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Last Digital Comics Update For PSP, Other Devices Targeted

The PSP has been updated with a slew of new comics , and you'd best take advantage.

Why? Well, because it's the last digital comics update for the PlayStation Portable. The Digital Comics Team has plans to bring this service to other Sony devices and while they may eventually return to the PSP, you'll have to make do with the current library for a while.

The good news is that the comics assortment for Sony's portable is in excess of 4,000…you wouldn't be able to read all those if you tried! The last batch includes selections from "Batman Beyond," "Archie," "Doctor Who," "Return to Wonderland," "The X-Files," and "Transformers," so there's a diverse array. We're wondering how many people took advantage of the digital comics service on the PSP, and what other Sony devices would benefit from such an initiative.

It's certainly something to read while on the go, especially if you're a comics fan.

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13 years ago

Well this is extremely disappointing. I've been downloading the DC Universe Online comic every time they release a new one. Its helped keep me into the game although I don't play it all the time. Hmmm…. Idk that I'll buy anymore from other places, guess I'll resort to scamming them from online for free somewhere. Don't blame me for stopping the support on my preferred device.

13 years ago

I didn't think this was going to last. I haven't read a comic book since I was in middle school and even if I did still read them I'd rather have the book in my hand instead of reading on the PSP screen.

13 years ago

If I read comics I'd want a hard copy.

13 years ago


13 years ago

Only issue I have is as all this stuff piles up, you got to store it; and if you are a collector you need to store it well… I am actually in the process of, and have been all year, getting rid of everything I don't need. A bit of spring clean one would say…

Personally, the only material things I really want and need are my games console and "up-to-date" PC hardware. Everything else I enjoy is in some form of software format. I have the odd collection of books, but not many – less than ten. I have a few DVD's, Blu-Ray (only BBC's Earth series), and my PS3 games… everything else is bought off the net and is in software form. In addition, I own no physical music albums; everything is bought and stored online. But even this has stopped as I simply stream internet radio where ever I go and at home…

I suspect that in the future I will have select stuff in the cloud, and will pay for such a service if unlimited storage is available. Actually I think such services exist already, but in 5 years time, they will be even cheaper.

In reality I won't need to own anything extra except essentials such as my home (most people try to own a home sometime in their lives), furniture, computer hardware, decent HD 3D monitor/TV, high fidelity sound system, a decent CLOUD service, clothes on my back and a car… some misc equipment if you like doing stuff like camping or playing sport… I am into neither as I can't be in a city state I live in… so no need for those things…

Sport I can do, but I am not into it… and a car here is a hard sell. It is the most expensive place in the world to own a car and again it is not needed as the public transport is excellent…

Granted owning a home can give you a fair share of problems, but if that home is piled to the ceiling with stuff…



Last edited by Qubex on 7/7/2011 3:01:19 AM

13 years ago

Hopefully PSV will have support for the digital comics platforms on IOS and Android devices. The problem with the PSP store IMO was always that I don't want to have media glued to a single device.

13 years ago

isent it a little early to kill off the PSP?
really regretting getting my GO, all the games i want to get for it are either not on the PSN store, or ridiculously expensive!
ended up picking up both syphon filter games for 25 each on UMDs a while ago, but they were over 40 on the PSN!
MNR too was 50 if i remember right, ended up grabbing it for 38.
i thought digital was suppose to be cheaper, not more expensive!
since when do you pay more for less?

13 years ago

woah is me.
I actually downloaded a handful of PSP comics.
That's fine. I think I'd rather have digital comics on my phone anyway.

13 years ago

I wonder if they still are going to keep the PSP up in the market. But considering these things aren't that popular at all, I think SONY might pull these things off the market within 2 years of the VITA's release. That is considering only if they do plant to keep it running along.

13 years ago

Blah, I don't care for none of those titles. So I'm guessing no manga?

13 years ago

I only read comics digital comics but I'd rather read them on my computer screen instead so it doesn't matter to me one way or the other.

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