. Thats what I say to people: Iphone 5 and Ipad 2 are what? Dual Core plus a 3D chip and cost between 600-900$. You can grab a stronger machine for 250 (quad core, quad 3D)! Then grab a small phone that actually has a battery life longuer than 12 hrs XD

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 7/30/2011 5:57:04 PM

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

Imo you can't really compare the ps vita to a smart phone, ps vita's main focus is gaming while a smart phone's main focus is to be a phone (of course it does more than that, and so does the vita, but that's the focus of the device). I doubt too many people who game on a smart phone actually consider in to be real gaming.

Last edited by Fox hounder on 7/29/2011 11:17:07 PM

12 years ago

no but people who play games, any games, on their smartphones are apt to just go "Why would I buy a device just to play games on it when I have something I can play games with?"

These people know nothing of epicness like Golden Abyss will offer, nor do they care for it. They just want to break out Angry Birds in the break room.

Fox hounder
Fox hounder
12 years ago

Your right. Some people have strange logic, and others just don't know about the great experiences on the psp.

12 years ago

Is all about exclusive games I rarely took my psp out of house and I have a lot of games for it…LOL I can't believe EA doesn't realize that.

12 years ago

oh what a crock of sh*t!
1 since when does the ipad give you graphics and scale of a ps3 game?
2 since when does the ipad give you buttons, something you seriously need in games?
i love mobile devices as much as the next guy, if not more, im married to my ipad.
but they will NEVER take over the handheld market!

12 years ago

I would appreciate it if EA paid more attention to their sagging sports department than what challenges the Vita faces. People in glasshouses shouldn't throw stones.

12 years ago

It's quite funny, because the other day I saw an article regarding how the 3DS was not selling well because of what was offered by Apple and all the tablets and stuff. Of course all of us know that that REALLY IS NOT the reason at all.

It was just the insane pricing it had! $250…for that?!

I honestly don't think that the tablet and smartphone market really challenges the gaming handeld market mainly because those aren't created to play GAMES.

PS Vita on the other hand…yes…now that is a monster gaming machine in the palm of your hands (well…soon to be at least). So it's well worth the $250 for what you're getting! Would have been nice though if it had internal memory -.-

12 years ago

I would not be surprised if this is the last generation gaming handhelds. Actually I'd be more surprised if it isn't.

12 years ago

I really don't understand why EA only sees handheld as a Casual Game market.

12 years ago

I admit, that apple has come along way and has really jumped into gaming stealthly tactics and really just fitted in one day. But all of their games are pretty much only for their touch devices, so their main ipod is the touch which almost every teenager has. Iphones as well.

I can still see it as a gaming device but nothing hardcore. Ps vita looks awesome and I hope that will be the new device everybody is carryign around.

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