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Sony First Addressed PSP Flaws When Developing Vita

When you create a follow-up hardware effort, you attempt to right the wrongs of the predecessor.

And this is exactly what Sony did with the PlayStation Vita. When asked how Vita would improve on the PSP's controls, Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida talked about addressing any errors they may have made with their first portable effort.

"What we didn't do right with the PSP was where we started when we began the development of PlayStation Vita. We were very happy with having something very close to the PS2 experience in a portable format with the PSP, but we didn't do a good enough job creating the proper interface to really play games with graphics in 3D.

The lack of a right analog stick, for example. That's something we wanted to attack with the PS Vita because we wanted to enhance the portable core gaming experience and we have to do it right."

Another issue involved the fact that high-definition gaming came about soon after the PSP released, which immediately made the handheld's graphics appear more outdated. But Yoshida makes it clear that "pretty pictures" wouldn't have been enough, which is why they enhanced the user interface with the dual analog sticks, touch pad, and motion sensors.

With portable and mobile gaming rising with every passing day, Sony wanted to produce something cutting-edge…it's sort of what they do.

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13 years ago

As long as there is constant first party and third party support im down.

The Doom
The Doom
13 years ago

Well the main issue with the PSP wasn't just the system itself. It just didn't have a solid library. Sure it has some gems, but most of the titles were just forgettable…

Warrior Poet
Warrior Poet
13 years ago

I'm not getting a PSV. It looks great, but the PSP actually has ton of really awesome games – you just have to hunt for them more. Especially if you're into RPGs, there are a lot of great originals and PS1 enhanced remakes. Star Ocean, Valkyrie profile, Crisis Core, and a lot more.

I do agree that more of the popular games were worse. Just picked up Renegade Squadron again – I'm trying to sell it – and man, them rebels are about as maneuverable as bricks.

The Doom
The Doom
13 years ago

I didn't say the psp didn't have ANYTHING (i have Crisis Core and Valkyrie Profile), there's just not enough of them.

13 years ago

What did your display picture come from? lol. Excuse the ignorance, I'll seek out all information needed as long as I get a name :p

13 years ago

The PSV is going to be sweet! I will be trading in my PsPgo for one. Definitely.

13 years ago

i have read that the vita will not have a hdmi out. will it have any kind of video out function?

Warrior Poet
Warrior Poet
13 years ago

Nope. As cool as that would be, it's good business not to have it – otherwise, why buy a PS3?

13 years ago

didn't the psp have a video out? i'm pretty sure it did.

13 years ago

Yes the psp slim has video out (never tried it) but I believe that is only for viewing images and movies?

Last edited by Beamboom on 7/8/2011 1:24:07 PM

13 years ago

As a person who really likes recording games and posting them on Youtube, that's really a bummer for me. 🙁

13 years ago

i did some research. the pspgo and slim both had a video out feature. it wasn't just for movies either. there are some people that are apparently upset about this move, and they have said it will affect their decision on a purchase. i don't understand why sony would remove this feature from the more advanced vita. it is a bummer.

13 years ago

Perhaps they'll wait until they do a hardware revision like they did with the PSP. If they really are concerned about stealing from the PS3 then they could always restrict the HDMI signal out for games to SD.

13 years ago

The lack of video out could be explained by any of three reasons, keeps costs down, don't want to compete with PS3 and they surveyed existing PSP owners and found that something like 1% or less actually use the feature.

It's also possible that they decided to keep the focus on this unit on portability, or that an hdmi out will appear on a future SKU. Many things are possible, but on a handheld unit, the lack of a HDMI out port should not be a factor in deciding a purchase.

13 years ago

we dont know that for sure, the system seems to feature the same connector as the psp go, and if im right and were lucky, the component cable for the go should work with this guy, and it better output 720p video. as for hdmi, they can always make a dongle like apple did with the iphone and ipad, which is awesome by the way.

13 years ago

no we do, they did a FAQ on it a while ago, and theres no video out feature.
that alone knocked it off my purchase list, let alone how there CS, or should i say lack of it, has been treating me lately.
again were suppose to call me on tuesday, tis saturday and im still waiting to hear from them!
how rude, telling a customer you will call them back and not doing so.
yet, why does that not surprise me?
thats $ony for ya!
first in line to take your cash, but when it comes to customer support there nowhere to be found!

13 years ago

I'm just hoping that I don't have to wait to long for a new monster hunter or syphon filter game

13 years ago

What the hell is that!

13 years ago

HAHA! "sort of what they do"

13 years ago

Any idea how much AT@T will charge for 3G on PS Vita?

13 years ago

Right now the only launch titles that interest me is Ruin, Street Fighter X Tekken, and Dragon's Crown, Shinobido 2, Hell I give Dynasty Warriors another shot as I personally think DW works better as a handheld title rather than a console titles.

Now I've been saying this for a while now that PSV was going to be a D1P, but I think I'm going to wait it out until I see more ACTION Titles that interest me, but I do still plan on getting one.

Last edited by GuyverLT on 7/8/2011 2:41:30 PM

13 years ago

You should include Unchartered's new title that's being made just for the Vita.

13 years ago

Uh… No! While I like Uncharted I don't like as much as everyone else so no I'm not gonna add it to my list of games I want to see on the Vita although I do realized that a lot of people are excited for that particular, I'm just not.

Last edited by GuyverLT on 7/8/2011 2:59:27 PM

13 years ago

What are we gonna see in terms of PSV/PS3 connectivity? I remember reading that that would be a big thing between PSP and PS3.

13 years ago

We already know about the games ability to save to the cloud and pickup at the same point int he game on the PS3 using the save from the cloud. I'm sure that there will be lots more, the PSV like the PSP is something of a satellite device to the home console. I'd like to see an application on the PS3 that allows you to manage the content on the PSV so that the PSV and PS3 really do work together.

13 years ago

Hey Highlander,
While you're on the subject of "cloud" gaming, have you seen this article yet?

Sony Should Buy OnLive

13 years ago

I hadn't seen that Biker, it's an interesting article to be sure. They talked about all three, but fleshed out only Sony.

Nintendo would never buy On-Live, It just doesn't fit their way of doing things. Microsoft would buy On-Live in order to snuff it out of existence and replace it with their own flawed offering that could never have competed on an even playing field. Sony might buy them, but if they did, I'm not sure what would happen, it might simply be rebadged and put out as part of SOE. I don't think Sony would buy On-Live to snuff it out like Microsoft, but I'm struggling to see where it would fir into Sony.

13 years ago

I never had a problem with only 1 stick on the PSP, it's vastly superior to the competition. Now though with 2 fully analog sticks, Vita goes even further, leaving the competition very much in the dust.

I do hope Sony has learned more about device security over the years as well. I don't want piracy killing this platform in NA.

13 years ago

The PSP couldn't properly run the types of games that Sony had built it to run: PS1 classics and PS2-style Action/Adventure games. While a few of those games managed to be good despite gimped control schemes (e.g., using all four face buttons for aiming, leaving very few for other actions), most were failures.

The PSP therefore quickly stopped getting those games, aside from a few first-party releases, and was relegated to a home for niche titles (albeit niche titles that this community would tend to like). Then, it lost all the buzz it had during that first year, when it was neck-and-neck with the brick DS, and instead became the butt of jokes (outside Japan, where it eventually caught fire).

With a second nub, the PSP *might* have outsold the outdated DS due to a killer line-up of console-style games. I hope whatever PSP-negativity still exists doesn't prevent the PSV from doing just that to the outdated 3DS.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 7/9/2011 7:01:05 AM

Warrior Poet
Warrior Poet
13 years ago

I've had some fun with PSP hardware modding, so opening up my PSP instantly cleared up why there's just one analog stick: The charge circuit is in the way! I guess they could've put it somewhere else, but that's much easier said than done I suppose.

But I do wonder why Sony finalized the PSP with only one stick after they broke so much ground with dual analog control on the PlayStation. I think the controller was one reason the PS2 beat out the Dreamcast – DC is a great system, but its controller wasn't. Dual analog is very, very important to most console games, so I don't understand why they opted out when they were going for a "handheld console experience"

13 years ago

BTW, I like that Vita commercial that's also in the link above, it's shows off a lot more info on the Vita will do.

13 years ago

Anyone else see this claim by LG???

LG: Dedicated gaming handhelds are "over"
PS Vita, 3DS can't match mobile devices, according to electronics firm

South Korean technology giant LG has poured doubt on PS Vita and Nintendo 3DS's chances, claiming that the era of dedicated handheld gaming is "over".

The full article here…..

13 years ago

LOL! Well, no surprise there LG is still annoyed with Sony since Sony beat LGs efforts to block PS3 imports. Of course LG has also bet heavy and hard on smartphones and tablets, so it's absolutely in it's interests to say that kind of thing. Handheld gaming is something it doesn't have a horse in unless smartphones and tablets become the defacto standard. I don't think they will as real gaming devices because of the limitations of their hardware design for control input, but as gaming continues to widen and grow, there is a large market out there for that kind of gaming device. However LG is still mad at Sony, so they have to dismiss the Vita. Kind of like how MS dismisses it – because they have nothing to compete with it and are hoping people will miraculously start buying Windows smart phones.

13 years ago

they are missing several things like

I want apps, youtube, an app store but they did do justice for all with chat on the fly!!!!

13 years ago

sure, ill believe it when i see it!
thats what they said about the go, how did that turn out?
oh, BTW what ever happened to that program you promised us that will let us convert our UMDs for play on the psp go?
sigh……… gone are the days where false advertisement is illegal!

Warrior Poet
Warrior Poet
13 years ago

You can play games with video out, but only with the component cables except on the 3,000 model. Or something.

Besides, the PSP doesn't really compare to a PS2 experience, where the Vita looks much more similar. As much as I love my PSP, I mostly use it to play MP3s and Genesis games.

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